in the end of the story we will discover that the remnant were just really really into obstacle courses
Yeah, I think the flirting is a little clunky, but more in an endearing way. ME has never been as good as DA at giving you a wide breadth of kinds of characters to be, which honestly has never been a problem for me. With Shepard, it felt like they had more control over the emotional beats and made for a lot of the injokes as time went on. I'm more than happy to put "can't flirt her way out of a wet paper bag" into her character. Just like how having autistic!Shep made her awkward facial expressions I'm a little torn, because on the one hand, i felt like romances developed more naturally in OT, but on the other had BOY am I grateful to know when I'm flirting! I'm in the same boat as @witchknights in I really don't know who i'm gonna romance. If past pattern holds, it'll be Liam, but I also love tol bird lady, Peanut Butter asari, and the only irish video game character who actually has a real irish accent. I just recruited Jaal, so not sure on that front yet. It seems weird for my Ryder to be pursuing romance tho, she has not freaking idea who /she/ is or what she's doing. I suppose we'll see, but rn the romance I really want is the slowest burn of Ryder/SAM.
I know that my Ryder knows she is a little shit, because Spoiler: minor spoiler about something funny I just played poker with Gil, cheated, and won. then gloated about winning!! Also anyone else just got really sad when you got to talk to sibling dear? I like Jaal. Can't seem to understand what's his deal and what the writers thought was his deal, but he's cool and sounds like a nerd, 10/10
*distressed romance noises* Spoiler liam's romance scene where you can go STRAIGHT TO THE GOODS is so sweet!! and if you don't want to go DICK HOPPING it's ok!! you can still continue the romance... WITH A FOREHEAD TOUCH!! that's just too fucking sweet but then vetra is absolutely amazing but then....... jaal is a cute nerd with a romance path that starts with a bromance icon why is this game doing this to me Spoiler GODDAMN MOTHER FUCKING FOREHEAD TOUCH Mass Effect is hurting me personally in my soul
I still can't decide who Salote should romance so I'm bringing it to the forum. The biggest issue I have is I'm not sure quite what she needs from a romance and who can provide it? Like it was clear from early on that my Shepard needed someone to keep her grounded, so Kaidan was a perfect fit. My Hawke needed someone to challenge her and make her grow so Anders was her obvious choice. My Warden needed someone who could help her lighten up a bit and add some light to her life, and that lead to Zevran. I think most of Sal's internal arc is realizing that she can share a lot of traits with her father without actually being her father. Even now she's still in sort of fake it til you make it mode, though post Moshae rescue, she is now fighting for something, and that's helping. So perhaps someone who she can find purpose with? idk, I like Peebee, Vetra, Liam, AND Jaal (though Jaal's physiology weirds me tf out) and i'm failing in this decision.
Hmm. I'd lean towards Vetra with that, maybe? It's a hard choice, because I'm caught between Vetra and Liam myself rn, but Vetra's definitely very driven and I could see her being able to empathize with the "not becoming your parents despite the qualities you share" thing.
So I wanted to ask people here--when did Jaal set up a meeting with the Moshae for you? Bc I'm on kendara and he hasn't yet and I'm really worried that it's bugging (yes I check my emails regularly, it's not there). ETA: This resolved itself once i went further down the main storyline
@bioware if you won't let me date kallo at least let me date raeka pls i love her (yes i'm sad about unromancable salarians just give me this ONCE bioware)
Me, a filthy homestuck at heart, disguised as a normal mass effect fandom person: I wonder what kind of weird tentacle xenojunk people have come up with for jaal
There's a patch rolling out on Thursday, and then some much more in-depth approaches to some of the complain over the next two months!
The patch is already making things much nicer. The faces are noticeably better and skipping planet flight is a blessing ;-; Also, I like to imagine Mom!Ryder singing this to her lil babbies
Vetra just won my goddamn heart and she wasn't even in the room. Spoiler: early but just in case I'm running around exploring ALL THE THINGS in the first outpost, reading terminals One's all "nice job w/ the new post" like a bunch of the others, but it's from Vetra... and has a PS. "And Ryder. I know you're going to get nosy and read this. Hi."
So ME3 had the huge thing with whether Legion was "he" or "it" (and referring to themself as "I" instead of "we" at the end) Now there's "[Ryder gender pronoun], not it" heard in the background at a certain part, which is an interesting reversal. (Especially with the huge reversal in theme; the core of 'protect and preserve' is there, but Andromeda has it centered around growth while I feel the ME trilogy is centered around destruction.) (Also funny because my Ryder might be a girl, but I'm an it and mentally went "no you got it right the first time")
A realization, while I'm getting stomped by wildlife while collecting their body parts for crafting: Andromeda is Inquisition for ME. (Not a bad thing, mind! Just gave me a giggle, that's all.)
Okay, I have an assignment for this thread, since y'all are probably goofy pervs who like all the xeno (I'm including myself in this). But I want some headcanons for wacky alien genitalia. So much interspecies porn I find just has like. Slightly weird dick. And the homestuck in me is unimpressed. So what sort of weird junk do species have?
everytime i see turian porn where they give the turian a human dick i'm just "stop." I WANNA SEE SOME BAD-DRAGON-ESQUE DONGS DOWN THERE YFM. no headcanons tho im not creative in the xenodick territory tbh.
First off I want to just put a general disclaimer that I'm using male and female to refer to categories of sex organs, gametes, and assuming in most cases females carry young and/or provide the large gamete (egg). Biological sex is a spectrum and has a lot f variations, and I'm thinking about what would be considered typical for a species, not exhaustive. I think the only thing I came up with one time was that for turians was that females had the outie and makes the innie. Females idk... Organ or whatever would stimulate release the internal male bits to point of orgasm/release of gametes which would be captured by the female organ. Female orgasm would then let their junk idk, deflate or go flaccid allowing it to retract and deliver male gametes to the equivalent of her womb/Fallopian tube where fertilization could happen. Also interspecies sex is ephemistcally called "cultural exchange".
Omfg I didn't even think about that. It probably becomes like a mark of accomplishment to bang there.... All the cool kids do it.
so i am doing a new game+ as one does and i get to the 'save the moshae' quest and THIS IS IN THE KETT BASE AND IT'S VERY SUSPICIOUS.PNG........ Spoiler: SUSPICIOUS...... >:Ta