Bad News Good News

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by jacktrash, May 23, 2015.

  1. Secret Squirrel

    Secret Squirrel certainly something

    bad news: I have so many things due on exactly December 1st. like. between 2 and 4 major things. none of which I have started! D:

    good news: I don't have any exams between now and then either, and I think I did okay on my practical today!
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  2. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    Good News! Ear infection(s) are clearing up

    Bad News! Husband gave me his cold
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  3. good news: have appointment with neurologist rescheduled, there are cookies
    bad news: it's nearly a month away and idk how capable of holding on 2 what she says/expressing myself coherently/remaining aware of my location so i don't spend time panic over strange environment and/or that i'm having a convo w/ some1 i will be by then 8')
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  4. sicklyprince

    sicklyprince giant androgynous glam monster

    good news: i made a scary phone call to the school i want to attend, and i have an appointment to get registered for classes on monday!

    bad news: it turns out i am working monday and no one will switch days with me. so now i have to try to call and reschedule, when i've already been playing phone tag with the admissions director for months. fml.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2015
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  5. Mostly Harmless

    Mostly Harmless poetry apologist

    suck: I have a three-page paper to write before tomorrow

    rule: I'm writing it at a cafe and the barrista remembered my name
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  6. Nertbugs

    Nertbugs Information Leafblower

    Bad news: Won't get to see my boyfriend this weekend because he has to go in to work. Despite his contracted hours being 9-5 Mon-Fri.

    Good news: I have just ordered takeaway. An obscene amount of fried chicken is on its way to me as I speak. And I am able to stay in my pjs all day.
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  7. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    Good news: I finally got a therapist appointment, and they specialize in behavior therapy, which, for once, is a good thing.

    Bad news: ... In February.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2015
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  8. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    Bad news: rushing with so many projects and due things all at once.

    Good news: one such project were 2 watercolors. Working with them doesn't feel like rushing, or like a chore, and has in fact done marvels for my sanity and mood! I feel very at peace and nothing I need to do seems insurmountable anymore :)
  9. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    Good: I had a great Thanksgiving and took home leftovers
    Bad: some of the leftovers was the green bean thing and I hate the green bean thing.
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  10. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    good news: I found a super cool new song
    bad news: my girlfriend broke up with me and I might have to break up with my qp
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  11. Good news: I was able to overcome anxiety and ask someone out for the first time ever. Like in my life.
    Bad news: In the end my best friend declined and said he'd rather have me by his side as his best friend than potentially lose me forever. still not bad. Still hurts a little though but I understand his point of view =)
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  12. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    Bad news: procrastinated on literally everything, said "fuck it" to recovery for the past couple weeks, may have dug myself into a serious hole right before finals
    Good news: am not going to cancel my psychiatrist appointment! Also I've only been mildly suicidal! :D

    I mean holy shit even if I fail a class and lose my scholarship and disappoint my entire family at least I can say I did good for going to college full time during a major depressive episode because I know I have an A in two of my classes. Like wow, go me. Going to every single class, doing a good portion of the assignments, at least trying to do the tests when 3/4 of the time you are majorly depressed. You did the things! Even if it came out kinda badly!

    keep this text as evidence that I actually felt good about myself for half a minute because I can almost guarantee tomorrow when I start trying to catch up I am going to be a train wreck of self loathing and panic.
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  13. Queer Disaster

    Queer Disaster existing

    Bad news: had to leave to DE, which means a, no internet, b allergies galore, and c, ended up sick! FUN TIMES OVER VACATION. Also I haven't done any work on the three finals I have yet to really start. Have not been able to talk to my best friend since tuesday. Cat didn't want to leave the hell that is DE and we spent an hour trying to lure him out, the little shit. Don't really want to eat, have only had crackers, water, cheese, chips, tea, and a few mini candy bars since this morning. No proper meals.
    Good news: One final is done. Did it last week. Found an old Andrew Loomis book. Cat started sleeping in my bed in DE, made feeling miserable a little more tolerable since he purred and let me smother him with affection. FINALLY HOME. Did the sketch for my oil painting, even if I have to go over it in acrylic.

    basically my life has summed up into: I STAY HEALTHY ALL SEMESTER UNTIL FINALS. SCREW U TOO BODY. also my cat is a jerk, but an adorable jerk.
  14. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    Good: finished submitting my MMus application.
    Bad: husband had nasty case of possibly food poisoning this morning. it has passed, but this leads me to wonder if it is a stomach virus and if i will get it next.
  15. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    Good news: Going shopping tonight for hopefully all the christmas present making supplies I need

    Bad news: the person bringing me shopping didnt think it was for everything, but has begrudgingly let it be for everything.
    gdi dad.
  16. bad news: couldn't figure out how to get to the school clinic, had to text boyfriend for an assist
    good news: i got him a cool rock and he made an adorable lil squealy sound
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  17. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    bad news: Tablet just died
    good news: finished the piece of artwork I'd been picking at for the last month hours before tablet died.
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  18. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    Good news: great hike today with the dogs. Then we took a lovely nap.

    Bad news: I got the official notification that all the data I submitted for the background check for my NASA badge got compromised in the OPM hack. Sigh.
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  19. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    good news: I finally got word back about when my training shifts at safeway will be and when I'll be starting work!

    bad news: they're at 6 AM in a store I haven't been to before and I have to get there by bus. Also, I'm going to be doing courtesy clerk things instead of fruit cutting things until after the holiday. I have to make nice with stressed holiday shoppers and be helpful and friendly with strangers *mild panic*

    It is very nice to know when I'll be starting though! I was beginning to worry that they had forgotten me.
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  20. sysichi

    sysichi New Member

    Bad news: I sprained my ankle in an epic chase that involved stairs and a tv stand.

    Good news: There shouldn't be much problem getting my work to let me have medical leave so I'll still get paid over the holiday. Also, I now have funny story to tell people.
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