Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    hey, werewolf thought of the day. i'm still not great at remembering what bel's autism is like, but what if bel's practice at managing overload and controlling his focus actually makes him really good at continuing to function intellectually through the dampening effect of the full moon? like what if a werewolf hanging around reading a book the night before a full moon is a really rare sight, even with college-educated werewolf nerds, just about everyone gives up and zones out. but bel's so used to there being a ton of noises and smells and distractions as a human he keeps on carrying on without thinking anything too unusual is going on. until someone is like 'okay, wait, what's up with you, how are you doing that.' it's always really great to find out something you didn't even notice you were good at turns out to be something nearly everyone else is phenomenally bad at.
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  2. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    by comparison, erskin's doing way better this month than usual, due to getting back in practice thinking and speaking with bel, but he already can barely fit letters' shapes together with their sounds, and on the day of the full moon he won't be able to understand more than one or two english words at a time. he'll be on the level of a service dog. regular human born werewolves would be doing better, but would be functioning at the level of a really drunk, really hyped frat boy in the middle of a party. they're not going to be fit to sit down and finish a book.

    i would guess that pancho would spend day of the full moon having earnest i love you man conversations with everyone in between racing around everywhere just because everything is so fucking exciting woo! hopefully bel will be healed up enough for some jogging, or patient enough for some ear chewing. erskin will be going absolutely spare, stuck with a busted leg like that. poor bastard. maybe he can heal up enough by midnight.

    eta: man if logan's mostly a backyard dog she's going to be having like, lifestyle whiplash. going from one or two busy, distracted, tired humans walking her to having to constantly run along after three fit, high-energy wolves? whew!
    Last edited: May 2, 2016
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  3. rainbowbarnacle

    rainbowbarnacle Cat Aggrandizer

    Hee, mercury showed me this neat little game, and I found a let's play of it, and the narrator's voice reminds me of Jethro, if Jethro narrated everything all the time:

    "And then he falls to his death. ... I'm just foolin'."
    Last edited: May 15, 2016
  4. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    aww. :D close! i imagine him as sounding more like ash from supernatural:

  5. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    oh no that ash dude's cute. his accent sounds jarringly similar to surfer boy to me tho— there must be some kind of phonetic overlap. i feel like i went to highschool with guys that sounded like that, but wore board shorts and vans and cowrie shell chokers.
    Last edited: May 17, 2016
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  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    huh, he sounds to me exactly like your standard midwestern hick. although 'surfer' sounds to me like 'midwestern but stoned', so.
  7. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    that's so weird. like i guess california got filled up by people who came from further east, but you don't get that kind of accent in arizona or new mexico, that i know of. but it sounds totally familiar to me. there was a hispanic kid accent, a black kid accent, the tv newscaster blank accent everyone uses to sound professional, and then that white kid accent....


    the fucking dustbowl migration in the 30's. that's it. in the way that most american regional accents are slowed-down versions of their european counterparts, the surfer boy accent is a slowed-down-again midwestern plains— or at least borrows a big chunk from it.

    i think i have to lie down and feel weirded out for awhile.
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  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    btw at some point when we surface from our respective fanfic frenzies, we should play some erskin/jethro stuff, they are too cute
  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    god yes, i've been missing them something fierce. but currently i'm perseverating on star wars super hard. like basically just putting 'grand finale' on repeat and muttering "oh hux you clever shitlord" while filling notebooks like a 14-year-old writing mcr rpf. it's embarrassing. :P
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  10. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yeah, i've been having fun talking aud and mercury's ears off about harry potter, myself. it's kind of like the way gum goes flavorless, being in a fandom too long— i hadn't really realized how stale and unfun even the wildest fic ideas for homestuck had gotten, but i've definitely enjoyed doing stuff for other fandoms most lately. i've got some ideas for star trek, too, but i need to get my hands on some novelizations before i take the plunge, i hate writing fic without direct source material on hand to reference. i've got like five tabs of the hp wiki open...

    anyway, i'm super looking forward to seeing your fic, when it goes live! i'm hoping it'll be a bit like Rule of Transformation. you write clever dudes so well.
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  11. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    it may just be fandom limerance, but i feel like it might be even better than RoT, at least in terms of clever dudeness. it's shorter and more contained, i think i'm looking at maybe 50k words instead of 100k. i'm writing from kylo's POV, and one of the first things he learns in this fic is that hux can lie inside his brain, so even being a sith nerd doesn't give him access to plot spoilers. so that lets me set up clever shit without making it so complicated that i have to hope the reader won't grasp it at a glance. if that makes any sense.

    it's possible i'm just high on the hateflirting.

    ps hux named the ysalimir Millicent :D :D :D
    Last edited: May 18, 2016
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  12. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    also oh my god have i told you how brilliant your hp fic's premise is. because it is goddamn brilliant.
  13. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yay, thanks! i've been sitting on the idea for like a year. there was a cool meta post with this cracktheory that draco was actually a werewolf in sixth year, and it was fairly well supported by evidence! and my brain just kind of ran with that plus this other thing i noticed, which was all the HP fix-it has harry fixing it, and i think there's one or two with hermione, though mostly she goes back to make out with one or all of the marauders.

    but like, a draco fix it fic has potential for some interesting new shenanigans. a draco fix-it where he's also got to juggle being a werewolf is something i can't remember seeing anyone do before in any fandom, which is make the fixer have a genuinely harder and more difficult time, the second time, than the first. like, the only handicap fixers ever seem to face is ptsd, and often they get to carry back adult-size powers to compensate. i just really enjoy the idea of someone replaying their life, thinking they're getting to cheat and it's all gonna be a snap and they'll get the high score, but then find out they've selected hard mode instead.

    anyway, like. i feel like i've been thinking about harry potter and time travel for a good fifteen years now. so i guess now that i've finally got a fic to contribute, it's well-incubated.

    also i'm doing a lot of 'this serves you right, you bigoted little shit' in terms of playing out draco's new social status. so far he mostly just feels really sorry for himself. i sincerely doubt he's going to be able to extrapolate 'i don't like being discriminated against' out to 'no one should discriminate against anyone!' when like most kids on tumblr can't manage it either.

    but it's also fun to throw 'this boy is so incredibly racist' against 'let's say the wizarding world isn't heterosexist'. the idea of weasley, longbottom, and malfoy all looking totally blank the first time dean makes a fag joke is pretty appealing. the slytherin dorm was a pack of murderous supremacist children, but at least one of them had two daddies.

    Last edited: May 18, 2016
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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox


    a draco who didn't feel sorry for himself wouldn't be draco. one of the things i love about well-written draco-centric fic is when a writer manages to get just the right balance of like, the kid has an absolutely shit life in some ways he can't even recognize or articulate, but how he reacts to it only makes things worse, and that's his tragedy, that's what makes him yank your heartstrings. the kid is standing eyeball-deep in a mud hole, yelling I'M NOT IN A HOLE YOU ARE while digging it deeper.
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  15. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    haha yeah! for sure. and of course there's some very direct parallels with eridan ampora. the sadistic streak, the self pity, the way he lashes out when deprived of things he thought he deserved... interestingly enough, though, on a reread of books 1-2, malfoy is funny. it's pretty much exclusively a bully's punching-down humor, but still, he's constantly being snide, making fun of people, doing mean impressions. he really likes people to laugh with him at whatever's made him mad (usually harry), as opposed to eridan, who has absolutely no sense of humor whatsoever about anything.

    also, lucius malfoy is fucking ridiculous and doesn't know it, which is also funny. the dude clipped out a newspaper article about arthur weasley (who he previously got in a public fistfight with) getting in trouble, and he mailed it to his son just so they could both gloat. the malfoys are incredible people.
    Last edited: May 18, 2016
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  16. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    one of the things i really love about star wars AND harry potter is they're modern myths. like, we kind of get to just... have them, and retell them, and mess with them, and have totally common cultural touchpoints with them. it's always fun to mess around in fandoms that are so widely known and deeply examined.
  17. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ahhhh this, so much this. i wasn't all that into star wars before episode 7, but the ep 7 characters made me fall in love with it. i love rey and her scrunchy lil grump face. i love finn sounding off at his former CO, i love poe being a huge showoff and making insta-friends with escapey trooper, i love leia being General Sad Mom -- and most of all, i love the villains. i love how they are Those Two Bad Guys on such an overblown, melodramatic scale that only space opera could hold it, and even there it's a little silly. soooo i fell for star wars, and suddenly i was swimming in an ocean of canon. there are three major wikis. you can download like fifty books for free. i can't even. what happened.

    harry potter feels like less of a wild overcrowded world o' canon, and more like kind of a secret garden, the kind that's walled all around and you can walk around it in an hour, but once you're inside it's more complicated than it looked and so full of little details that you can spend all day on one little corner of it.
  18. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yeah, absolutely, harry potter's complicated enough that even ten years later you throw a book on the ground and yell GODDAMN IT because something new has occurred to you. and a chunk of it is jkr putting stuff in herself in the first place, and another chunk is jkr being pressed into adding more on afterwards, and probably the biggest chunk is people just reading more into things and doing the layering themselves. sufficiently popular stories come alive and start rooting themselves like foldspace buildings, you know?
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  19. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    yessssss exactly. hp-verse is bigger on the inside.
  20. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    erskin: 'hi jethro do you want to spend a nice morning catching decadent highblood nibbles and maybe feeding me some by hand haha no homo tho'
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