Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    that sounds pretty fantastic tbh :D
  2. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Woke up to write down dream. Snooze time again. Feel free to get them to the shower. Erskin is not gonna want to smooch till he's gotten to rinse his mouth out tho.
  3. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ok! have edited to get them there.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2015
  4. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    the problem with size-difference pairings:

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  5. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    sdlfkgjhdfglkj i made monkey noises
  6. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    and occasionally a step-stool
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  7. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    updated trope list!

    -evil twins (beforan twins?) crossover
    -casteswap crossover
    -they get robots in. the robots are killbots.
    -alien invasion: evil mimic edition
    -alien invasion: facehugger edition
    -alien invasion: improbably sexy edition
    -a ship comes in for repairs AND EVERYONE IS ZOMBIES
    -a ship comes in for repairs and EVERYONE IS SPORE ZOMBIES
    -a ship comes in for repairs and it is pretty obviously humans in makeup
    -they plow through a horrorterror, everything becomes a lovecraftian nightmare for a while
    -the naked time: pale orgy edition​
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  8. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox


    i would love to do the humans in makeup one, but it seems slightly too silly for the level of realism we're doing. unless everyone knows it's silly and is kinda just waiting for the punchline.

    didn't we decide to go with 'humans are only sorta enemies, and the frontiers contain as much trading as fighting'? maybe they came to trade with murfey and are dressed as trolls for plausible deniability, and everyone's too bemused (and glad of fresh produce and toys) to kick up a stink?

    my next fave would be the bodyswap, except i want to talk it out with you beforehand because bel's reactions to being in erskin's body would be like:
    1. "do you seriously hurt this much all the timE THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE I AM GOING TO FIX IT"
    2. throws self into research, networking, experimentation, basically makes Fix Erskin's Hip his new special interest
    3. obtains sigmah
    4. bullies erskin into listening to at least the nutshell version of what can be done
    5. "this is your body even tho i am wearing it so it's your choice but if you choose slow gooey death i will respect you les s jUST SAYING"
    which is like... super godmodey. and thus possibly not fun. and also makes your char less disabled, which like, dang i hate when someone in an rp is like HERE LET ME FIX YOUR CHARACTER'S DISABILITY. but i do not think bel could be persuaded to agree that not trying the surgery with a surgeon he knows wavecrest didn't get to is the right choice.
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  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    bel's wake-up alarm, btw, is troll nicki minaj, and it is LOUD.
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  10. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Wow ok I really like that! Yeah, humans being like WE SURE ARE TROLLS and the trolls coughing into their fists and going YEP YOU CERTAINLY SEEM TO PLAUSIBLY BE REAL PEOPLE sounds really great. It seems to me the kind of thing erskin would be interested in enough to try once— his natural enthusiasm for the dangerous and weird is, unfortunately, dampened by his nervous protectiveness of his ship and crew.

    Maybe they could show up with the aquaponics, or something? Or at least a lot of stuff for it.
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  11. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    murfey broughtat least some of that stuff. maybe they could show up with pancho, and she's like "yeah i made friends with these ppl WHO ARE DEFINITELY TROLLS and they're giving me a great deal on wood and woodworking equipment" and hey maybe they have some good seeds and things, i can't imagine troll agricultural science is especially advanced.
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  12. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yes, this seems reasonable! especially the whole, humans being better than trolls at growing stuff on ships. i think the troll diet is largely insectivorous and they seem happy in dim hives and also are not keen on sunlight, so their ships probably tend towards the dark and bare.

    though ok erskin is going to be rattled enough by reggie's appearance, i dunno if he'd care about anyone else at all with something that emotionally important happening, let alone traders that murfey and bel could handle.
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  13. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ah yeah, good point. shall we do pancho first, or ??? it can take as long for her transfer to go through as we want.
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  14. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    let's put pancho off a little longer, BUILD THE SUSPENSE.

    i think a zombie outbreak would be cool, though. ups the stress, lots of murders, the crew is even more short-staffed for a bit, pancho is rushed in right after because yikes. would that be fun?
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  15. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ok imma be honest, my brain is tired and i have one of those drive-to-the-city appointments tomorrow so i will probs be dumb butts for a while. so i think my vote is for whichever trope you feel like running, and i can just react to. if that sounds like an unfun amount of work for you i should maybe take a few days break. i am a deflated beach ball.
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  16. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    just realized, now that bel is (tentatively) inclade, lainey is going to get pretty informal with him. as in, she wouldn't make any attempt to cover up or even stop if he found her macking on erskin, and the two of them would probably cheerfully invite bel in. lainey is a rowdy and shameless hedonist, and her moral instruction to erskin has been more along the lines of 'don't catch anyone's bulge with your teeth holy fuck' rather than 'sex is something very special two trolls share when they have very important feelings for one another'.

    if bel thinks erskin is blithely promiscuous because of lainey, he's pretty much right, but if he thinks lainey is manipulating him or taking advantage of him, nah.

    he's actually safe in terms of erskin not cheating on him— he's a very rare case already. erskin isn't likely to encounter any temptation, and by the time he does he'll have figured out how much fidelity means to bel. that being said, erskin is probably going to cluelessly invite bel along the next time he has a quadrantless romp with a visiting captain, like 'hey guess what's fun', and bel is going to have to do some very smooth talking to say 'hell no' in a way that doesn't overtly convey 'i am horrified at the notion of beholding the visiting captain's genitals'.
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  17. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i look forward to laughing my face off because this is going to be great :D

    i don't think bel is too upset by public displays of affection, he'd just leave when the junk comes out. because threesomes are terrifying. (what even are the social rules??? what do??? so scary to be confuse while naked and feelings!!?!).
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  18. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    what if bel got bit during the zombie fiasco and it was a race against time to get pancho in with a shipment of meds that'd save him before the condition permanently melted his brain?? And like over the few days it gets harder and harder for bel to keep his shit together. Pancho could show up when he was a horrifying murderball and save everything with the power of love and a strong pappin hand haha.

    That sounds hella fun to me, but idk if it'd require too much focus from you.
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  19. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    OMG IT SOUNDS SO FUN i am in such a halloween mood

    we gotta figure out the deets of zombie infection beforehand tho
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  20. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yay! okay, we could do mushroom-zombies, like bel was telling erskin about and like i wrote in that one fic with karkat/sollux. this would be a variant that amps up a troll's stress response until they're franticly violent, to spread itself via biting rather than cuddling or fucking. so, basically firefly's Reavers, only with extra shitake. berserker-strong trolls intent on biting and tearing any warm body they can get ahold of, and if you're infected it's a few nights of increasing itches, aches, fever, until the stress is too much and the troll loses their temper for the last time and goes on rampage. there's probably things that can slow the progress of the infection down, plus medicine that can burn/freeze it out.

    if the mushroom thing is too gross, we could just have it be spores or slime-mold or bacteria, that would manifest near-invisibly or as dark blood poisoning lines or rotten skin or whatever.
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