A Wicked Convergence of Circumstances Mk 2.0

Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by OtherCat, Dec 19, 2018.

  1. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    ...And now the lap top battery doesn't appear to be recharging. This is a new computer. All I can think is there's something wrong with the cord.
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  2. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    I have been watching the Untamed and reading a lot of Untamed fanfic. I love Wei Wuxian and Lan Wanji (so) Has anyone created a fandom thread for The Grand Master of Demonic Cultivation yet?
  3. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    Guess what isn't recharging now? The lifeline phone. It's been not letting me call out or get text messages of and on since I got it. According to the message I'm getting there is an outage. There has been an outage the entire month. I am mad enough about the problems with the lifeline phone I am going to see about getting a regular phone.
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  4. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    20200702_183957.jpg 20200702_183914.jpg

    New glasses! Pair on the left are regular glasses, pair on the right are reading glasses. No I hsve no idea why the pictures are sideways.

    Please ignore everything else that isn't the glasses.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
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  5. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    Not much to report. My brain has been eaten by a Chinese drama called The Untamed. I haven't been able to get a lot of writing done because of Real Life.
  6. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    Okay so, i do have a special interest, which I have not indulged enough mostly because said interest seems to freak people out. The interest can be split into: a) mythological, legendary creatures from medieval bestiaries or early natural philosophers like Pliny. b) actual animals given strange traits by same. c) unreal places from medieval travelers tales AND real places given unlikely demographics and traits. d) fairies elves and super natural creatures. NOT cryptids or aliens though.

    In related news it always surprised me that the old dungeons and dragons monster manual had the catoblepas but not the bonnacon, which frankly was the more dangerous animal.

    Yes, the catoblepas could THEORETICALLY turn you to stone with its gaze. Note the theoretically. A catoblepas has a lot of thick hair on its head, completely covering its eyes. In addition, its neck is too weak to lift its head. It's not physically capable of turning you to stone.

    Bonnacon are a lot more dangerous. Its a big bovine looking creature whose horns curve toward each other in a useless was. This is fine because it defends itself with projectile, burning diarrhea. To make it even more plain: Ferdinand shits napalm.

    This is a round about way of saying i put a bunch of supernatural animal books and medieval wth books on my book list
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2020
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  7. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    I have a puppy! I will at some point have pictures of the puppy. At the moment he appears to be sleepy and/or jet lagged from his trip in the car. I am planning on getting him trained as an emotional support animal. (I already have it set up with my pcp, and she's filled out the paperwork for my apartment complex.
    • Winner x 3
  8. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    Next step is signing him up for obedience classes when I have the money for it.

    And finding out how to get him the Official Service Animal Classes and The Little Blue Vest of Fuck Off He's Working.

    Not that people actually pay attention to the damn vest from what I've observed.

    So far I need to teach him "no" and "drop it" for lo, he hath attempted to play with power cords, chew on my rug and take a nap on my linen shelves.

    These are all good examples of why the little booger is being crate trained.

    We are playing a game called Distract Roy from Eating My Furniture or Rug.
  9. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    .....I wanted to upload pics but I'm getting error messages.
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  10. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    I have seen trailers for "Raised by Wolves" and am slightly miffed for two reasons. The basic theme seems to be two androids (named Mother and Father) raising children to be Atheist because religion is totally the reason why the planet Earth was destroyed. The colony is eventually found by "Mithraists" ...which is inherently annoying to me. Said Mithraists attack the androids and try to steal the kids. Mother is not happy. If you're going to do Atheism vs Religion, it should be a current effing organised religion(s) Not the Boys Only Religion, as fun as it is to say Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (sp). The other annoying thing is that the androids were not given names. They were given functions/titles. Maybe don't do that. (It would be tempting to name them Ask and Embla)
    • Witnessed x 1
  11. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    I finally have the Nursing Assessment scheduled, which is the nyext stage in my evaluation for autism! Holy shit was this hard to do. The PCP was supposed to fill out a physical. The PCP sent incomplete documentation and would absolutely NOT believe they could have done this. So it took about a week before I could get them to fill out the documentation correctly and send it, which they did. The Nursing Assessment Wednesday the 30th of Sept.

    The puppy has murdered the cheap dollar store toy I bought for him after he murdered the Ill Advised Toy someone else bought for him. (The Ill Advised Toy was a plastic ring with a "gem." You put a little ring of jerky between the plastic ring of the toy and the gem. Puppy had murdered the ring, so I had to throw it out before he choked on it.) Puppy has also murdered his plushy donut. He still has the rope toy.

    Things puppy needs which are on my amazon wish list:

    One of those satchel/sling carriers
    A crate (he is currently living in a borrowed carrier which I am afraid he is going to break because it is old and missing screws. Also it's dark for him.)
    crate pad
    crate cover for night night
    Hidden Treat Toys
    All of the rope toys
    A Harness
    A leash for the harness. (current leash is a martingale slip lead, it hasn't got a hook.)
    A collar
    a clicker?

    In other news, I have been hand washing my clothes in a small basin in tiny increments because:

    There is probably no money on my laundry card.
    Even if there were money on my laundry card the washer or dryer would break or be broken
    Even if there were money on my laundry card I would end up spending way more on one load of laundry than I want to because of the breaking washer or dryer.
    I am low on cash and can't take my laundry to the coin op down the street.
  12. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    I had a dream I was going to move to Michigan. The town where jacktrash lives. (He lives in Michigan right?) Possibly with help from his friends? It was a weird darn dream.

    I was thinking in the dream how easy it would be since I have SSI now while also trying to figure out how to move furniture and worrying about any laws involving pit mixes.

    I also remember worrying about humidity. I grew up in Indiana and still remember how thick the air would get.
  13. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    Autism specialist feels that yes, I have an autism. I not expect a special certificate with the relevant information and the assessment. Really. Honest. I kind of feel that I deserve an award for putting up with the bullshit of getting this done when everyone seemed very fucking determined to keep me from getting the fucking assessment though. Southwest Autism Center of Excellence says they are sending all the notes/assessment to my behavioral health people. Who kind of suck so who knows if they'll get me services/assistance or sets me up with groups.

    Frankly, I am getting more help reading twitters from adult autism advocates. Snarky snarky help.

    I am getting ready to move. The move in date is the same date as the inspection. The inspection should go through but I have this horrifying mental image of arriving with all myyy stuff and I can't move in after all. (Even though the complex generally always passes their inspection.

    I am re-reading Space Bro and Vriska raising alpacas immediately makes me think of Ursula Vernon's friend/housemate/dweller upon her extended property Neolithic Shepherd. Who lives in a yurt. On seven acres of reforested property that used to be a tobacco plantation owned by a black woman. And is a shepherd. The Shepherd is not a lot like Vriska though. More like if Karkat and John had a beautiful paradox hatebaby together.

    Today is my birthday and I did not get cake because my shopper is a twit and I did not see her question about refunding in time. I am displeased.

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  14. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    So I play Flight Rising. The game requires spreadsheets so you can keep track of everything. I had an excel file with sheets for tracking genes I wanted to give my dragons, track offspring, and a sheet for names. I have decided to move all this to my Evernote account. This is like, the third time I've revamped my system!

    Other things I am using my Evernote for:
    • Grocery Lists
    • Saving Articles
    • Cookbook/recipes
    • Notes to Self
    • Bullet Journal
    • Writing snippets (when I think of it.)
    So far it has been very useful. I have the app on both my phone and on my laptop.
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  15. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    ...Tables in Evernote can apparently have a situation where the columns start expanding and don't stop! And there is no apparent way to fix it. So I had to delete a bunch of tables.
    • Witnessed x 1
  16. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    On the upside, I finally have a spreadsheet for my dragons that includes everything I want it to include. Now I just need to figure out how to made notations for lineages.
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  17. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    There's going to be an apartment inspection either today or tomorrow and the apartment is a mess. Also I am in the middle of packing, so I can't actually clean anything because I want stuff packed before I start all of the cleaning.

    So far I've packed more living room stuff, all the cleaning stuff I'm not going to be using, the toilet paper and the pantry. I was going to take out the garbage but never got around to it because it rained.
    • Witnessed x 1
  18. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    Today I was able to throw out a bunch of stuff! I was also able to pack some more things, from the bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. (I move around a lot from room to room.) Once everything reaches the point of ultimate packedness, I will start cleaning. Which is going to be fun since I'll be moving boxes around, as well as furniture.

    Most of what hasn't been packed are my pillows, the toilet brush, the plunger, the plates, some baking pans and a few other odds and ends.

    I was supposed to get an inspection but it has not happened. This is more or less a good thing since the bathroom door has a hole in it. Why does it have a hole in it? Because the doorstop didn't. That is why the bathroom door has a hole in it. I'm going to be attempting a repair.

    I am happy and anxious about the move. How much more happy I am than anxious depends from moment to moment.
    • Winner x 1
  19. idiomie

    idiomie I, A Shark Apologist

  20. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    Pretty much everything has been packed at this point! The only things out are a few odds and ends. I have made a repair attempt on the door. I don't think I did too badly. I have also created a Master List of things I need to do/clean. I'll be breaking it up into tasks as I go along.
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