Catching up on the Space Navy AU instead of studying. Not sure if spoilers, so just to be safe: [SPOILER]
*attempts to kick executive dysfunction in the face* *rolls a nat 1 and it kicks me in the face instead*
I have been fighting executive dysfunction all week, and yesterday I turned my final paper in! Then I went to campus today and did a bunch of...
Also trumpet guy was really hot >.> Oooo and it was great how Yang's theme was changed to a trumpet.
I really liked both of the people on that team. Okay, I didn't like Neon's taunting of Yang, but that aside.
Yesssss I don't know what else to say atm other than yes this good.
Yikes I'm sorry :(
Eeee, I would adore art of my trollsona, Kezria! (Who is my profile pic). I've put most of my art references on her blog, here, along with one of...
holy shit that's terrifying. all the hugs and good thoughts, dude.
Witnessing and hugs
ugh i'm tired and sad and i don't know why the sad and that's frustrating
I'm so fucking pissed I can't even
Oh nooo :( That sucks
There, I think that fixed it.
Oh, thanks. ^^ I'm taking a course called Understanding Second Language Fluency (where second language means a foreign language, not one you grew...
I have a psych test on Tuesday and so I'm reading over the relevant textbook chapters. One of them is Intelligence and there's a side box about...
My only pixel art experience is in "pixelating" pictures. So like taking a picture and making it fit onto a grid so I could cross stitch it. Hmm,...
Starting in middle/high school my mom had my friends calling her by first name. Though sometimes they just call her "Re's mom" xD Before that, she...
ME ME OH GOD DO I I've been cross stitching since 3rd grade. Sometimes I take pictures and pixelate them, but I'd really love to be able to do my...
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