Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox


    i will think on it more when i have thoughts to think with. i pretty much lost the entire day today, and i have another long-drive-to-the-city-in-rush-hour appointment tomorrow, so... possibly friday, i will have a brain? sorry :P
  2. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    aw, ok. i am getting more dentistry in my face tomorrow, so we will both be equally miserable, i'm sure.
  3. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    oh jeez bro, sympathies. seebs has scheduled to get off work early tomorrow and is going to order a pizza and snuggle me on the couch and watch crime tv with me after my appointment. you should schedule a nice time w someone you like so you can have a thing to look forward to after the appointment. it helps astonishingly. movies w roomie or playtime w dog or sth.

    ok gnight, may we both get through tomorrow ok and be full of creativity after.
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  4. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    whatever he's doing, jethro should definitely write a lot of near-seditious smutty fanfiction

    just sayin'
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  5. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    What if Jethro was like, a ghostwriter, for those romance lines that are under some fake lady's name? That could be pretty funny.
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  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i bet he's writing acres of romcoms and romances, both under his own name and as a ghostwriter, AND seditious smutty fanfiction posted anonymously. his own work passes the censor board, but there's a certain air of hemoegalitarianism they can't quite put their finger on.

    and of course, quite a few of them have coded messages hidden in the text, from the homeworld sufferist underground to the helmsman subnet.
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  7. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i was gonna say 'the first letter of the chapters of one of his books spells out SUCK MY GLOBES' but actually i think this would be a pretty common stunt for troll authors
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  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    by the way, would it help if i wrote more something in the space navy AU? i was thinking it'd be simple for you to just roll in a new character or the next stage, like 'so they set up all the blinky machines, anyway, moving on!' but maybe that wasn't obvious.
  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i have been having trouble focusing my brainparts, so whether it would be simple normally, it's not simple right now apparently. i've been trying to read fanfic and i keep having to get up and iron quilt pieces instead. my attention span is less than a sentence long rn. :/
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  10. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    welp! i guess let me know when you're feeling better, then, and i'll try not to hassle you in the meanwhile.
  11. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    heh, now i'm wondering if that fic i recced was actually super terrible and i just didn't notice because i can't get through a sentence without rereading it twice.
  12. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Aww! Well, that's definitely the best way to get through a bad fic! I wouldn't say super terrible I'd say C even. Not actively bad, just not good. And horrifically un-proofread. If it was actually edited it could be a B. Punctuation errors are like getting booped on the snoot for me, so I probably take a lot more points off than other people would. Also it's got that sort of... I'm So Clever atmosphere to it? Which immediately makes me a lot more judgmental.

    And they're lifting some of their wittier descriptions from Pratchett, I'm almost positive.

    ANYWAY when I hateread a thing I really go full Grinch on it, sorry!
  13. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i was rereading and found this

  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ok so i have some thoughts about what sigmah's going to do, but i don't trust myself enough to just jump in and write it. because my brain is on the blink and i've been making weird errors and omissions. so i'm thinking maybe run it past you and have you check it for stupids.

    i'm thinking he'll put erskin in the same gel bed thingy he used for galley in the original rp, with the sterile blue non-sedative sopor substitute stuff. and hook erskin up to a VR headset kinda thing, so he can type and experience things directly in his brain -- not just to keep his senses engaged, but also as a diagnostic tool. and then he'll give erskin chemotherapy, while creating a point of higher psionic energy at the foot of the gel bed, so the smaller fragments of bioware die and the larger ones wriggle out of him and down through the gel and away for collection.

    is that sufficiently high-tech and gross, do you think? and is it workable or did i miss something?
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  15. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    That is definitely very gross! Also, terrifying. Poor Erskin. Does the VR headset interact psionically, though? Because Erskin can't be contacted or coerced or affected telepathically in this AU. I don't know how much troll brain tech stuff wouldn't work telepathically, is all, since there'd be very little need to develop such technology, when the majority of trolls can be affected that way.

    Then again, helmsmen are probably supposed to be separated out from the general access of like... psychics and psionics that can tell them to blow up remotely, or kill their captains, or whatever. That would be bad.

    I guess there's a couple options—

    1) the VR headset works on some other handwavium principal because Sigmah's a genius, so it all goes fine. Erskin either cooperates, or wants to cooperate but is screamingly weirded out at things happening to his brain like that since he hasn't had to deal with any mental contact in like ten years.

    2) The VR headset doesn't work so they just have to hope he'll figure out how to get his senses unfucked after the bioware is out and not actively scrambling everything up. There's a lot of UST (UCT?) with Jethro.

    3) The VR headset doesn't initially work so Sigmah takes it as a challenge and fusses around with it till it does work. So in play it'd go like option 2 and then 1.

    I'd also like to know if you want to skip the whole Helpless Woobie Erskin and go back to everyone reasonably healthy and kicking ass in short order, or if his incapacitation is interesting enough to play with and do shmoopy bullshit with Jethro with. Or if it would be fun for Erskin to stay some amount of fucked up, completely deny being even a little fucked up, and run off more quickly than is medically advisable to kick ass.
  16. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i'm thinking the VR headset works on nerve induction, so psionic susceptibility shouldn't be an issue.

    what i really want is to get jethro schmooping with erskin ASAP, and also i think galley and bel are both overdue some huggles. i am just not sure how exactly to bring this about.
  17. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    HMMM yeah. Well with Bel and Galley, Bel could just go and sit with Galley while the operation with Erskin is going on, because maybe he is being a big tense stoneface about it and everyone is like 'Bel we know your kismesis is getting operated on right now, go sit somewhere and have a cry already'.

    With Erskin, uh, is Jethro going to be assisting with the operation? Or just show up afterwards for physical therapy?
  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    physical therapy afterwards. i think the operation stage will be like... a couple hours maybe? and then several days in the gel bed getting the rest of the bioware out, while people interact with him and keep him present and focused on sensory input, so the bioware doesn't basically fry his nervous system with its distress signals due to the chemotherapy. i have no clue if that makes any sense.

    so it seems that bel and galley would be sooner, and jethro and erskin would be longer. yes?
  19. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    oh and galley could tell bel about lu if we want them to meet
  20. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Yeah, that sounds like a good plan! We could skim over or fast-forward through Erskin's operation, if you didn't want to write Sigmah doing it, by focusing on Galley and Bel? The VR thing seems interesting but I don't think I get what it'd be like for Erskin, like, what his perception of it would be.
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