meanwhile my hands and feet are burning and i'm achy all over and they're doing some intense work on the parking lot outside so i am staying in and calling friday a sick day and falling over until further notice if you need me please refer to my associates
aaahahahaha oh dear I tried throwing together soup using what's left in the kitchen: chicken broth, chicken shreds, part of a white onion, mushrooms, tri-color carrots, and some kale and it turned out PURPLE ETA: Heeeeey not bad!! 8)
Y'know, usually I'm dealing with some kind of residual guilt over having cut off contact with most of my relatives, especially as the holidays approach, but between having a really horrid dream about my stepdad last night and accidentally stumbling upon something creepy on google while trying to find something related to my last name, I'm actually relieved to be far away. Perhaps I could get farther away, like, maybe say, the moon. Now, a shower.
Another day ANOTHER HUNGRY DAYS ONE PIECE ANIMATION OH MY GOOOOOOOD And here's the wonderful analysis dude pointing out all the neat references. This one is much longer, and it's a MUSIC VIDEO. 8) it starts out showing finished clips from the previous two commercials and then there's a bunch of dreamy scribbly sketchy stuff portraying their time in school. There's references to EVERYBODY in this one! And maybe some mild spoilers. incidentally, I have one little spoilery thought: Spoiler: cue keyboardsmashing with my BRAIN someone mentioned in the comments that the whooshy bubbles near the end could represent when kuma forcibly separated everyone before the big timeskip and to have that portrayed as GRADUATION in this school anime universe IS POSSIBLY THE NEATEST THING EVER
Two days in a row now I've been able to pill Beatrix without wrapping her up in a towel first. I think it helps that 1. I wait for her to remind me for dinner at around 8:00ish and 2. I make the little chicken shreds treat in front of her. And I think the pills + urinary/stress cat food are working. She didn't seem fussy or anything before the pills, but obviously something was up because since she's been taking them regularly she's been using the litter box consistently, and overall she seems more prone to long bubblepurr naps and cuddling. I nabbed more gushy food for her today and let the vet know that the shooty pill thing was working wonderfully, and she was so happy. 8) Iiiin other news, I nabbed some roasting veggies so I'm gonna make another rainbow dinner soon. We did shopping errands at Lunds and Byerly's where I found more tri-color carrots and PURPLE CAULIFLOWER. 8) It sits in my fridge like an alien brain with the peppers and squash and zucchini. My dear phone has died, long live phone. Studiohouse has provided me with another one, thank you studiohouse, once again you have saved my bacon and made it so I can keep having always necessary music and a camera on my walks. And I spent a pleasant little while playing with different themes and wallpapers and ringtones and stuff:
Sooo I think I'm at the point of November where I can tolerate the Chrimbo stuff being everywhere, particularly when it comes to baking. And nice little videos that have instrumental holiday music showing me how to make cookies and stuff are nice and relaxing and there are some nice ideas for stuff! But I have discovered that the only thing better than a nice and relaxing Chrimbo baking video is A HILARIOUSLY AWFUL TERRIBLE ONE Spoiler: Let me take you on a journey... WHY WERE WE MADE TO FEEL PAIN HOHOHO WE PRAY FOR DEATH YES ENJOY YOUR COCOA AS I WATCH MY FRIEND DIE OH GOD THE CAMERA ZOOMED IN ON ME DON'T EAT ME I'M SO SCARED NOOOOOOOOO LET ME GOOOOOOOOOOO AAAUUGHHH WE'RE MEEEELTIIINNGGGGG I WILL END YOU WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE NOOOOOOO DON'T PUT ME IN THE COCOA O DISCORDIA WE ARE IN HELL
YOU GUYS YOU GUYS YOU GUYS YOU GUYS YOU GUYS YOU GUYS A WONDERFUL PERSON ON TWITTER LINKED ME TO OCEAN TEA BAGS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA They also have land teabags too, like, little birds and cats and frogs and things frog tea how cute is that
Oh, so I've been continuing to watch the Nier Automata LP (I just started Route C oh god oh man oh god) and throughout this entire game the tinier robots have been driving me crazy because I keep thinking I should recognize them from somewhere--and then last night my phone updated and I realized what it was. X) They remind me a bit of the Android bot!