Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    oh man, and maybe they can't just tell visiting ships the truth or they'll get nuked to save the fleet? that is getting into silly levels of tension tho.
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  2. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i think i am going to stop trying to write stuff and just read stuff for the rest of tonight, i done run out of words.
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  3. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    ok! well we did good for tonight! this was rad.
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  4. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    two late night thoughts:

    -what if trolls expect officers that work together closely to form a romantic bond or at least a significant friendship. the new first mate settling into the captain's long-unfilled pitch quadrant probably seems to everyone to be a tidy bit of serendipity, and assures them that things are more stable and secure now. more communication, less backstabbing, less dangerous maneuvering for status, way fewer bystander casualties. and it seems to me that bachelors of any quadrant would be seen as a little damaged at best, and worrisomely defective at worst... unable to connect with people fully, or repulsive in some secret but significant way. not qualities you want to observe in a commanding officer!

    -does bel know what strain of brainrot he and his team are even exposing themselves to? it could be heartbreaking if he stumbles off the ship wondering how many hours he has left.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2015
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  5. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    since bel told erskin to 'be ready to save those who have been bitten' he presumably knows there's a cure; he probably also knows the sunslammer is unlikely to have it aboard. so i think he's viewing it as a severe risk rather than certain doom. he knows his chances aren't good, though, so he is probably sort of saying goodbye to stuff just in case. :<

    hmm, i wonder where murfey was in all this. he would've volunteered for bel's team if he knew, because he's used to fighting together, but i reckon lainey didn't call him up because he's outside the chain of command. or we could just say that yeah he was one of the 6 because of course he was.
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  6. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Lets say lainey included him bc combat experience!
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  7. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    would you like to have it be erskin's idea to try to speed up pancho somehow? it kinda feels extra satisfying that way for some reason.
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  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Okay, feel free to have Bel be grumps about Erskin looking to Murfey for a solution rather than him. But so, maybe Murfey can give a maybe/no/aw fuck definitely no, then Bel can come up with hauling Pancho over, Erskin can throw his weight and authority behind it. Does that sound good?

    Erskin would probably be thinking 'we were set to get pancho when we made planetfal after this trip, or the next planet after that', plus 'no ships will approach us now' so he wouldn't have made the next logical step of 'have her grab the meds and come to meet us'.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2015
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  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    naw, i think bel took erskin asking murfey as indicating bel-and-erskin as a leadership team inviting murfey to speak up if he could help.

    'whitey' is vaziok dasyat who is a real pill, but kind of out of the running wrt bloodcaste politics because he let himself be lusus-ified and is now kind of only alive due to loopholes in culling law, since he's infertile, but also sort of not a troll? but also sort of still a seadweller? and very rich, and dealing weapons to a lot of people, so they kind of have his back. he is a logistical nightmare to deal with. but he DOES have a very fast ship.
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  10. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    ha! whitey. that's great, it's even six letters.

    damn, now i want a situation where whitey can shove erskin around all he likes due to the dynamic of 'hi i'm a lusus of your bloodcolor and you're an off-balanced, overstressed, lamed orphan, you want to court my favor'. that would be pretty interesting for everyone to watch. maybe bel could kind of bristlingly stick up for erskin and prod him into having a spine and staying focused? that would be a good kismesis thing to do. but that wouldn't happen if reggie was there... perhaps pancho could have left itsy and the babies with her regular squad, to be picked up when the cleared ship cruises into port?
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  11. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i could totally see whitey being like "but not your zoo" when he picks her up, yeah :D
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  12. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    ha! does he have an aversion to other lusii, or just a dozen lusii scampering around his ship? or other tyrian lusii, i guess, having another tyrian in your territory can't be much fun for trolls or lusii or lusus-trolls. they wouldn't be at all accustomed to sharing space with peers, and i'm sure reggie wouldn't hesitate to take a stab at a troll-size asshole if s/he felt disrespected.
  13. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    hahaha i am so daunted tho, i have set myself up to play everyone in the world

    maybe i should have it happen off camera, i dunno if i'm up to playing vaziok being a brat. but he is such a fantastic brat and it's so fun when i'm up for it. i'm just still sick and have rocks in my head.
  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    he dislikes clutter and chaos. he dislikes mammals that might poop on his nice clean floors. his own lusus is a sting ray, and half the ship is full of water, it's not very landdweller friendly. it's so fast because he sort of collects 'problem' helmsmen and has them work short shifts, which keeps them fresh and happy. so instead of being a grayhound bus, his ship is a drag racer, it just does its drag race hourly around the clock.

    edit: he makes his money by trading in small, valuable, volatile cargo like explosives, drugs, and people. bel and erskin will probably have to work hard to keep him from violating their moral rules if he sticks around.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2015
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  15. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i think everyone will want to pack him off ASAP— especially lainey, if he bullies erskin. she's already used to breathing fire at people who'd take advantage of arguus. that being said, they wouldn't mind some amount of recreationals being traded around. something like crack or meth, no way, stuff like good weed, no problem.
  16. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    okay what if when whitey gets on the line erskin just freezes up and lainey's gotta do the fast talking (and cleavage displaying)

    i would think whitey would disconcert/irritate/creep out a lot of other violets, but i think the rate of genuinely fucked-up parentless kids is pretty low among royalty?

    ETA: would this be too obnoxious/dramatic, also, should erskin manage to fake his way through it?
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2015
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  17. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    however you think is more fun to write! i kinda did a bit of a copout in my post just now and had talkings be background.

    tbh my headache is getting worse again and i think i had best knock off for the night. and possibly go to bed, i want to do a sewings but my eyes might be too itchy. bluh.
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  18. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    aw, lame, a headache. but yeah i'll probably gloss over the exact wheeling and dealing too. tricky negotiations are too hard to write!
  19. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    haha i'm kinda glad it's not just me :P

    anyhow feel free to write my guys if needed, i think you have a p good grasp of bel and murfey, and as for whitey -- i don't even have a good grasp of him myself tbh. imagine russian eridan hooked up with a mad scientist and got turned into a walking exception to every rule. he's a mess.

    'russian gangster seadweller' leaves us plenty of wiggle room for any sort of wacko behavior we might feel like writing, i think :D
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2015
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  20. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    you can stick with bel's perspective of what's going on, maybe have him be too distracted by erskin's cowering freakout to pay attention to the actual back-and-forth, which lainey and murfey would handle. i'd definitely expect whitey to be enjoying the devastating effect he's having on erskin, that erskin is almost entirely incapable of treating him like a troll or a peer. if anyone manages to get any words out of erskin it's going to be 'give him whatever he wants' so they should probably do their best to cut him out of any actual haggling.

    i would imagine that since lusii and little trolls are supposed to find one another just after the trials, courting the guardianship of a lusus isn't a process above-ground trolls would be witness to very often. ditto, i suppose, a stray lusus trying to adopt a new troll, though that at least would be more likely to be videotaped and put on crueltube. so, watching erskin doing his level best not to, like, supplicate? puppy-whimper? bap himself against the screen? would be pretty shocking, i guess. embarrassing, maybe, and alarming.

    also like bel would have even found out about erskin's lack of a custodian second-hand, except for the bit where erskin was pissed at the thought bel was trying to bribe him he wouldn't have ever come anywhere near the subject. i guess that's why bel didn't even think to give erskin any kind of heads up? and unless bel was like 'oh hey murfey turns out the captain's an orphan is that wild or what' then i wouldn't suppose murfey would have any idea about any of it.

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