Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    -yes lusii definitely get to go to space! lusii are ideally lifelong companions, and anyway trolls have the resources and culture to build big. if i was organizing this i'd have each deck of a ship's crew quarters being built along the lines of a nautilus, with larger-massing custodian-troll pairs being housed in the smaller number of larger sections.

    -if we take the homestuck trolls as representative, sollux, kanaya, terezi, vriska, gamzee, and feferi have huge custodians, but kanaya, terezi, and feferi's custodians are near-unique cases. i think the percentage of huge custodians is likely to be something closer to one-in-six, rather than five-in-twelve. karkat's lusus is bigger than him while aradia, nepeta, tavros, equius, and eridan have lusii that are about their own size or smaller. the percentage of small custodians is probably low, though.

    -there are probably sections of deck for lusii to get exercise— run, fly, train with their trolls, etc. hell, why not throw armories in there, too, and race tracks and combat arenas. space is big and trolls are fuckin rowdy.

    -as a first officer bel should certainly get a big chunk of space for his custodian. perhaps eagledad's been dealing with clipped wings for awhile and bel's really excited about the promotion because he'll finally get enough space allotment for a deck-eyrie to himself so eagledad can fly around all he likes.

    -maybe this is why bel puts up with erskin for the first fang-grittingly rough little while.

    -a ship the size of TNG's NCC-1701-D enterprise holds a thousand humans. it would probably hold two hundred trolls, and that's if 150 were lowbloods.
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  2. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

  3. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i scrolled around this for a bit, thinking about sizes. in our discussion about ship sizes the other day, i mentioned that the uss nimitz is 333 meters long and has a crew of 5000. i guess you'd need a lot more space if people are living there for years at a time without shore leave or fresh air, and growing your own food and so forth, but still, the enterprise being twice that size with a fifth as many people seems pretty roomy.

    which is not an objection. i like the idea of trolls having a personal bubble the size of a tennis court, and being kind of grossed out by how tightly humans pack ourselves, even though by our standards our spaceships are luxuriously spacious.
  4. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

  5. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    huff, i wish uploading pics was easier, but— yeah. humans are an interesting combo of solitary and swarming compared to trolls-and-lusii i think? we don't need custodians past our young adulthood, but will cram a two hundred humans into a vessel the size of an ablution trap and no one kills anyone. once you stuff humans in somewhere tight enough you get a sort of ashrom buckyball, with everyone leaning on everyone else to keep chill. troll scientists conclude 'gross', and also 'what the fuck'.

    when i think of the battleship condescension vs human architecture i kinda think of like:

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  6. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    ok also pls consider the suspicious number of trolls on erskin's ship that wear sunglasses indoors and have horns that wobble when they turn around fast

    'those are alien spies, aspera'
    'they have BROWN SKIN'
    'it's not nice to point out people's private diseases you know'
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  7. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    haha omg human spies concluding "we should not blow up this ship, and in fact we should help it out sometimes, because it's so incompetently run that it is no threat to us and somewhat impedes other imperial operations"

    my current tabletop game is 'dungeons the dragoning' which is a mashup of a bunch of systems, and it uses the space stuff from warhammer 40k. our group's home base is a ship 5 kilometers long, and that's not even considered that big a ship; our boss is a merchant prince, not a major naval power. our own space yacht is probably more like the constitution class trek ship, or even smaller; it's a luxury vessel with no weapons and lots of recreational areas, with a crew of about a dozen, not counting princess nami's personal retinue.

    my tricked-out redneck halftrack with the 50-cal machine gun on top looks pretty strange sitting in the onboard garage alongside nami's collection of space lamborghinis. :D
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  8. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ok so is the whole crew fuckups consigned to the garbage ship for various infractions and offenses? because that could be really funny.
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  9. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yes. probably yes. the garbage ship is where trolls who can't be culled or 'accident'-ed are promoted to. there's probably still a pretty high turnover rate but erskin, at least, has lasted longer than usual. galley may be taking this as a personal affront.

    i think the top brass has made the mistake of composing a darwinian gauntlet to throw inconvenient fuckups into, and are going to wind up with a shipful of invincible inconvenient fuckups.

    please tell me how long it takes bel to figure out the real reason behind his promotion and also his feels
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  10. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    oh, i think he knows roughly what's going to happen the moment he decides to disobey the order. and he is outwardly completely oblivious to the dishonor, while secretly seething.
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  11. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    hm, the idea of erskin ordering galley to hurt him would be a complete bonerkill for bel. in the interest of continuing to enjoy swirly-eyes bel's lust-drunk babbling, i propose you edit that last bit somewhat.
  12. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    awww, baby. ):

    also i think kintsugi is not telling me when you've replied very promptly? i'll refresh and it'll be like 'oh he answered a post an hour ago lol'. we need some kind of rp bat signal. maybe every time i reply to a post i'll release a dove out my window?
  13. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    refreshing the page sometimes doesn't do the thing. i go back to the 'watched threads' page just to be sure, that seems to do the trick.
  14. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

  15. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    welp, congratulations erskin, you banged 50 iq points off him. :D

    i must sleep, i will be around tomorrow.
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  16. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Now i really like the idea of a couple human spies kicking around and trying to slip erskin subversive literature. He thinks they're all smashing fellows, if a bit slutty in the pale areas, and puts all eccentricities down to them being orphans with diseases

    One of them is bridge crew and their bookclub contributions tend to be along the lines of Animal Farm. Erskin likes the violent bits but has yet to do anything more than skim over the moralistic bits. Allusions are not his strong suite.
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  17. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ==> bel: discover sub space.
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  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    erskin has inadvertently discovered one of bel's deepest, most secret fantasies: being dommed stupid and then taken care of, somewhere isolated and lovely with climbable rocks. :D
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  19. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Awww cute. There was no way erskin was gonna sleep around strangers who knew who and where he waa-- too many bad experiences. Dude likes his hides! They should probably go back for erskins cool new bike, tho.

    Playing thru a battle is gonna be so fun.

    Eta: hmm it might be neat for some superior party to come along and bel see erskin quietly go to ground? Idk. Or maybe they just play hide and seek!
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2015
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  20. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    some superior party? not sure what you mean.
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