Apparently I don't get how conversations work

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by Gyro Zeppeli, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. Gyro Zeppeli

    Gyro Zeppeli Pseudo Anti Cult Leader

    Edit: Please stop posting here, the original topic in discussion has been handled
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2016
  2. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Tone and wording might be it. "This is why you're wrong" is a very bad way of handling conversation with many people. That signals a fight and people get defensive. I know I myself would get very defensive and pissed off about it. The word actually tends to be awful too. Avoid this if possible. Again it comes off as signaling a fight or like arrogance. There's a lot of little shit like this that might be part of it? A thing I've noticed that tends to rankle people is sounding too clinical when talking about things like preferences. Because then you sound like an arrogant twat. Not sure if you have that issue. But it is one related to the topic at hand that I've noted that causes issues.

    Also talking with Brotherhood ans about FMA 2003 is a gambit and often a losing one. I honestly just don't bother in most cases.
  3. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    ...that doesn't seem like shit-stirring to me honestly? I suppose the IDK can sound a bit flippant though? Like how an emote can just send people into a rage because of a sudden tone shift that you didn't notice. Hrmm.
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  4. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    I think that honestly part of it might come from just, people being kind of touchy when discussing things they're fans of? Like, I've had people take my discussions as being overly aggressive when I was really just expressing an opinion, because it was an opinion that in some way was negative about a thing they liked.

    If that makes sense?

    Like, people just kinda get sensitive about these things and tend to read aggression where there is none, sometimes? I can't say for sure without seeing each interaction, but from my best guess that's what's happening.
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  5. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    These seem to be topics that are tied to incredibly high stakes things like identity or sexuality. Maybe it's not so much having a different opinion as treating the topic more lightly than it feels to the other person? I'd say with more loaded topics, it helps to go further out of your way to acknowledge and accommodate a conflicting opinion.

    Like just for example, instead of bluntly asking why someone liked a particular character, perhaps add by way of explanation that you didn't feel like you were personally able to connect to that character as much. With the RP thing, maybe go on to say that you hadn't realized listing kinks might be uncomfortable for some people.

    It's not just verbal fluff, it specifically suggests that the fault, if there is any, might be yours. The point is to demonstrate that you are taking the other person's opinion seriously enough that the outcome of the conversation might change something for you. And really, what is the point of having a conversation if there's no possibility that it could have an impact?

    I don't know if that helps any. This does not seem like an issue where you're doing anything wrong so much as part of an ongoing communication problem. With communication, it requires the participation of more than one person to move from idiosyncrasy to problem. In any case I doubt there's a single easy fix.

    For what it's worth, I haven't noticed any issues with your conversation. I haven't been around very long, but so far it has all seemed fine to me?
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  6. Existrum

    Existrum Member

    Oh man I feel you on this. I used to have this problem all the time - but only with face to face communication. I don't know if I just do it less in written communication or if it really is my tone that made me come off as aggressive, but lately I haven't had anyone telling me that they feel like I'm being aggressive and I hope what it means is that I've fixed my tone (something I thought wasn't possible because how does one just completely alter the way one speaks?) and not that people have just stopped telling me.
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  7. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    That... seems like a totally normal conversation to me. And if it was an argument you hardly made it that way all by yourself? I give up, I have no idea what's going on.
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  8. Existrum

    Existrum Member

    Also your partner is just wrong. What you were doing looks to me like offering a different point of view that explains why people do X and understanding could allow other people to feel less angry.
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  9. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    Has this recently become a point of contention between you and your partner? I get the impression something set this off.
  10. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    I just feel like I'm missing some important background. If a variety of people have been saying this for years, did something happen that prompted you to post about it now?

    If not, that's cool. I'm not trying to make you justify your timing or anything. Just trying to understand better through whatever avenues I can think of.
  11. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    That's totally understandable. Sorry for giving you the third degree. I hope you find some answers. ^_^
  12. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    it might be partly based in their perception, and not anything you're specifically doing. i know that i tend to be hypervigilant about tone and anything not obviously friendly can ping me as hostile even if that wasn't the intent.

    or it could be a social thing where being sure of yourself and confident in your opinions can read like being rude or pushy because [train noises]
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  13. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    i do the same thing, and i don't see anything wrong with these conversations. however, knowing your audience seems to be the key for me. sometimes people disagree and want the thing to drop after a sentence, and then i'll still want to engage with the subject and continue talking about it. it seems to be, for me, a fundamental disconnect in the level at which people want to engage in the conversation. most people want that superficial one sentence-next sentence-drop it quip, which makes it uncomfortable if i explain my reasoning for why i said next-sentence, because that's not what they want. they want bare claims or opinions and not necessarily the reasoning. however, if you get into a deeper conversation, then yeah, all participants will be talking about their reasoning, including me.

    part of what i recognize in all these exchanges are differences in opinion. and i think it might be the case that it's okay to say "i disagree" without substantiating it.

    to go "that could have gone better" on the partner conversation:
    partner only wanted to engage on a superficial level. by defending your opinion that you like it, after they disagree, they see it as an argument rather than an explanation of the disagreement. "argument" here as in the sense of attempting-to-persuade. your partner doesn't want to be persuaded here and gives another reason why they disagree, i think because they're uncomfortable that your opinion differs and that you're trying to persuade them:
    this is where it gets weird, because you agreed with them, but not in the way they wanted to be agreed with. seems like they just wanted to have their opinion and you have yours and not have you substantiate yours, and that you continued to engage with it and explain your reasoning came across as (for lack of a better word) proselytizing.

    to substitute a could-have-gone-better:
    Me: Omg this pic of Pharah -links it-
    Them: Eh I don't really like that build on her, doesn't seem canon.
    Me: I thought it was pretty neat to think about, and I know you are into lorge and in chorge girls, so I thought you might like it.

    that's the only thing i can think of that would keep the conversation on a superficial level instead of an explaining-reasoning level.

    this doesn't make any sense, probably, but this is the only thing i can think of that's the common thread across the interactions you want to debug.
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  14. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    hmm. just from what ive seen of your posting here you seem to have a background in logic and (im guessing) debate, which might be influencing how you present your opinions? so it might feel to them like persuasion/have a persuasive undertone even if you don't intend it as such
  15. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    i think it's the "why" that they just don't care about. it took me a while to learn that i didn't have to cite reasons for my opinions like i'm writing a MLA-style college-level essay. for some reason people treat "explaining reasons" as "attempt to convert" and? no? that's not what i'm doing?

    but people tend to get offended anyway because it's what they perceive. i'm not trying to be right, it's just an opinion, but i do have reasons for my opinion, and i'm not saying your opinions or your reasons for them are bad--in fact, i'd like to know yours--because for fuck's sake it's just an opinion about anime jesus.

    some people are also just sensitive about disagreement. (f'r instance, emotional abuse and ptsd from it can ingrain in the survivor's head that having Opinions is Dangerous, and people who substantiate their Opinions are the Dangerous ones, and explaining your Opinions means you are Always Right, and sometimes the survivor wants to be right for once.)
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  16. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    i keep having to double-check whether this thread is in the sperglord forum because this entire thread is basically "neurotypicals amirite"
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  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I tend to fall on the opposite side of this problem, because I'm super skittish and very conflict-avoidant, so when someone presents a disagreeing opinion, it's super easy to set me off into 'i came here to have a good time and honestly im feeling so attacked right now.' And it applies to other people's conversations that I'm observing too, where I tend to read more weight into disagreements than is actually there.

    But also, I'm aware that this is a bug in how *I* tend to interact and observe, and I try to do my best to reason past the initial emotional knee-jerk reaction, or disengage a conversation as fast as possible so I don't get too worked up.

    And on an extra unhelpful note, I haven't had much luck untangling what factors make something likely to ping me that way :p There are times when I'll be an argument octopus clinging to your face, but I want to say that most of those are... very opinion-centric arguments, if that makes sense? Things like fandom interpretations, where even if it feels like the other person is leaning on me, I can hunker down over my own opinion and let their words flow past. On the other hand, the most upset a disagreement has got me in recent memory was a very, very opinion-dependent fandom post, so that's not a 100% reliable predictor (I want to say that person was being legit rude and hostile, and now I'm curious about whether I just mis-parsed bluntness, but the post still upsets me enough I'm not going to check :V)

    And I do know that if I feel like I don't have much to support my opinion, I get extra defensive of the other person starts bringing in all sorts of evidence to support their point of view. Because I know I'm arguing from a weak position, I just want to think the thing I think, why are you trying to force me to admit I'm wrong????? Which is definitely almost always a mistaken read on my part, but lord do I slip into it easily. And on the flip side again, in an argument I'm likely to dump as much evidence as I can into the conversation because I love breaking down 'why do I think the thing' and I'm always excited to share it. For maximum hypocrisy!! And I also have a very difficult time telling when someone wants to disengage, so there's that too. I'm so conflict-avoidant that I don't often run into the issue (or at least I crack first and skitter off to hide), but there are communication errors happening in all kinds of directions over here.

    Fake edit: just remembered on one of the occasions I got anon hate on tumblr, I remarked that I don't express many opinions more controversial than 'gosh darn do I like X', and that's definitely been a deliberate choice to make my tumblr experience as pleasant and conflict-free as possible.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2016
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  18. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    idk if you want this thread to continue being a thing considering you blanked the OP, buuut
    bolding mine, obv.
    The word choices here indicate, to me, a complete disregard for opposing opinions and makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.
    You don't even attempt to phrase your summary of the other side as neutral, your word choice seems to suggest that you don't really want to engage witht he arguments, since your reduce them to ridicule, use derrogatory language and preface your summary with a flippant "I don't care about this at all and am just humoring you" signal word. That comes off as hostile.
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  19. Gyro Zeppeli

    Gyro Zeppeli Pseudo Anti Cult Leader

    The wording in that post was completely intentional, because I am hostile towards the point of view we're discussing. I am not neutral on my belief that it's dumb to make what people ship some tumblr sj issue.
  20. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    From my point of view that wasn't what you were saying though. To me it sounded like you were saying being emotionally attached to characters at all is stupid.
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