All Aboard the Floating Dumpster: Trash Ships Ahoy

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by jacktrash, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. Sol

    Sol needs a coffee

    i'm always a slut for psiicon.

    bronus is so good. the trash can and the garbage man. a match made in trash heaven <3333
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  2. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    I am here for Dave/Rose in that I am absolutely here for anyone that can make Dave catastrophically lose his shit and go from Stoic Cool Kid to Gagging For It in under 30sec. Watching Rose do it via psychoanalytics and/or horrorterror fuckery is just gravy.

    Is it because my husband is also a Stoic Cool Kid and I want to do that to him? PROBABLY but this is the wrong thread for that
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  3. Sol

    Sol needs a coffee

    oh man speaking of stoic cool kid losing his shit, rosloz is creeping its way into my sin pile. it's a bit of a rarepair (a bit!!! hahahahaaafuck) but the potential for creepygoth fuckery is real. grimdark vs chucklevoodoos fight fight fight!
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  4. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    *sliiiiides into chair across from you*
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  5. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    fuck i love psiicon. just. UGH. hits all my manipulative femme fatale in power kinks as well as helpless incapacitated soul kinks ON TOP OF by the way this incapacitated soul could kill you EXCEPT YOU WON'T LET IT and just guuuuuuuuuh. especially w quadrant vacillation. SO MUCH quadrant vacillation.
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  6. Sol

    Sol needs a coffee

    there are only TWO WORKS on ao3 i am in rarepair hell. i v much recommend "I want you so much (but I hate your guts)" though bc it's by a friend of mine who rps the garbage with me <3

    the best psiicon is psiicon where she flips from kicking his shit in to being really sweet to him like whiplash. poor bouy.
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  7. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    Bonus points for Stockholm Syndrome because of course
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  8. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    jasper/lapis is such an artistic trash ship. just the composition of any panel they're both in makes my artbrain sing.
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  9. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    i think i mentioned it in the other thread but i still ship russia/america a little (a la hetalia, not in general) but what i didn't mention was rhack. so much rhack. give me unhealthy power imbalance and hero worship, give me stockholm, give me it all. i do really hate those fics that are written by jack stans though. it's like people look at him and go "oh, he did all that stuff but he didn't mean it!" have you seen handsome jack? he doesn't do anything without 100% meaning it. and there's all the gooddad!jack fics (which i actually read sometimes oops (ANGEL DESERVES BETTER)) and the innocentbabbu!rhys fics and. BLURGH. terrible characters are terrible quit trying to make them not to justify your own terrible behavior.
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  10. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i don't know what fandom that is, what's rhack?
  11. Erica

    Erica occasionally vaguely like a person

    drarry 100% counts as a trash ship either way because: at this point what are we even shipping? fanon drarry is so entirely different from canon drarry that they might as well be entirely new characters. (also i ship drarry like burning but i don't actually like canon draco, and fanon draco is worse, so i'm just, casually sitting over here, shipping some vague concept of a character i don't really know how to define)

    i don't actually belong in this thread bc most my ships are fairly tame. or they could be super trash, but the way i characterize them they're, not? example a: chara/frisk, which has so many Problematic Fuckery options, but i run w the narrachara crew and basically diamond the hell out of these two children which sort of, removes some of the Main Problematic Elements from the ship so SHRUGS i'm a bit boring but if that's okay i'm gonna stick around and observe for a while bc i'm like 90% certain i used to have this kind of trash ships before tumblr happened SO
    ((also, not actually relevant but smth i've been thinking about for a while concerning tumblr and trash ships: i feel like a lot of the conflict here literally just comes from people having different definitions of what constitutes 'shipping'. like, for you guys it seems to be 'i like the way these characters bounce off each other, be it for purposes of Cute or for fantastic breakdowns and manipulation and Pain', while for a lot of tumblr shipping means 'these two characters are cute together and would be happy in a relationship'))
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  12. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    borderlands fandom, it's a video game. this is handsome jack, aka the antagonist of the second game:


    yes, that is a mask of his face on top of his face. interesting story there too, but i don't wanna spoil it b/c it's kinda a big plot point. and this is rhys, aka the guy who wants more than anything to be his boss (jack):


    he's from the telltale series "Tales from the Borderlands" which is an offshoot story mode kinda dealy-o. he is a dork and in way over his head.
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  13. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i'm super curious about the mask and unlikely to play the game, could you explain it under a spoiler cut?
  14. Sol

    Sol needs a coffee

    seconded! please explain about the mask someone i follow on tumblr draws a LOT of handsome jack porn and i have not idea what im looking at half the time.
  15. hyrax

    hyrax we'll ride 'till the planets collide

    it might not look like trash on the surface, but i submit for your approval: Jeeves/Wooster, with all the class issues firmly intact. i'll never forget the moment my boyfriend and i were talking about who we'd rather marry, Jeeves or Wooster, and he observed that being in a relationship with Jeeves would be like being in a full time D/s relationship. we both went quiet for a moment, then said "oh my god Jeeves and Bertie are in a full-time D/s relationship." Jeeves the service top, who controls everything Bertie wears and eats, and makes most of his big decisions, and punishes Bertie for not following his advice. and IMO this is totally represented both in the books AND the tv show.

    i don't know if it's better if Bertie is openly and self-awarely gay, or if he's the only oblivious non-homo in his entire circle of acquaintance. "47 Ginger-Headed Sailors" indeed.
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  16. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i love jooster so much, but i never really thought of it as a trash ship. it could really be framed as one, though, you're absolutely right.
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  17. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal


    okay so in the games there's these things called vaults that everyone wants because they're rumored to hold everything from unimaginable power to untold riches to universal wisdom to fantastical creatures, so they hire (or become) vault hunters. in the pre sequel (the game between the first game and the second) you meet a guy named jack who works for a weapons company called hyperion. he's kind of a narcissistic little shit but overall not a horrible person that we can see. you go to meet him on hyperion's space station which is in orbit around the moon of pandora (the planet you are on in the first and second game) to get the deets on a vault. while there, soldiers from a rival weapons company called dahl raid the station. they end up on elpis (the moon) to try and fix things (tl;dr version).

    as the game progresses, it becomes more and more clear that jack is a bit (and by a bit i mean a lot) power hungry and will use anyone to get his way, and that the thing they were searching for to fix the station was actually a thing to unlock the Vault of the Warrior, which contains an alien superweapon that jack wanted for Ultimate Power. he finds the vault empty except for a symbol floating in midair, which causes him to have visions of the warrior. they stop him and the symbol of the vault is seared onto his face. he goes insane and he attempts the whole second game to find another vault to "cleanse" pandora of the "bandits". so genocide, basically.

    he takes over hyperion and makes everyone call him handsome jack, probably because his face is all fucked up now. the end.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
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  18. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    this is postvault! jack. he's the one talking. this is also why jack stans drive me nuts:

    edit: ohhh i should probably put a cw: descriptions of gore.

  19. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    Handsome Jack is an utterly fantastic villain
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  20. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    heh, because wearing a mask of your own face isn't fucked up at all :D
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