Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    heh, bel doesn't even know what the tail gesture means.
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  2. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    So, I don't really know what else should happen for the moment with the werewoofs. Do you have an idea, or should we switch off to another universe for awhile? Taking a break if you're in a crummy mood is also an option.
  3. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    yeah i'm in a poop mood i think maybe give me a day or two. i keep failing to get my pain meds refilled. :P
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  4. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    dude ok i had a cool thought about the sunslammer and pancho bein a vampire. ok, so most of the plants and animals that grow well in troll spaceships would be the ones that do fine with moonlight, right? trolls wouldn't want to mimic a real alternian day/night cycle on their ships, they probably just phase the lighting from pink&green to white for sleepytimes in private blocks and leave all the public and work spaces moonlit continuously, so everyone who's on-shift can see well and stay alert. so, to grow plants that needed sunlight on ships, they'd need to particularly modify a space with specialized lighting, then you'd need to put on sunglasses and maybe a cloak to work in there. there's no 'set it and let it grow while everyone's asleep' on a ship like there would be on planet. it just makes sense for the vast majority of troll space plants to be moongrowing, naturally or

    however, erskin likes setting up biomes. his desert biome would have a day/night shift, because he's neurotically committed to accuracy with that one.

    and pancho, as a rainbowdrinker (if she is one) hasn't felt alternian sunlight since she left planet. probably her whole existence as a rainbowdrinker, the last sweep (or so?) has been spent under alien suns. so if she followed erskin into the desert biome in a sun cycle, she might be experiencing the sunlight she's evolved for as a rainbowdrinker for the first time ever. whether drinkers need it like humans need our sun, or are just adapted to survive it, i think that would be a really interesting situation for her.

    erskin for his part would be really pleased for someone else to like his desert biome. i'm pretty sure 98% of trolls find it to be a creepy nightmare hellscape.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2016
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  5. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i forget whether we ever decided anything about pancho, or if we were still kicking ideas around. if we did decide, i don't remember what we decided. but i like your thoughts. :D

    bel likes the desert biome! he likes it because it's a Challenge and Difficult. which is also why he likes erskin. the desert is a metaphor for erskin! excelt that unlike erskin, the desert is not sexy.
  6. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    the desert has too much sand to get stuck in parts to be sexy.

    i thought we were leaning towards pancho being a secret vampire because it would be a fun complication + hot, especially around pancho keeping secrets from bel and having complicated romance feels with lu. but i forgot too what had been concretely decided.

    edit: personally im all for it, i love vampire drama. they're complicated + hot.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2016
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  7. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i'd also be happy to pick up the space navy au again for awhile. we're a little stalled out on the werewolves. and i think erskin and lainey palling around with whitey is cute.

    ...on a totally different universe's note (but still about vampires) i went and re-read a big chunk of the original universe for funsies, and was thinking about how bel and erskin were gonna do that campaign together. and how it would be funny if bel walks in to negotiations the first day with erskin all smug and lets him loose on everyone. and the next day they walk in, ready for another triumphant night of trolling, and the other side has gone and found a hot vampire chick. and erskin is like 'oh :)' and bel is like ' oh :('.
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  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    BACK TO PANCHO THO actually what if she was doing some amount of okay post-transformation doing wars underneath alien suns, but since having transferred to bel's ship has found herself like getting slowly sunstarved in a way she had totally not anticipated. maybe she was fine on long shipside postings before turning, and after turning she was fine on the shorter trips from front to front, but now the perigees in an entirely moonlit ship are stacking up and she's starting to feel kind of not great.
  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    the thing i can't quite get alongside, i think, is her keeping it from bel. why would she? he's helped her keep her secret about being a jade, he'd obviously help her with the rainbow drinker thing too.
  10. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i thought it was like, she didn't want to call him up and say 'so i died but i got better' initially, especially when bel would want to drop everything and come help her with the rainbowdrinker thing and he was involved in front line combat, and then there just wasn't any good time? so she keeps meaning to, but it gets increasingly hard to fess up to 'so i died half a sweep ago and didn't tell you for stupid reasons'.

    but yeah lying plots are hard when you have sensible and honest characters.
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  11. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    you know, i think "i knew you'd hero out on me, and then i just plain forgot" is a fairly pancho line of reasoning. like, if she finds the whole rainbow drinker thing nbd and easy to handle.

    or. wait.

    ok this is maximum pancho right here:

    she didn't tell him because she didn't want him to fuss when he was out doing war, and then when she transferred, she thought about telling him, and about how he'd flip his shit, and thinks: "omg that is going to be SO FUNNY, and it will get funnier the longer i wait, i'm gonna have to arrange for him to find out in the most hilarious possible way."

    so she's doing extra shifts in the grow spaces, which surprises no one, she's always liked plants. and her own quarters are full of plants too once she's got them set up. it's just pure chance that no one has yet caught her basking in the grow lights. but she's thinking at some point she's going to arrange for bel to catch her napping under the lights in her swimmies so she can be like "oh yawn you caught me" and it'll be funny as hell.

    except cloris comes looking for lu and there are vampire fights instead.
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  12. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yes that sounds awesome. as a minor quibble, as i was just saying, the green spaces would have plants that grew well in moonlight, so that it was safer and more convenient for trolls to tend and harvest the plants. the parks even more so. the desert biome would be one of the only places on the ship with full-spectrum harmful-to-trolls alternian-sun-equivalent lighting. pancho could get a few full-spectrum bulbs from the stores by saying she had finnicky non-crop non-decorative plants to take care of, though. there's probably a reasonable amount of plants a horticulture enthusiast would want to grow that still needed alternian sunlight, especially one who was also an apothecarist who liked growing natural kinds of medicine too.
  13. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    hm, you don't think there's vegetables that need more light?
  14. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yeah, but i feel like the popular ones for growing in space wouldnt require light that hurt trolls... but erskin HAS to grow staple crops, come to think of it. maybe some of the growing rooms would operate on like 6 hours on, 2 off sunlight schedule for veggies, so the three 8hr crew shifts can cycle around tending to the plants in the accessible 'night' periods, and staying out during the sunlit hours.

    this could give pancho the chance at hours of free sunlight, but would be hard to get at, because of safety procedures. people would be expected to sign in and out at least, and only go into a sun area with proper equipment. unlike planetside trolls that deal with regular dawns, shipbound trolls would rapidly lose their sun tolerance.
  15. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i kinda feel like safety regulations aren't a thing trolls are big on. like, if you wanna fry yourself, go ahead, we'll all have a giggle.
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  16. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yeah that sounds like trolls. on a skeleton crew though you might get more exasperated with workplace injuries, though, since everyone's so overworked they cant pick up any more slack. it could be funny for erskin's crew to be reinventing some very human wheels in the esoteric field of 'lets not go through workers like kleenex'.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2016
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  17. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    btw when you're up for playing again i'd love to finish the cute scene with whitey and everyone possibly getting smashed in a pond.

    edit: at some point lainey is going to hit on pancho. she is just that kind of girl.
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  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    what if erskin sometimes goes around putting up workplace safety notices and pancho thinks it's a joke
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  19. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i love it. what if erskin has to go and yell at pancho about safety procedures.
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  20. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    what if erskin is the one who catches her basking and she's like "ummmm"
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