Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    shit i was editing to add some stuff and then accidentally backspaced and lost it. but the gist was, what if the blood cleaning helps stabilize the fever and even ease it off, since it's reducing the spore concentration enough that the body actually feels like it's winning for a while. and by now bel feels shitty enough that 'sore arm, thirsty' is an irrelevant blip. so bel gets an hour or two after the sessions where he can keep food and water down enough to digest some of it, and sleep, and maybe even get some reality checks.

    so he starts getting snappish and violent, not about being dragged out of a 'safe bolthole' like everyone figured, but about not being let over to the blood machines fast enough, or often enough, and he doesn't want to be pulled away, and he starts getting defensive of the machines themselves, too. why is everyone always fiddling with them them? especially his? are all these guys medics? really? how does he know none of them are infected, and treacherous like the orange helmsman, and sneakily trying to break everyone's machines, so everyone feels awful full-time (and everyone's feeling worse, too, he's getting really worried about how bad the infected crew is looking) and everyone on the ship dies and pancho shows up and gets EATEN. bel had better protect the machines. from. the enemy sabotage. which is... potentially anyone. and he's the most combat-savvy guy on the ship, of course he'd be the first guy they'd want to take out. which is why he's getting so much worse so much faster. it all fits.

    so the explosion, when it happens, isn't in dragging bel to dialysis, it's trying to drag him away. after that it'd make sense for erskin to get bel hooked up to his own machine, in his own room, and just wrestle him on to new ones when he burns through each unit. ditto murfey, probably.

    it could be kind of cool if bel manages to trust erskin for the longest, because even if he wants to throw down with the guy just because, erskin's higher blooded than him and acting totally fine and is The Captain. so he couldn't possibly be infected. probably.
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  2. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    oh right and also once his immune system's gone, he won't be feeling feverish, i don't think...? but he would be finding it hard to keep control of himself when the spores mimic (or produce? i forget) all the stress and aggression hormones. think logically, calm down, get rest. so he'd still be feeling a lot better after the spore concentration was lowered, even though it might be more mental than physical later on.
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  3. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i like all your ideas very much. i especially like giving him a logically consistent paranoia -- i was trying to think of one, because he's very good about logic-checking himself and won't act on delusions that make no sense.

    omg my cat just picked a fight with a towel and it was so cute and i lost my train of thought.

    oh, also: he will be worrying about murfey. because murfey is as lethal as he is, and likes to set fires and explosions. and is out of bel's sight. FUSS.
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  4. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    would it be better for murfey and bel to be paired up? because both of them buying into and then mutually reinforcing the 'we are at war against enemy sabotage' delusion would be incredibly dangerous for everyone else. but if it was like 'we'll only act when both of us agree on something' that might help. erskin would be willing to listen to stuff as long as bel can keep coherent. he's probably emotionally compromised enough to want to think bel's doing better than he is.
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  5. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    you know what, we might be able to poke at the whole 'brain-damaged bel hangs around and is dazedly admiring of galley' plot for a little bit after all? like they stuff bel in galley's block to play around with legos and wiggler toys as he pulls himself back together and he is just placidly like 'whoever this is is so hot. what a great room i am in. what's going on. who is this. wow, they're cute.'

    having a recovery week where everyone is doing that whole, youtube videos of kids coming back from the dentist thing, that could be pretty lighthearted and fun compared to all this serious business happening now. maybe once the spores get scrubbed out the body starts breaking down the toxic overload of stress and aggression hormones with a vengeance and none of the patients can manage to be even slightly cranky for a while. it's half sheer giddy relief and half brain damage.

    did you see that one video of that boy who temporarily forgot like two years? his mom was like 'hon, you're fifteen' and he just paused and was horrified and went ' long was i IN THERE for???'.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
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  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i think bunking murfey and bel together would keep them busy fighting each other, but in general would make them worse. :P
  7. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    oh my gosh yes, let's do braindamaged sweetheart bel for a bit, he loves legos, he loves his lusus, he writes small nonsense poems and draws with crayons.
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  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    also erskin going from 'breathlessly and tenderly relieved that bel is no longer in hellwar mode' to 'but i want victory hatesex ):' and bel is just peacefully patting his knee and sweetly explaining that they are best pals.
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  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    poor erskin!
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  10. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    wah this is going to be fun
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  11. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    hey, how should i have erskin deal with murfey? i've been skipping that because i genuinely don't know what's up with him.
  12. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    hm, murfey's less self-contained than bel, and thus more likely to act out, but he's also less of a self-starter. he's also a well-trained marine, so sharp, clear orders will probably override his aggression feelings for a while. after that, he'll probably just... feel like hitting stuff, and they may have to remove his metal arm to keep him from destroying important equipment and furniture and walls.

    once he's properly delusionally, he's going to try to set things on fire, and may well succeed. we don't have to play it out, but it might be fun to reference him having set his bedding on fire with a gum wrapper and the battery from the tv remote.
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  13. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i think i'd like to skip to Bel Flipout Time, how long do you think that would be?
  14. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    well let's see, he's feeling super shitty on the start of night 2. night 3, probably the last of the fever is burning itself out, and the paranoia and delusions are ramping up. he can dismiss the 'there's monsters in the walls' stuff, but the more subtle 'we have to protect the machines from sabotage' would probably sneak in the back way while he's concentrating on not shooting up the ceiling or whatever. midway through night 4 he could start 'taking action'/ flipping out. pancho's slated to show up on night, what, 7-8?
  15. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i think most of them have sturdy throw-away entertainment tablets, so bel and murfey would be able to chat once their respective BLURGH I AM SO SICK THE LAST THING I WANT TO DO IS STARE AT A BRIGHT SCREEN stages wear off. maybe they could heckle each other over their respective hallucinations. that seems like a thing they would do.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
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  16. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    homg they so would. :D

    i just got back from the dentist, and i'm scheduled for dental surgery at 8am tomorrow. soooo i am pretty frazzled and not up to doing this situation justice. could you give me sort of... writing assignments or prompts? so i know what bit i'm doing?
  17. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    if sal had handled the worst-case-scenario talk with the crew tho

    sal: who should kill you
    patient: ....what?
    sal: *raises eyebrows expectantly*
    patient: CAPTAIN, HELP.
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  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

  19. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    awwww jeez dude, good luck! DENTISTS.

    ok how's this for prompts, chopping up the stuff i was talking about upthread.
    • night 3, probably the last of the fever is burning itself out, and the paranoia and delusions are ramping up.
    • he can dismiss the 'there's monsters in the walls' stuff, but the more subtle 'we have to protect the machines from sabotage' would take hold while he's concentrating on not shooting up the ceiling or whatever.
    • night 3 he would probably re-establish contact with murfey.
    • galley would also be texting him. galley's been watching him closely but with him too sick to manage computers, communications is limited.
    • midway through night 4 he could start 'taking action'/ flipping out.
    i can help with moving characters around...?
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
  20. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ok, i'll give it a go!
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