ネートです! Feel free to hop in and comment, especially if I ask for crowd sourced aid or if you see a mistake, but this thread is here for me to talk about my Japanese studies and practice my keyboard skills with the Japanese IME. The software I'm using to learn: Human Japanese Anki Flashcards
In making that I realized that I can't find a single layout map of where the Katakana characters are mapped in the IME. I'm... annoyed. On top of this it seems the thing won't let me use Romaji input, which is extra frustrating.
Anyway, I just finished chapter 7 in Human Japanese. I really appreciate the lack of 'tense' in the language, or at least how few verb forms there are. It means that I don't have to worry about stupid shit and just say things like "Nate desu" and mean "I am Nate" So far Anki has been treating me pretty well though it's kinda fiddly. also ナテ could also be a name kana I think? Not sure. (This assumes that I keep 'Nate' but that's for another thread)
Being able to recognize words while playing Yakuza is really rewarding. I kinda wish I could learn the Kansai dialect though : (
Ok tonight is just a 'go over flash cards' night because I don't want to add too much while some words escape me still. I still need to work on Katakana but my Hirigana reading is actually coming along rather well. Japanese spelling is a lot easier on me too since it's by sound less by weird arcane rules and invisible letters. I mean there's always は being pronounced 'wa' instead of 'ha' but that's... a special thing? And it's a particle or something. Did you know the japanese alphabets are called syllabaries actually?
Particle is indeed what it is! There's two other particles whose pronunciations don't match with the typical pronunciations of the characters besides は too. Namely へ which is pronounced like え (he and e in romaji) and を which is pronounced like お (wo and o in romaji). In general Japanese tends to be pretty regular about this all, though. Kanji's a bit spooky, but there's a lot of lovely little tricks that make that not as frightening too. Some of which I can share with you if you'd like when you get to that? Also for name thing...Assuming Nate is like...nayt pronunciation wise then ネートis my personal inclination. ナテwould be less like Nate and more like...Nah-tay.
Thanks! I really do appreciate the help :D I'm not quite to Kanji yet since HJ introduces things in small groupings to avoid overwhelming.
In other news Anki is great. I've got each chapter separate so far but I think I'm going to combine them once I move on to a new 'group' of chapters. For some reason I have trouble with Goodnight, You're Welcome, and Nice to Meet you (thanks in advanced) Which are, in order: おやすみなさい どういたしまして どうぞよろしく I think part of the problem is that どうぞよろしく keeps catching me off guard somehow. idgi. Just means I have to work on it harder.
however my sight reading of Hirigana is getting faster and I'm getting a little better at Katakana. Negative: tremor makes writing Hirigana an act of futility and rage. I'm HOPING that Katakana with its straight lines will be easier but I don't think it'll be
I need a good song to memories japanese 1 - 10 mostly because they're the building blocks of counting