Bad News Good News

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by jacktrash, May 23, 2015.

  1. Secret Squirrel

    Secret Squirrel certainly something

    Good news: I am very regular despite having traveled! Traveling often disrupts the digestive system. @~@

    Bad news: the people I am staying with don't have any air freshener to spray in the bathroom >__>;;;;
  2. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Bad news: creepy nightmare woke me up

    Good news: it's almost my normal wake-up time anyway and nature has thoughtfully provided soothing rain noises this morning.
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  3. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Good news: tick bite isn't displaying any unusual irritation or rash patterns, so it's probably not That Bad. I'll watch it for another few days but I'm probably fine

    Bad news: tick escaped from its holding cell(/sealed specimen bag) overnight, so not only can I not get it tested Just In Case but I have no idea where the little fucker is :T time to check all the cats.
  4. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    @Loq Was it on you for longer than 24 hours? Because in that case I would recommend going to see your doctor about antibiotics anyway. (Those are the recommendations for the Netherlands at least)
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  5. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Dunno, caught it yesterday evening but it was already attached for who-knows-how-long. If anything starts feeling Wrong I'll probably actually go deal with doctor things, but it's fine for now.
  6. shibrogane

    shibrogane New Member

    good news: finally got portfolio website up
    bad news: player who religiously threatens to kill my cat is back
  7. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Bad news: pretty sure my period just started, and I've got a long shift at work tomorrow (starting at 4, til who knows when, thanks to the holiday losing us a day), and I feel embarrassed to go to therapist today since I didn't do the thing I intended to do this last week.

    Good news: my period finally started! after like a week and a half of pms and moodiness and gut soreness! Hurray?!? And I can say to the therapist "between the different manager making work more stressful, and the upcoming holidays, I didn't have the spoons to do the thing. I intend to do it this week" and it should be fine. Also, given that I was finally able to start doing some shitpost/meme rping this morning, I'm thinking it was the hormone surge that screwed up my ability to do much of anything this weekend. So that is hopefully resolved.
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  8. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    Cai, noooo: my sink is full of dish including cutlery thats been soaking for like three weeks

    Cai, yes: i washed a drying-racks-worth of dishes and bought paper bowls and plastic spoons so i can catch up on dishes easier
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  9. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Good news: Shark week finally started,, for real this time!

    Bad news: Shark week. :|

    Other good news: We're starting 30 minutes earlier for the forseeable future at work, which will help almost everybody be a lot less stressed and rushing.
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  10. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    Bad News: apartment we were hoping for has probably been leased.

    Good News: might have found a new-to-us car for considerably less than what we're getting from our old car being written off
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  11. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Good news: I saw a live jellyfish!

    Bad news: in the ocean. Right next to me. Way too close for comfort. I'm going to be paranoid about every incidental itch for the next twelve hours :|
  12. Hatchback

    Hatchback ... he is just fine again today

    Good: I'm going to Gen Con!!

    Bad: I have to work today and I'm weirdly jittery. Well. Not that weirdly if I'm honest.
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  13. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Good news: a kitty is lying on me. He is warm and happy and Good.

    Bad news: I can't nap with him, I gotta get ready for work soon :c
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  14. lobo

    lobo Fandom Trash

    Good news: Some friends are coming over tonight to watch a movie with me and maybe I can finally get someone to play the game I bought at Gen Con with me?

    Bad news: I got an email from the library saying that yet another one of the positions I applied for is filled and better luck next time.
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  15. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Good news: made it through a work meeting! Said things at a work meeting! Take that, anxiety!

    Bad news: oh my fucking god I haven't eaten in eight hours, feed me
  16. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    Good news: moirail found excellent condo rental, we're gonna view and apply tomorrow.

    Bad news: it's a little out of our price range (but not unmanageable), and apparently someone was turning in an application tonight.

    OH WELL gonna apply anyway.
  17. Sethrial MacCoill

    Sethrial MacCoill Attempts were made

    Bad news: depression is rearing it's ugly head and I had to call out of work because if I have to be cheerful for tourists I'm going to cry.

    Good news: my larp moved to our fall location and I can walk to it and not have to pay for parking again.
  18. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    Good news: performance review at work seemed to go OK.

    Bad news: performance review ate every last one of my spoons and probably some of tomorrow's and I feel like I need to lie on the floor for a while.
  19. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Bad news: booking agency never informed the resort of our booking, so we didn't have a room deapite calling in almost a full day ahead of time

    Good news: Resort is going to call booking agency to work things out, we got a room upgrade out of it, and the room has a bath AND doesn't have a balcony I would be constantly worried about leaping off of
    • Like x 4
  20. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Good news: Apparently I come off as mature and got-my-shit-together at work!

    Bad news: I find this out because a younger coworker decided to ask me what to do about a skeevy, significantly older coworker harassing her instead of, yknow, anyone who actually knows what they're doing and/or has the authority to make him stop. :[
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