alex rambles about schizotypal personality disorder

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by chaoticArbiter, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    and now, more fun times with stpd:
    person: *messages me* hey we haven't talked in forever, I miss you, are you okay?
    me: *groaning* oh god not this again, go away
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  2. Carnivorous Moogle

    Carnivorous Moogle whose baby is this

    man i don't have the spoons to list all of it in a way that makes sense right now but honestly a lot of that list sounds a lot like me, the biggest exception being the limited emotional intensity part (sometimes, anyway--i can try to record my emotional states/intensity at different times but actually remembering them is an idon'tevenknowfuck).

    like. it's weird, though, because the rituals don't feel like a thing-to-avoid-bad-things, but more like a thing-to-attract-good-things? and being able/willing to indulge them is usually a sign of better mental health for me, at least as relating to my other issues?

    like, if i'm having a horrible depression/ADHD/selfcare/overstimulation/time abyss/etc day i might be aware 'oh yeah, it's 4:44... i happened to look then... cool...' but if i'm having a better day my inclination is more 'oh man i looked at the clock right at 4:44, good stuff's gonna happen this evening!!!' which gives me the benefit of a self-fulfilling prophecy if nothing else. weird rituals mostly have positive connotations for me, and essentially if i can't be arsed to care about a ritual it's because i'm having a day where good things feel pointless.

    like... on the one hand i feel like it might not be a good idea to encourage them, and i don't try to exactly? more like i try to assign a 'significant' moment to my brain trying to remind me of something i should be taking care of. so instead of thinking 'oh fuck i looked at the clock at 3:33 i'm gonna get in a fight with someone today shit fuck shit' i try to make it 'okay i looked at the clock at 3:33 and noticed that i did, is there anyone i'm upset at or who i feel like has a grievance with me? have i been ignoring or dreading that? what can i do about it?'

    tl;dr i personally try to combat 'signs from the universe' feelings by assigning my own meaning to a sign... or rather, to the fact that i'm noticing it, and what's usually going on in my head if i'm noticing it. or at the very least using them as a free reminder to do self-care checks. i dunno, that got rambly sorry
  3. Carnivorous Moogle

    Carnivorous Moogle whose baby is this

    oh god it's meeeeeeeeeee
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