
Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by budgie, May 30, 2016.

  1. Sethrial MacCoill

    Sethrial MacCoill Attempts were made

    I used to have a bird feeder and got a lot of really cute chickadees and some doves, but the condo complex made me take it down because apparently they don't like doves as much as I do.
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  2. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    We accidentally taught the parrot the word 'naked'.
    This resulted in the parrot responding to Mum saying that she needed a shower with "NAKED WALK".
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  3. Alska

    Alska Well-Known Member

    Huh, somehow i missed this thread up until now!
    Anyway yes hi i am very much a bird person even if im a liiiiittle nervous about holding anything bigger than a cockatoo. Unless I've helped raise it! Which i have gotten to do :D my parents used to raise mostly amazons when i was younger, as well as a few other types of birds, but the amazons seem to have made the biggest impression on me. Oh, and the rainbow lories! Very fun little guys, all of them, and very fun to feed(very messy eaters though!) Later our neighbor asked us to help raise a couple of different macaws, which i got very fond of- i was still nervous about the parents though lol. We gave her most of our birds when we moved, and the pair we kept died fairly shortly after the move- our best guess is that it was lingering chemicals from the new carpet.
    So now a couple years later I got just a little lutino cockatiel, and his name is Onion. He's maybe around a year and a half now, probably a little less. He also doesnt do any words, but given that i dont talk a lot thats not surprising. He does pick up noises super well though- he does kisses, water, the bathroom fan, his approximation of "night night", and most recently my moms alarm clock. In addition to all the normal little shrieks and whistles. Oh! And he also makes a noise like laughing, that he does when i laugh. If i ever get a job, I'd very much like to get him a friend and potential mate, tiel babies sound like a lot of fun.
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  4. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    There's a male blackbird who's always first down to feed when I put out dried mealies and birdfood mix. I wannabe more friends with him but I'm not sure how ^^;;;
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  5. Morgan Jae

    Morgan Jae pecure. sontain. crotect.

    ooh !! we get a lot of neat birds where i live
    varied thrushes a few times a year, mostly anna's but a few rufous hummingbirds at the humbird feeders, lots of sparrows, juncos, finches, warblers, both species of chickadees in the area (black-capped more than chestnut, though)
    coopers hawk sometimes comes thru. havent seen em for a while tho
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  6. Alska

    Alska Well-Known Member

    A coopers hawk drowned in our horse water trough like 2 years ago :c
    Besides that though theres all kinds of wild birds here too! Mostly a lot of english sparrows right now, but other times there are alsojuncos, gold finches, purple finches, chickadees, crows, ruby throated hummingbirds, redwings, grackles, blue jays, cardinals, robins, and two different kinds of woodpecker, both of which im blanking on the names of right now. Theres also bigger stuff, mostly redtail hawks and turkey vultures(the sweetest babies), but also! A pair of bald eagles! They seem to have taken up permanent residence at the local quarry c:
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  7. Morgan Jae

    Morgan Jae pecure. sontain. crotect.

    ooh yeah! we get flickers and hairy woodpeckers. there are no cardinals here but we have scrub jays and in the past we've seen cedar waxwings. in the rest of the city there are some larger birds; crows, ravens, red-tailed hawks, turkey vultures, and then there are cooper's and sharp-shinned hawks as well as peregrine falcons and merlins. not sure if there are kestrels within the city limits, but they're around. and eagles! sometimes they fly over my school, 's neat
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  8. Alska

    Alska Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, i think we get cedars here too! Also killdeers, who are adorable. Theyre the ones that will pretend they have a broken wing to try and lure you away from their nest. I think sometimes they nest in the horse pasture(which is... I dont know, not terribly smart? Bc horses arent going to care about smol flutter on the ground) bc ive seen baby ones running around with their parents. Also also, so many fucking barn swallows holy shit. I think i forgot them because theyre just such a consant presence until migration time. Barn swallows forever, and they dont care much about us anymore usually but when the cats come in the barn when there are bbies they are. So pissed. So much anger.
  9. Morgan Jae

    Morgan Jae pecure. sontain. crotect.

    i...............completely forgot barn swallows existed??? but yeah theyre around
    and swifts too!! there are lots of swifts
    there's a pool i used to work at and there are tree swallows that nest there too.
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  10. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    There's some kind of swallow or swift that shows up sometimes, usually at my previous school.

    They are somewhat blueish. That is...all I know about them, because they're really fast and I've never seen one go slow enough for me to get a good look at it. So I can't identify which species of Absurdly Fast Bluish Bird it is.
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  11. Alska

    Alska Well-Known Member

    Probably barn swallows- according to wikipedia theyre like the most widespread swallow in the world
    He nyoom
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  12. Alska

    Alska Well-Known Member

    Only vaguely related to birds and also kind of nsfw, but! There is a voice actor who goes to most of the conventions i attend, and he has a nsfw panel. One of the stories he likes to tell is about the magestic blow jay.
    Theres this other va who is apparently a very pretty geek girl, and at the conventions she goes to as a guest, she puts on uncle so-and-so's bed time stories panel. And she wears a kigu, draws a magic marker mustache on herself, speaks in her best older man voice, and reads the "children"(drunk adults also in kigus) yaoi. And when she gets to the first sex scene in the manga, she'll act very flustered and go "well children, on this next page here, we have ah- a bird. Yes, the magestic blow jay! A very beautiful bird, and it goes *gagging/blowjob noises*

    And this has become a running joke, and she and the guy who tells the story at the local cons have so far stolen two cling film bird decorations from reasturants. One is the blow jay, and i dont remember the other one's name, but they take the birds around to conventions and take pictures with them with captions like "spotted the great north american blow jay at the convention today! A great sign!"
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  13. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    Yeah, that looks about the right shade of blue.
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  14. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    UPDATE: I've nicknamed him Blackjack and he's now at the point where he just kinda hop-shuffles out of the way when I go to fill the smol-bird feeders. I wish him the best luck in this spring's Birb Hunger Games (eat-sex-don't-get-nommed-by-a-Sparrowhawk-bro addition)

    Also I went on a nice long walk today and saw a ton of little blue tits* and one of our little brown wrens, who I learned from observation go 'WRRRR WRRRR WRRR' when they're not bothered about being overly observed. Also I got female blackbird 'CHUCK-CHUCK-CHUCK'd at which is technically birb for 'LOOK A PREDATOR I SEE YOU BRO' but when sitting onto of a bush staring at me with her head-feathers up comes off more as 'YOU LOOKIN AT ME BLUD YEAH YOU BETTER MOVE ON FAM YOU BETTA DON'T TEST ME'

    *For those who don't know about blue tits, they're in the same bird-shape and ecological niche (not sure if they're genetically related?) as chickadees in North America. There are Blue Tits, Coal Tits, Long-Tailed Tits, and Great Tits (and yes we make all the jokes.) There's also the Bearded Tit, but he's not actually in the same family and some kind of warbler?? I think??

    Also on the same walk I learned that the hill I live on - Brown Hill - is actually rightly known as Bron Hill, bron being an old saxon word for a hill or slope. I LIVE ON A HILL HILL. THIS MAKES ME UNREASONABLY HAPPY :D
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  15. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    Spring is coming soon which means all the noisy little assholes called the northern california quail will be walking across our backyard fence and coocoo-ing really really loudly and i will take all the pictures of them, all the pictures. There are also wild turkey in the area and free roaming peacocks (cause theres a peacock sanctuary down the road). Theres ravens around here and falcons as well... theres robins and... some small bird that i do not the name of right now bt they really only come after rain to pick at grass seedlings...

    Tl;dr: birbs
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  16. Alska

    Alska Well-Known Member

    Saw turkeys today! A whole bunch of them just chilling in a field together c:
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  17. A Crow

    A Crow New Member

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  18. A Better Crow

    A Better Crow New Member

    yes helo, am birb
    only posting once here since I can't resist. now I shall begone
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  19. birb wrongs activist

    birb wrongs activist where is the bread for birb party

    here we am folks, the besttest thread. EVER. in the hole histry of forums.
    same but this is obligatory
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  20. An Actual Bird

    An Actual Bird neverthelass, Brid persisted, ate third baggel

    Whoa. Birbclub....has gotten so big.....I'm so proud.... :')
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