Back on my bullshit

Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by Loq, Dec 16, 2018.

  1. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    sits in the dark in my blanket cocoon, reading medical procedure instructions and giggling to myself about getting to give Ghilan Even More Chronic Consequences of letting a dumb baby demon do the healing
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  2. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    (I swear I have not forgotten the meme responses, but work is Kicking My Ass)
  3. Mathias Sturmhalt

    Mathias Sturmhalt Let's fuck shit up

    Uh, like, 2/10? I don't really have a lot of shame, haha! I guess... probably getting locked out of palace grounds after dark, but like, that hardly counts, since I was- y'know- dockside with a couple friends. Spend a little coin, get a little drunk, find a little company, that kind of thing... just sort of lost track of time and suddenly whoops, it's way past midnight, if I want to sleep in my own bed I gotta either deal with the guards or find one of the secret doors. know what, no, actually, having to tell Lukas the next day where I'd been, that definitely tops actually getting locked out. Guy does not ever believe a 'you don't wanna know'.
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  4. Domino Y. Oz

    Domino Y. Oz Dating sim protagonist

    Oof. That's... I'm gonna call that an 8? Just because the answer is, um, kind of stupid, considering... but I get really freaked by drowning. Other people, sure, whatever, it's- I mean you could certainly make the ethical argument that one should help a drowning person, so it's not necessarily fine, but it's not terrifying, y'know? In a way that's... objectively quite ironic, considering most of the Ancestors' access points are, well, underwater.

    Regret... fuck. Alright, no consequences, it'd be a 2/10 on the No Answer scale, because yeah, I know exactly what it'd be, just No Cops Allowed, but out where the Ancestors could hear? Fuck that, a billion outta ten, I'm not aiming to get juiceboxed when I'm hardly through my third century.
    This... is the no-consequence zone, so. Like. Basically my reason for existing...? Which, oof. Big oof. It's not like I can not send sacrifices to the Ancestors, but feeding them my own students...'s not a sacrifice if it doesn't mean something, though, so. Sucks to suck, I guess. At least some of them escape on their own. That's something.
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  5. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Ghilan/Curiosity: Most precious physical sensation they miss now that they are no longer mortal and physical?
  6. Da'Ghilan

    Da'Ghilan Clan Vhenadan

    Is this supposed to be uncomfortable...? Er, is zero on the scale? It doesn't bother me at all to say I wish I could touch and be touched by people again. That's a basic psychological need, being dead hasn't changed the impulse.
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  7. Curiosity

    Curiosity New Member

    [A Curiosity who has been removed from Aridhel, because they do not remember ever having been Ghilan]
    Taste! Flavors are so much more intense when one can experience them firsthand. It would be nice to share a body again just for that...
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  8. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    you ever just really like a bit of your own prose

    Before they made it ten steps Aveline stopped, swearing. "Flames," she spat. "We're too late."
    In the valley below, darkspawn roiled, a stormy sea of grey flesh, dark metal, and bloody trophies.
    "There's no end to them," Bethany gasped, watching pack after pack of the monsters split off into the ravine network, the horde never diminishing for it.
    "Back," Acanthus whispered, one arm to the side to keep anyone from making another foolish break for certain death, "before they see us, come on, something's got to be--" But they'd already been seen. Shrieking with glee, genlocks and hurlocks alike swarmed up the hillside. "Back!" Acanthus repeated, one of his throwing knives sinking into a hurlock's unprotected throat, and Onyx swore. The tip of Bethany's staff wavered as she held it ready, dim embers flickering up the rough wood, and the templar looked none too steady on his feet either when she risked a glance back to check on him and her mother.
    One more fight, Onyx told herself. One more fight. You fail, they die. So don't fail. Acanthus vanished around a ridge. Aveline raised her husband's shield again. The darkspawn came. The darkspawn fell. More darkspawn came, wave after wave of tireless monsters herding them closer and closer together, penning them in--
    Far above, a dragon screamed, and the battlefield-- stopped. Archdemon, Onyx thought, mouth running dry, the archdemon's taken the field. Fuck.
    • Winner x 2
  9. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Oh i really like that bit of your prose too!
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  10. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    new meme new meme
  11. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Ghilan, Maraaas, Dragons. Shush dragons are a character and somehow you are Dragon Friend
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  12. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Venture, Ghilan, Matthias (the other one)
    • Winner x 1
  13. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    on a quest to actually go through my Music Hoard and decide what is appropriate driving music to shift onto phone, instead of just backing up the entire hoard to my phone
    (not least because the entire hoard no longer fits on the phone)
    wish me luck
  14. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I have been through. one folder. and I'm already at 2.8g
    somebody slap my pizza hands and do the pruning for me
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  15. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    booster is boosting but I can feel my whole shoulder seizing up
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  16. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    rereading the wigmaker job and man I love the dellamortes

    Last edited: Dec 25, 2021
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  17. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

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  18. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    wait wait hang on, "THE PAVUS JOB"??? I NEED context here, what thievery of house Pavus occurred in the archon's palace, please tell me

    Last edited: Dec 25, 2021
  19. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    cmoooooon da4 for more dwarven upfuckery
    >"[the red lyrium idol] seemed to show two lovers, or a god mourning her sacrifice"

    cursing the shit out of spellbinders is hot tho ngl, also tasty tasty hypocrisy for curiosity run

    Last edited: Dec 25, 2021
  20. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    this is a blog meme now

    bad decision goblins: venture, maraas*, acanthus (once), nine sun could probably be flustered into it

    *conditionally: widowed edition only, and probably only if he gets to see Bitchy Asher beyond the paggro bc the man is mostly attracted to temper
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