A Girl, Her Demon and a Race Against Time (Chrono Crusade)

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by OtherCat, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. pinnedbutterfly

    pinnedbutterfly *sparkles*

    @OtherCat liaison group AU is my OTHER baby, so I'm glad you like it! also hell blazer AU wasn't actually much like hell blazer to my knowledge--literally the only things hellblazerish were the facts that inuyasha would have been able to see demons and kagome's twin or older sister Kikyo (super unoriginal, I know) was either dead or missing (I can't remember which), and Inu was gonna help with finding her or solving her murder case. I based the idea off of a summary of the hellblazer movie I saw on tv, since I've never actually seen it myself.

    as for liaison group AU, I'm not sure about the ending yet! I'm leaning toward a mixture of the two--Pandaemonium won't be as cut off from earth, maybe??? Currently though the most ideas I have for it are for the prequel, which is about how Joshua&Rosette meet Chrono (among other things that I haven't decided yet).
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  2. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    This is such an Aion song for me.
  3. pinnedbutterfly

    pinnedbutterfly *sparkles*

    I have multiple playlists in progress for CC. Most of them probably aren't very good but I had fun making them and I'm probably going to remake some of them at some point! I might even make fic soundtracks bc I'm a Nerd.
  4. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    I have a small headcanon for Florette. In the anime, the flashback where she tries to fight Aion, she uses a sword, and takes a fencing stance. Later, we see her with a huge honking halberd. My headcanon is that Florette is an awesome fencer! And has won competitions. Aion of course, still kicks her ass. Later, Aion takes one look at teeny Florette and her fencing foils and went, "nope. You are not fighting demons with knitting needles. You need something with reach that will make a dent in your attacker," and the next thing she knows she's swinging a polearm. Florette is slightly passive aggressive about this change in weaponry.
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  5. pinnedbutterfly

    pinnedbutterfly *sparkles*

    I really, really like that and also...for some reason that made me think she could be a weapons specialist in 1 or more of my AUs. Or like. Train new recruits. Bc tiny badass no-nonsense florette demonstrating proper stances and junk....
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