
Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Jean, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    The bloodtype thing was discussed in another thread as a derail, but i dont remember which one
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  2. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Probably Fanfic Gripes, given the subject.
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  3. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    Blood type determining it omg. A= alpha, b= beta, AB= maybe it's 50/50 chance (I know that's not how it works shush), O = omega???

    I am thinking way too hard about what is essentially an excuse for writing kinky sex
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  4. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    Also in a a/b/O verse I'm writing with a friend, female alphas have hyena-type clitdicks because why the fuck not. So that's one more thing with that in it?
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  5. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    Multiple alleles without the codominance. Ia/- = alpha, Ib/(Ib or i) = beta, i/i = omega. Using blood type symbols just for illustrative purposes. So Ia > Ib > i.

    Just one possibility, of course.
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  6. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    ngl we're just going with homestuck genitals because W H Y N O T B O T H
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  7. devils-avocado

    devils-avocado tired and gay

    a blessing on both ur fics :toot:
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  8. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    .....My fic focuses around cis dudes, alas. I'm gonna have to write a side story about the ladies.
  9. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    So I started writing a thing. Here is the meta, all of which I stole from various fics in bits and pieces.

    I now understand why other people don't like it, but "everyone is intersex" is still the only thing that makes sense to me, so. To be more specific: omegas and betas are intersex, although chances of getting a beta pregnant are pretty low without preemptive treatment. So alphas are the only ones you can identify at birth; betas and omegas you have to wait until puberty to find out (via scent). Gender is almost entirely mental, and everyone is called a they until development of secondary sexual characteristics. At which point the usual issues with assigning gender designations rear their ugly heads.

    Heats are actually pretty awful to go through without help, since on top of the whole "relentless horniness" thing there's hypersensitivity to everything, potential dehydration, and sometimes fever to deal with. Having someone to make you eat, hydrate, and bathe is just as big a thing as having a sex partner.

    Also! Trans-dynamic...ness... is not only a thing in-universe, but also one of the major issues one of the main characters struggles with throughout the plot. Well, he struggles with the stigma more than anything really.

    ...Aaaand there was more I wanted to say, but I had to go have dinner and I forgot all of it, so this will have to be enough.
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  10. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    Here's a couple of bits:
    Tim was officially designated a he at thirteen, when it became clear that he wasn't developing breasts. That was also when he presented, and he was designated omega at the same time. He wasn't sure how he felt about his new pronouns; they was comfortable, familiar, and he certainly wasn't one of those people who just knew before puberty what they were. He knew how he felt about being an omega, though: he hated it. He hated the way people treated him now, as if he were somehow suddenly fragile; he hated the way his parents suddenly changed their plans for his future -- gone were the plans for him to take over Drake Industries one day; now he was expected to marry up, find some suitable alpha to run the company for him while he played dutiful house husband or followed them about and supported their interests, like his dad.

    “Perhaps that Grayson boy,” his mother murmured. “He's Bruce Wayne's ward -- plenty of money. And word is that he's got a solid head on his shoulders, not like his guardian.”

    Dick… wouldn't be so bad, all things considered, but Tim knew more about Dick Grayson than his mother did, and he knew that Dick prefered other alphas. And, well. Aliens, but then Koriand’r may just be a special case. Tim refrained from telling her this.

    In the end, he didn't think about it too deeply for very long: his parents left again and he's too young for heats still, so the whole thing settled into a kind of background misery, awful but non-urgent. It was in good company; he'd been low-level miserable for years, and he'd become quite adept at not thinking about it.

    Then Jason died. Everything happened in a whirl: watching Batman spiral, going to Dick, going to Bruce, saving their lives, becoming Robin -- he didn't have room to grieve, let alone think about gender, and he put those thoughts aside for quite a while.

    (Being Robin is wonderful wonderful wonderful, with scent-blockers protecting his identity and no one, not even Dick and Bruce and Alfred, no one treats him like an omega.)
    Jason has always hated the way he purrs. It's not the purring itself that bothers him; it's the circumstances. Purring is something people -- particularly omegas -- do to signify happiness and contentedness, but also something they do to self-calm in times of stress. He did it a lot as a kid, but he learned to control it early on; it was too revealing, made him a target. By the time Bruce picked him up, he'd pretty much broken his purr reflex and couldn't do it even when he was happy. It didn't help that he was constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop and as such was low-key stressed most of the time. There had been a few times when he felt completely secure and he thought, maybe… But it never happened.

    The Lazarus Pit, along with destroying his control over everything else, stripped away his control over this. He wasn't thankful for it. Here, surrounded by assassins, it made him even more of a target than it had when he was a kid. Soon enough, it was completely suppressed again. Or, nearly completely. When he was alone, later on in Gotham, he found himself purring weakly, shaky and broken, in fits and starts. He worked harder to destroy it after that.

    Now, he was… not cursing that, but not pleased with it either. It was another way he was broken, defective, and he knew it bothered Tim that he never purred back.

    He doesn't bring it up with Tim.

    ...Apparently Tim didn't get the memo, because he brings it up with Jason.
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