I'm blue because that's what my brother was and we have a gym next to our house, so I wanted to prevent a family feud. xD Now, his girlfriend, my...
WOW I'm not good at names, but I named my forever eevee Reevee because that's what a friend called me forever ago and it's cute.
OMG THANK YOU I could not for the life of me figure this out xD Edit: I can't get my avatar to turn when I click the pokemon =/ But the footprints...
ehehehee my parents and i just drove around for like an hour hitting pokestops and catching pokemon. For the record it's 2:30 am.
Last night my brother took me downtown to the park and someone had put some lures on the pokestops there. We almost walked all the way around the...
Eeeeeee I finally got an Eevee (my fav)!!! I can't wait to see what it'll evolve into, since you can't choose. I'd probably be okay with anything.
Bah i got up earlier than usual so I could actually go outside, but servers are down. Sadface.
@WithAnH ME TOO. I don't need to go to bed, but I need to not be walking around outside in the dark xD
Is this where I come to scream about Pokemon Go because AAAAAAAAHHHHHH
I can start whenever as well
Okay Idk if this has been said yet, but I ship Garcia<>Morgan from Criminal Minds SO HARD [SPOILER] I also ship Reid<>JJ
Yeah, I agree with this. Like, I was thinking that Kezria is probably going to have a bit of a conversation with Lukasz before Thayge comes in....
I might have a slight preference for Friday. If the last few weekends are any indicator, I might be busy Saturdays. I don't know how long they...
That's a good point. "Pacifism" might be different... Honestly I'm okay with whatever and I can just have Kezria be the kind of troll that avoids...
Ehhh I don't know, because I don't think Kezria is a pacifist and that makes it a little hard for her to be a signlessist. I mean she can always...
Name: Kezria Maalme Handle: faithfulIntellect (FI) Gender: female Blood color: #A7362E (Rust/Maroon caste) Symbol: Something that looks like a...
[SPOILER] ppppffftttt alskdfjalsdfj I love this rp too much
Last weekend I decided I would teach a 6 year old how to crochet. I got her bulky yarn and a bigger needle. I think actually using the needle is...
I think I was assuming 10 sweeps? 8 (or 9) is another possibility, but that feels too early, mostly because I figure we'd want a little time to...
That sounds good to me, not statndoffish or pissy or anything like that.
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