Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

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  2. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    holy moley what an enlightening artwork

    btw this was bel's last effort, if erskin teases him a little more and possibly involves nakedness in the teasing, he'll beg like a broken man
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  3. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    okie-dokie then

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  4. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    on one hand it feels weird writing erskin be so toppy, but on the other hand that's just because i like throwing him in flap-around freak-out situations, and with his quadrantmates he really is thoughtlessly superior and commanding. good thing bel's got the kinks he does, i guess? and also that jethro isn't at all afraid to pap him one in the snoot when he's being a dick.
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  5. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    bel is such a bottom boy it's hilarious, he's loving this, all his bitching is just talk. :D

    i think i must sleep now. will pick up again tomorrow!
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  6. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    no one is going to be able to use this aircar without getting a boner
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  7. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    their LEGACY
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  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Oh, are the other players ready for that? I've certainly been looking forward to seeing Bel and Galley's tearful brohug reunion and/or Galley bitchslapping Erskin the length of the island for upsetting everyone so much.
  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ehhh i don't think they are, but i figure it'll take the guys a while to get aimed in that direction, and there can be distractions on the way, like signing up for the wars and maybe meeting bel's team, idk. one last hangout with lainey, that kind of thing.

    also, it occurs to me -- @Vast Derp you've been having a hell of a time lately, and i'm wondering if having "we're all waiting on galley" sort of thing is stressing you out more. i wonder if you'd like to just move on and have the cavern adventure have taken place offscreen, and galley and lu can just tell the others about it. it wouldn't be good storytelling if we were writing a novel, but fantrolls are for play-play, and if it's not being fun we should switch it up.
  10. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Yeah, like, on one hand I feel bad that this RP has turned into Roach And Jesse Play Dolls On Their Own and on the other hand, I want Luka to take all the time he needs to deal with all the crap that's gone down in his life. So— whatever's the least stressful and most fun, I'm down for— I've got plenty of spoons these days.
  11. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Also if putting this whole RP on pause for a few months would be good, I'm always a slut for AU's— maybe those of us that are interested could drag out the wild west AU or the ferris-beuler's-fight-club highschool AU that human bel and erskin had going on. Or something with ancestors? I think we talked about that once.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2015
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  12. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i'm still pretty spoonless, but Helper Friend is really saving me. so i feel like i have more wiggle room where spoons are concerned, less risk of a hard crash, if that makes any sense. so i can ante up a little bit more energy when something is extra interesting/fun, and not be scared i'm risking one of those cascading breakdowns that used to end up with me flat-assed from bronchitis in a mountain of dirty laundry with my houseplants dying and nothing but dry rice in the cupboards. :P

    er. i rambled. point being, i feel more resilient these days even if i'm tired, and so i am game to adapt.
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  13. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    the worst AU: Bel and Erskin ascend without ever encountering one another again after baby-Erskin took off on adventures. Bel is assigned to be Erskin's first mate. Everything is terrible forever.
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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    oh, i dunno, i think jeeves and wooster in space with undertones of blackrom could be kind of great :D

    it's not like bel objects to following orders on principle, he's just an idealist. if bel ascended, it means he didn't meet galley, so his rebel feelings are suppressed, and he's probably trying to 'work within the system' by being fair and evenhanded with his subordinates. i mean, we COULD make it super dark if we wanted, but it could also be a lighthearted romp through space opera tropes!

    edit: also, space medic pancho! unless she got caught and forced into the brooding caverns, in which case long distance diams with many bitching, and also random pics of eggs, grubs, and mother grub, which bel has no clue how to respond to. :P
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2015
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  15. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    oh gosh oh gosh ok SOME THOUGHTS

    -obviously i still want luka to take a break and not have an au that depended on his participation BUT perhaps instead of the sunslammer down incident, galley merely manages to figure out how to kill his captain(s) and hence three sweeps into his cheerful little rampage, erskin 'lol i bombed all my aptitude tests is that bad' aspera gets assigned the cursed warship because hey who gives a fuck

    -erskin did not want a big warship, he wanted a little scoutship or even a one-man courier skiff, but living somewhere that is continuously trying to kill him makes him so happy he wouldn't trade it for anything.

    -bel is not expecting the 'welcome aboard' tour to include 'oh, and here's helmsman galgal, it turns out he's what's been killing all the top brass on this rig, there's a bag of sugargrubs by the door when you want to bribe him into letting your shower have hot water but i haven't figured out what he wants for not exploding everyone's husktops all the time. we use a lot of paper and pens 'round here.'

    -'why don't you just cull him' '...why would i do that' 'uh because he kills officers apparently' 'well if he manages to kill me i should bally well think i deserved it' '....' 'if he manages to kill you i'll be very disappointed, your paperwork said you were smart.'

    -bel has had a string of polite, mature, tepid blackroms with fellow reinactors on planet and he got past the drones so he knows what hate feels like, ok, he's been around the black block a few times but WHAT IS THIS FEELING

    -'that kadros fellow's pretty fit, isn't he' 'X HATE HXM X HATE YOU BOTH YOU'RE GOXNG TO SUCK HARD VACUUM AND DXE CRYXNG WHEN X GET THROUGH WXTH YOUuuaaarghgg agh xm sorry xm sorry—' 'no, no, it's quite alright, you just keep right on with that, mr galgal. it's good to have hobbies.'

    -galley deliberately lets a boarding party in, the boarding aliens look like half-dragon half-scorpion nightmares, erskin has so much fun he bakes galley a cake. they lost a pivotal battle due to the distraction and erskin's been busted down a few ranks for it but what's important is everyone had a good time and grew as people.

    -erskin finds out that bel can read without having to drag his finger across the screen, immediately offloads all his paperwork duties on to him, spends his new free time learning to play darts.

    -galley and bel bond over complaining about what a horrifying disaster their captain is and how it might be possible to actually kill him for good. their solution is to put up a suggestion box for the crew. it is stuffed full in one night but erskin gets ahold of all the slips and reads them over the intercom while giggling.


    lu gets a courier skiff. erskin hates her.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2015
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  16. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    -bel got assigned to the cursed idiot garbage ship because he disobeyed a direct order from a superior officer in battle, which won the battle and saved pretty much everyone, so he got a medal and a direct transfer somewhere he won't upset anyone important
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  17. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox


    roach what have you done i need to play this right awayyyyy

    i have tabletop gaming tonight otherwise i'd say LET US BEGIN WITHOUT DELAY and also i promised myself i'd write 500 words of bowerbird no matter what

    - bel is a total rules lawyer. he has all the rules memorized. the fact that quoting chapter and verse at erskin doesn't stop him from doing crazy shit makes bel furious, and also baffled, and also warm in the nethers.

    - bel's probably already got a bit of a reputation on the helmsnet for keeping an eagle eye on his helmsmen's health, even when his captain is an abusive fuck. he comes to this ship ready to pull out all the stops with the rules-quoting and maliciously exact obedience and possibly a bit of misdirection and subtle sabotage to keep this violet wacko from destroying this poor, fragile, long-abused helmsman -- and is, as above, furious/baffled/warm when he discovers that erskin treats galley quite well actually.

    - once it sinks in that the top brass really have written off the entire ship/crew, and are paying about zero attention to what he and erskin and galley get up to, bel begins to blossom into a mighty force for shit-stirring. if you think erskin gets into a lot of trouble with bel trying to stop him, imagine what they can get up to if they team up. :D
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  18. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i am loving bowerbird so no worries!

    -'sunslammer', as a ship title, probably translates to 'the night's cruel fist' in human terms of eye-rollingly portentious nonsense. erskin thinks it's kinda cute.

    - 'our mission is to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before!' 'captain our mission to get to sector x2930 and help with the bombing of planet herculon' 'no'

    -erskin manages to get into the helmsnet out of sheer benighted terribleness at computers. everyone there yells at him and he leaves in a huff under the impression that furries are really mean.

    -erskin is in the equivalent of his mid-twenties and is going to look like he's in the equivalent of his mid-twenties for the next thousand years. bel is deeply horrified to learn that erskin is roughly a sweep younger than he is.

    -bel's position as first officer is actually a significant promotion. he was happy about it for all of six hours before he realized just where he was going to be officering.

    -erskin runs his bridge crew like a book club, despite reading at the rate of a page per hour. he mostly likes Lad's Own kind of adventures and sulks whenever it's the navigator's turn, because she picks out Improving Works and the last thing he wants to do is have some philosophical wrangle about the nature of corruption or whatever. he still manfully suffers through them, reading one painful page at a time in his captain's chair.

    -sometimes he throws the books at the viewscreen and storms around yelling. everyone likes this part.

    -erskin is an avid shipper but he ships like a six-sweep-old yaoi fan. it's disgraceful.

    -the look of abject grief and horror on erskin's face when he realizes it's bel's turn to pick out the book probably keeps bel warm at day for a week.

    -the captain's lusus probably gets a special collar and free run of the ship. reggie's collar is probably a tattered cloth-of-gold bandana cut out of whatever the previous (much more imposing) lusus got to wear.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2015
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  19. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    this gives me such joy <3

    do lusii get to go to space? would eagledad even fit? :U
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  20. Belatu Kadros

    Belatu Kadros crossfireHurricane

    proposal: there is a similar different-ranks-in-different-services thing going on with trolls, but the services aren't totally divided, so you could take someone who's made a name for himself commanding ground troops and assign him to a ship, just cuz.

    so bel was a captain in the troll marines whatsit, and after his fortunate-but-impolitic disobedience and major victory, he was given a double promotion and assigned to the garbage ship. now his rank is commander, and his CO's rank is captain, and every time someone says 'captain' for the first two weeks he turns around.
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