Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i'm stuck on whether jethro should stop erskin from drinking, or decide to pick his battles, let the guy drink and focus on taking care of him while he's sloshed enough to be calm. the latter seems kind of cynical, but seadwellers are dangerous and erskin doesn't seem very interested in the non-snuggly parts of pale romance like letting someone keep you from self-destructing.

    but jethro is very practical. but he's also bossy and unafraid. i can't decide!
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  2. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    tbh i like bossy jethro! it is also definitely time for erskin to get a firm boot to the head. i think the tough-love parts of pale romance are more along the lines of a parent's firm 'so help me you're taking a bath and eating your vegetables and i don't care if you don't like it' thing.

    also re: seadweller danger, erskin's only ever hurt jethro when he's not firing on all cylinders, so i think frankly he's a lot more difficult to deal with when drunk. plus 'taking care of him' would be tough when a lot of whats wrong with him is compounded by several weeks of really hard living.
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  3. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

  4. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    you make good points. i will write the thing!
  5. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    hmmmm this is super cute but now i'm unsure of how to get erskin from point moiral snuggles to point rainbowdrinker blood orgy. ideas?
  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    hm, we could fast forward to where even this cushy pale date isn't enough to stop him twitching out, and he says he wants to go for a walk by himself? jethro wouldn't try to stop him, he's into solo walks for head-clearing himself. he just doesn't craigslist a bunch of vampires when he does it. :D
  7. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    ha! i like that, ok.

    maybe the pain and fretfulness of horn repair is enough to make him all adrenaline-charged and antsy, even with jethro doing his best.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2015
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  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    so ok i figure that since cloris was a fucked up snuff-enthusiast she was more than happy to leave erskin with a lot of bitemarks with really inhibited healing. she was going to use him up, so he might as well lounge around looking really, uh, available. but the rainbowdrinkers he's going to meet later are going to Drink Responsibly and patch him up in a proper way afterwards, and give him specific bandages and creams and whatever. like, good riddance to bad rubbish, cloris's marks can't get cleaned off him soon enough.

    of course, the bite marks they leave might be left to show...
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  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    he's going to be Trypophobia Man if he keeps it up D:
  10. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    haha ewwwwwww

    let's hope polka-dots are in fashion
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  11. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    oh btw i'm going camping fri-sun and so i may Mysteriously Vanish from the internets, never to be seen again...
  12. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i'm jelly :U

    have fun and don't feed the wendigoes!
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  13. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Tbh i just enjoy the thought of jethro being like, 'so he went into a locked room of a penthouse suite and now he's gone.' to bel.

    (Bel: i could have done that too if i wanted ):< )
  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    bel is going to be a little jealous and a little turned on in addition to pissed off and worried

    that is too many emotions for one person roach
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  15. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Huffs, i wanna write the next bit but i should wait till i have an actual keyboard to write it on....

  16. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    no prob, i'm super pleased you were able to play at all this weekend, considering you were out in the wilderness being robbed by bark gnomes.
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  17. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    I am REALLY interested in how a campaign might work out with erskin in. Itd be nice for him to have more chances to impress bel.
  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    they should impress the living crap out of each other that would be great

    i'd love if they had the kind of rivalry where if anyone steps to either of them they're just like "nah you don't rate" because their spadebro is the most impressive
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  19. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Yes exactly. Even when erskin thought things were over he was baffled that new suitors thought they could be any kind of replacement. If bel ever wants to fish for compliments he can just bring up the matter of erskin's hate fans and enjoy erskin's total incomprehension.

    Actually that would be a cute side note, some kids on bel's team making idiots of themselves to pull erskins pigtails and he just exasperatedly shakes off all flirtation.
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  20. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    SO. CUTE. yes, let it be so. :3
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