Being a Shut-In

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by TheMockingCrows, Oct 29, 2023.

  1. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    i fucking slept through it
    i laid down for a nap
    and fucking slept through it
    by 2 hours
    i hate myself this is stupid im screwed
    • Witnessed x 3
  2. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    so little update.
    i'm signed up for one in person class in autumn. it's three hours, once a week, and there's no online option so i can't change my mind and puss out.
    i am very very nervous. nervous about being able to physically handle being upright that long, nervous about leaving the house.
    nervous about being around people.
    but it's gotta happen. decided one class would be better to start with than two, if i can handle it okay i'll try to do more in person classes next spring i guess, if i don't wind up taking a break semester.

    in positive news i got out of the house and sat in the grass during the eclipse totality and got to have a once in a lifetime experience
    no effort of my own, though. it was all my roomie. i owe her my thanks sincerely.
    she's the one who found the safety glasses, and a location, and drove us there.
    i just sat on the blanket and felt grass for the first time in.... a disturbingly long time. i havent been barefoot outside in years, and i haven't sat in grass/touched it in a long time too.
    springier than i remember. smells fresh. pleasant.
    ants still suck though. that hasn't changed.
    • Winner x 1
  3. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    this is proving to be. very frustratingly intense. ive been going outside even Less, now that my roomie has moved. I use instacart for groceries. When I have a dr appointment, bc its hot out, I use uber that my uncle is paying for. I got a walker, and I still haven't put it together yet, because its too fucking hot even early in the morning and evening to want to go walkies at all. I'm deeply concerned how I'm going to physically handle my in person class. 3 hours a week of upright time, after walking to bus stop and then walking into the building however far to get to a classroom. Legs down the entire time. I don't handle upright time very well at all. I'm not used to being around people in groups. I'm not even used to zoom meetings bc all my classes have been asynch, the last zoom class i had was a few years ago now. My anxiety's been nuts.

    I've got a bit under 2 months to get ready to do this and I'm fucking terrified.
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