Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i... i need a drawing of erskin sitting on his enormous rival and calling him an itty precious murder tank. i need it more than i need cake or flowers or cookie monster slippers.
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  2. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

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  3. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ok that is probably super poisonous but dangit i want twelve anyhow
  4. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i am going to go snuggle with my spoose. i may or may not come back tonight.
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  5. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    your spoose the moose

    in your hoose
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  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox


    and right now he is up on a ladder drilling holes in my windowframes and i am perving on his butt <3
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  7. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    erskin's usual combo of sensitive + enthusiastic means he comes a lot faster than bel, usually, but i'd expect with a lot of alcohol in his system, slowing everything down, he'd actually last awhile.

    at some point we should have a situation where erskin tries out more weird/silly troll sex toys on bel. they would absolutely hurt themselves if they tried it now, but some other time. bel's general reaction to sex toys in this universe is adorable.

    also, i think i've done a lot of referencing but i'm not sure if i ever stated it outright, but lainey's general style could be described as 'sex mugging'. erskin and lainey are both bright and cheery instant-gratification types, so i think mostly just pants come off and they go at it, with increasingly large and frightening toys each additional round.

    it makes it pretty funny and appropriate that erskin's pitch encounters aren't often the violent hot-and-heavy throw-you-against-the-walls affairs he'd prefer, and bel insists on actual romance and foreplay.
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  8. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    if he takes bel up on that combat training offer, he can discover that in bel's black quadrant, gym time counts as foreplay. :D
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  9. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    ok now i am thinking about bel hanging around erskin's PT time with jethro and doing like, obnoxiously muscular and healthy activities at erskin until jethro shoos him out with a broom because erskin has gotten too competitive and is going to hurt himself.
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  10. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    yes good
  11. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    when you are drunk and confronted with a very attractive sex partner i am sure burning through like every single calorie in your sad little body seems like a great idea. it is not. erskin is going to have a lot of regrets tomorrow.

    also, i've always liked the notion that trolls, due to evolutionary pressure of their reproductive scheme, can actually fuck themselves to death. this is probably covered in troll sex ed. 'if the sex lasts longer than four hours, stop, and drink some goddamn water.' and/or 'so it's drone time and you're ill/injured/exhausted— probably best to gamble on fucking, which might kill you, vs not fucking, which will definitely kill you.'
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  12. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    erskin probably needs someone with more self control to be like 'ok, sex is done, you are done, go to bed' at him right now. his body is definitely in 'let's go out with a bang' mode right now.

    ...would it be funny or gross to have them get chewed out by a medic the next night for like, really irresponsible amounts of sex? i think it would be funny. like 'he's already noted to have all the self control of a toddler on coke, and he's an invalid besides, what made you think multiple rounds of bulge tango was a good idea, jesus troll christ.'

    of course, 'i put my kismesis back in the medical ward due to makeouts' is probably a pretty spiffy thing to add to your troll resume.
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  13. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    haha it kinda would, but bel pulled a double shift before the date, and this is their second bang of the day, i am letting him have some self-control.
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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    and i too should sleep. quadrant flip panic another day. :D
  15. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i think we could skip to erskin's first day of PT, next? or a checkup from pancho or something. or bel could swing by for coffee and paperwork and they could very studiously not have another monster fuck marathon.

    for reference though, i am pretty sure lainey has made extensive fun of bel about this. he might have gotten lectured some by pancho and jethro, but lainey thought the whole thing was fucking hilarious once it was established that erskin was not dead, just restin'. as for the rest of the crew, i think a lot of them would just figure like, 'commander kadros is deviously smart and he goes hard as hell, of course he'd get one over on the captain like that, it's very romantic' instead of 'commander kadros is fourteen to the captain's thirteen, of course they're going to do irresponsible sex things'.

    hm. i don't know how much of the crew actually knows bel's fairly young by anyone's standard, not even just for a ranking highblood? like, considering the general longevity of highbloods, bel's age might be hard to guess at a glance.... unless we go with the horn bands showing age? red being old/slow growth and yellow being bright new growth, so after a troll's growth curve levels out the horns become increasingly red. so maybe bel's face and size say 'anywhere from eleven to fifty' but his horns say 'closer to eleven tho'. while his rank says 'maybe twenty?'.

    i figure trolls might not get promoted on the same timescale as humans, due to the lifespan thing. they probably get promoted faster in frontline combat branches of the military though, in a sort of 'see what shakes out' kind of way.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
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  16. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    so, interesting thought of the day. the dozen or so zero sum survivors— probably low blues and some upper greens— were personally rescued by bel. erskin's been largely out of commission since about a week into their stay, they'd have been settled in, shown around, interviewed and assigned positions by lainey and bel. so these guys are the first crewmembers who are newer than bel, and to whom bel has always been the first mate acting captain type guy, as opposed to the rest of the crew who still think of bel as the new guy— he's been there maybe sixth months. it's enough to get to know a guy. but he's still the new guy.

    anyway, the zero sum guys are the kind of people who would be assigned to a blockade runner. blockade runners would be more self-sufficient and independent than a lot of other kinds of ship, i think, which is pretty contra the way i've set up this version of the empire to run, where the calculated interdependence of fleet vessels inhibits piracy and rebellions.

    so if i were in charge, i'd stock a fast, light, self-sufficient, totally-great-for-pirating kind of ship with fanatically loyal types. for-queen-and-country sturdy and reliable types. who just watched all their superiors each other, and are now on a ship of predominately lowbloods, and are staring with goggle-eyed admiration at bel, moviestar cobalt extrordinare.

    tl;dr bel now has a little gang. whether he likes it or not.
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  17. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    this is like the ONLY thing that's happened to him on the sunslammer that he actually knows how to deal with :D

    also they probably all hang out at murfey's bar and pester him for tales of the baby wars
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  18. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    baby wars!!!
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  19. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    By the way, i was waiting for you to indicate a preference (and stop being sick) but if you like i can start the next scene.
  20. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Also at some point i think it would be cute for erskin to note, the z s survivors were initially dumped in security and management due to blue blood, did terribly due to having no experience or training in the operation of a carrier with a less-than-skeleton crew of lowbloods, and got reassigned across the job spectrum based on personal interests and talents. this is working better but formal complaints are still up like 600%. the new blues are all lodging complaints to bel about harassment, insubordination, treason, inefficiency, malingering, and unprofessional conduct. everyone else is complaining to lainey that the new guys are castist inflexible bulgeweals with their noses stuffed way too far up the empress's ass to listen to reason. torrid pitch and pail romances are also up 600%. pretty sure bel and lainey read the best complaints to each other out loud over coffee.
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