I am currently really busy (new opportunity) so I won't be around much until after mid October. I am using most of my social and intellectual energy on that. New opportunity may turn into a job (I refuse to believe it is concrete until I get a paycheck, because life has a habit of stealing my shoes and scattering broken glass on the sidewalk).
Is about to leave CA! Is about to go to new place - new places are bad things. Anyways - while on the road may or may not plop in here when is at motels what has free wifi. (I is really good at demanding routines and being unpredictable at the same time.)
We has arrived at our new home! Was probly the worst road trip I's ever been on. And no, traveling across the north part of the US by car is NOT interesting. Is a long gray line stretching out forever in front of you as grass grows to either side. Except the places where it is piles of rocks. There's not enough piles of rocks to make the endless grass interesting. Anyways, is safely in the land of ice and snow and might be here sometimes.
Now I’m not a heavy poster anyway BUT I’ve got my wedding in like... less than two weeks and I’m basically turning off my internet for a week beforehand because I am my own wedding planner and I’m starting to bridezilla hard. I don’t need to watch myself start tearing up strangers on the internet, so no internet. If computer then Stardew Valley. After that honeymoon, which will go until midmay, so my crazy ass will be terrorizing real life instead of cyberspace for like the next........ month. We just want to LIMIT drunken catfighting out of me, ya feel
Slightly worrisome that I was the last person to use this thread, but I want a record here as one of my last posts in case anyone becomes curious in the future. I am going to leave Kintsugi for a semi-indefinite hiatus; semi-indefinite because I have a minimum hiatus length but not a maximum. I'm officially starting a less-internet lifestyle which I wanted to do for ages but didn't. And honestly, constantly kicking around a forum that makes me feel angry half the time I go there is the first thing that's getting the axe with cutting out the amount of internet I do. I'm going to stop being on Kintsugi until 2019, so approximately a midsummer-midwinter stretch, but with a delayed ending, because of the delayed start. Honestly I was planning this post for days now but didn't have to time off of work to fuck around online. I'm going to stay logged in until... eh, two days from now, ish, and officially log off on Tuesday night, just in case anyone wants to get into contact with me beforehand. If after the six-month period I want to kick it around here again I will, since the thing I'm doing here, and with other websites, is interneting less, first and foremost. If I cut down my willful internet intake enough I may come back. I don't want to waste long days online anymore; I know I don't like it and that I feel better when I don't even have the choice to do it, so I'm making that change now. If I have to waste the day I may as well be reading, which does make me feel good. Y'all're cool kids, honestly, and I'm not moving out because I just hate everyone and have always secretly hated you. That's not the case. I want less internet in my life and above all less internet drama in my life, and I existed on this forum for a long time without really doing drama, but it's exponentially harder now. So nah. Unfortunately I'm hard to contact in general but if you wanna keep in touch at all dudes let me know and we'll see what I can do.
I need to go away. Am having a friend change pw so cannot keep.having refresh / checking anxoety. Have asked for ban before, but afraid to ask.now bc there was hesitance with request before. Am goodbye.
Being told my vent thread is "public" makes me disinclined to post there, and everything else makes me disinclined to post anywhere else. PM me if you want to keep in touch, I should be Discord-enabled soon and in the meantime I'll be here but probably not posting. Peace out.
I got into an independent living program (!!!!) and am moving in today (!!). They don't have internet, though people set up hotspots through their phone and I can do the same, but my laptop isn't ready yet so it'll be a minute. I'll also have my phone, but it's kind of a pain to navigate with. So I won't be completely gone, but I won't live on the site like I used to between difficulty accessing and the fact that I'm going to be. Doing stuff. Getting my shit together.
I’ll be out of town from tomorrow till Sunday afternoon, and likely won’t be on much, if at all, during that period. I’ll tell you guys all about the trip when I get back! :D