Bed news: I ran out of Sertraline like two weeks ago and haven't filled my prescription yet. Good news: I guess now I know why I've been a snappish, cranky, hyperactive (but still fatigued) mess for days, and can definitely rule out the possibility that it makes my ME worse.
Bad news: kitty is Sick and has decided the middle of my bed is Optimal Chill Zone. I don't have the heart to move her but I Must Sleep. Good news: bunk beds and sis being off at college mean there is a spare bed! Kitty and I can both sleep! Bad news 2: phone charger does not quiiiite reach spare bed so my normal wind-down is impossible and I am An Exhausted but my brains still goin nyoooom
Good news: I finished building my expensive ass computer with a solid state drive for windows and other frequently used programs on it! Bad news: My sister dropped my hard disk on the ground, so now i have a computer with only windows and chrome on it.
Bad news: It's cold :( Good news: I have set the boiler to come on half an hour before I get up, so I should awaken to a nice toasty house. Bad news: I have never set the timer on a combi boiler before so there's every chance it'll come on at midnight instead. Or just not work. Good news: Bf is away in Scotland for work, so will not be witness to any potential failure to properly adult on my part.
Good news: it's an automated system on the other end of the phone! Significantly fewer people to deal with! Bad news: none of these options are what I need and there is no "for all other..." option
good news: finally got a 3ds instead of a 2ds that breaks every six months bad news: can't find the game case where i put my copy of pokemon Y, which has a bunch of version exclusives i was planning on transferring to AS and moon when i got it
Bad news: SO's student visa where his parents live about to expire and you have to pay through the nose for a new one Good news:It's become way more likely that he'll be moving here soon.
Bad News: 2016 is rough, bruh Good news: This forum is pretty cool, I'm roasting balsamic veggies for dinner, and I picked up my new glasses yesterday.
Bad news: I ate too many waffles tonight Good news: I didn't eat them all so I can have waffles for breakfast tomorrow
Good news: Finally found a place that regularly sells Reese's cups! Bad news: I ate all of the ones I bought in an evening.
Good news: got all of my wisdom teeth out! Bad news: I'm not allowed to eat dairy until I finish my antibiotics, which makes 99% of my diet moot
Good news: finally I am drinking the recommended amount of water per day Bad news: most of it never makes it into my bloodstream
Bad news: I am sick for the 8th time this year, and have developed a hideous case of heartburn from the stress of current politics. Good news: I finally got my final final edits back for the writing job. The editor said my writing was tight - he went in expecting to have to cut big chunks, he ended up not cutting anything at all. I have six small changes to make that are basically little grammar things. I'm so smug right now.
Bad (but not actually that bad) news: Dad sent me a kind of random $200+ birthday gift and getting something that expensive without consulting me makes me jumpy. That's so much money?? But also how could I be ungrateful?? (The second part is tied up in Brain Stuff.) Good news: Once I calmed down I realized I absolutely love what he got me. It's a nice hat made of musk ox wool and Wikipedia says this stuff can last like 20 years with good care??? It's a lovely antique brown with a cream design, and it's super thin but SO WARM. It will be perfect for cold days without being over warm. (I found a picture of it online.) aaaaaah ;u;
Good news: finally got around to cleaning the mess around my bed and dresser Bad news: discovered one of the kittens had apparantly missed the litter box and tracked it over some cosplay supplies.
Bad news: I made an absolute fool out of myself in math class. Good news: my vocal lesson went really well and I actually feel like I'm making progress!
Good news: i finally finished my sherlock anthology book! Four years! thats the longest it has ever taken me to read a book. Finally starting a new book/series! also the latest episode of Yuri on ice Bad news: FUCK MY IMMUNE SYSTEM!!! my body is now in the beginning stages of fighting off an infection and i cant hear shit because of it. echoes and tinnitus everywhere. and fever, cant forget the fever
Bad news: Left the dishes in the sink too long and the rice cooker basin got full of mold. Tea pot also got mold in. Good news: I got it cleaned up! And sprayed with vinegar! And the tea pot got scrubbed and sprayed down too, as did the tea ball that was in it, and I've since rinsed both of these and made fresh tea for myself. Bad news: Gag reflex overreacted while I was cleaning and there was a slight amount of puking. Good news: Puke stayed contained in the sink and got cleaned up with the rest of the mess.