Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    "so i hear he's large."
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  2. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    "well, DOES he eat people? nudge nudge wink wink"
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  3. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    hey what if bel sees aspera senior and has a terrible moment of oh no he's hot. because, oh no, he is hot. also you can't tell me he hasn't had a few fantasies about 'a really handsome superior officer wants to teach me a few boner-related things and it's not a violation of protocol because he's so handsome'.

    erskin would consider even attention paid to his dad complimentary, because werewolf eugenics. 'yes, my dad is hot. i too am hot. my children will also probably be hot. we breed true for hotness.'
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
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  4. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    bel would absolutely have a disconcerting flashback to his adolescent flutters over sean connery :D
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  5. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional


    reggie is not at all into boys, much less boys his son is dating, but he'd be very 'haha i've still got it' about the whole thing.
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  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    he's such a charmer <3
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  7. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional


    i'm bad at being concise when it's late, i hope all that was like... coherent and relevant and shit.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
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  8. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    yeah, it worked for me. sometimes life is infodumps. alex is a smart guy, he can take it.
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  9. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    roach: *goes to college class*
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  10. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

  11. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i'm dozing off! and it's 3, so i think i'm gonna call it a night. seeeeeee you later!
  12. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i too am pretty tired, so good timing. :)
  13. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i think erskin has a pretty advanced vocabulary as a human because that's the sort of english he learned to understand, his dad's urbane college-educated snob kind of english, even if he didn't speak it much. if anything, he might have a harder time 'dumbing' his language down, because he'd have to think about which words were too long or inappropriate or whatever, and doesn't have the context of 'well i only learned this word when i was eleven'. i think a lot of little kids raised by wordy parents end up like that until socialization gives them more context into what words are more 'age' appropriate. which erskin would have skipped, too. also i think as a kid he would have been chided for falling back on like, 'me want snack' or 'fuck this shit', so the more precisely he could phrase things, as a human, the better. articulate, erskin!
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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    he sounds perfectly normal to bel, who was also raised by an educated, wordy type, and is autistic, of the type that has fairly normal language development but a little trouble making himself talk in the first place. so even as a child he tended to put a whole sentence together in his mind before speaking it, and tailor it for accuracy so as to lessen the necessity of further speaking.

    it was only in his teens and adulthood that he learned chatting and banter, really, and by then his peers could keep up. so yeah, erskin's vocab isn't something bel even really notices unless it's an especially clever turn of phrase. like "shirt o'clock for everyone." <3
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  15. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Reggie: conclusion, James Bond is a weenie, and now you know who you want to grow up to be, Bel.

    Erskin: I bit a guy. I'm a good boy.
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  16. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    bel: sir, i want to be you, and i want to marry your son. i'm sorry for making it weird but that's how it is.
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  17. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    shit, i just realized, this is the one setting where bel will actually KNOW the 'drive closer' meme, so now of course we won't be able to use it. murphy's law.

    speaking of 'murphy' and that meme, murphy the space cowboy is still waiting on a chance to say "drive closer, i want them to kiss my ass" but so far he's never actually been IN the armored vehicle when battle happened. :(
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  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    huh, bel being an apprentice superspy might actually be a way he and erskin could stay together in the long haul. erskin needs to be on his own a fair bit, right? and bel is so clingy. but if bel was off on secret missions from time to time, they could maybe even make it work.
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  19. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    What if Erskin gets like, radio-tagged, so wherever he's gone off to in the world Bel knows and can come meet him. That would be really cute.
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  20. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    omg. instead of wedding rings they have gold-plated subcutaneous transmitters. :3

    have i mentioned i have a weakness for Spies In Love
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