Ah okay. I might be thinking about someone else then lol
I don't think he bothers much with punctuation, including apostrophes, but I'm never sure about that. B e a u t i f u l
Congrats I actually can't read that one. (Most quirks might take me a second, and the voice in my head sounds weird, but I can read most quirks)...
Seems like a way to show bi gender to me? Sorta makes sense, but it would be hard to keep track of.
Also, fyi, the daily dare started back on Monday xP The good news is that you can still get Gold even if you don't beat Chadley day of.
I mean I love Neopets, but it's not quite as much fun as it used to be? That might just be because most of my neofriends have moved on from the...
Seconding that ^ There's the oft parroted "put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others." But it's repeated so often because it's a good...
*causally reads through and likes entire thread* HOLY SHIT Tbf, some humans react that way
I've been cross stitching for... Geez, over 10 years? I'd love to do lessons, but Idk if I'm going to be available reliably. (Also that's a bit of...
Let's see... 100k for the lot of them? I don't care that much xD I'll set up a trade. What's your un so I know who to accept? Edit: link to trade!
Seebs' porn hub post made it to my Facebook feed. xD
@Carnivore has your 350k come back yet? I don't mind or lending it to you :) Also, I just looked and I have 4 of some of the cheaper lab map...
Credit karma is really really free. You could use that to check your credit?
I need to sleep... But Matilda just started
Hmm, nope. When I do that it doesn't really make sound...
Okay, last post. There was this bumble bee song. I think most people know the first few verses but my friends and I made up a few more to keep it...
There were these call and response songs we did at camp and stuff. The one with my family was: All: Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?...
Oh! The one I know goes [SPOILER] Hmm, there's more but I don't remember it. Pretty sure I heard this one on tv and not in the wild though lol We...
Okay there was this weird rhyme-dance thing in elementary and I have no idea what it was. (I had to look up part of it...) This is for two people...
Oooo, listening to songs on repeat is a stim? nice - listening to songs on repeat (lately the entire hamilton soundtrack... for like the last...
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