Hmm, yes, all I can see with my magnifying glass is a lot of fur... I think I saw a flea, too... (Also I will be at uni at 9:30PMEDT because whee time zones) I can come to no conclusions, so I must say: !NoLynch
I am loath to let the miscreant roam free, but prudence is prudence, and it would not do to turn on an innocent accidentally for lack of information. !NoLynch
The villagers awoke the next morning. They did a head count. One of their own was missing. It was Budgie. Village Lynch: None Mafia Kill: Budgie (Tiger - Villager)
heh, well, i was going to apologize for missing casting my vote due to buses, but i see it doesn't matter.
oooooo true! i'm really just amused that i signed on to apologize and found out i was eliminated. goes to show what comes of suggesting that maybe lions aren't all that. *disdainful sniff* oooo
((sorry for not being on time to vote, whoops xP probably wouldn't been no lynch anyway)) Oh, no! Another of our friends has died? D=
It seems that someone is after our big cat friends... This is most troublesome... A case of hatred against cats, perhaps?
Oh. right, thisssss exisssstsssss. !Nolynch because I wasssss dissssstracted and now don't have time to actually think about thisssss.
I guess I can go with pacifism too, for the time being. Not much new evidence has come to light. !NoLynch