Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

  2. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    do you know what time it is? TOOTH HURTY.

    it's funny because. it's 2:30. and also my teeth hurt. i think i need to take the good drugs and hit the sack.
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  3. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yeh i'm fading out too. we'll figure more shit out later! this has been great so far tho >:D
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  4. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Suggestion: erskin gets pounced by a troll whose paranoia is that everything is HIS fault, maybe fried by psionics a bit, so when bel shows up for his 2nd round of the night erskin is out of it, injured and doped up on painkillers, and can't manage him or forestall the explosion or anything. And bel's had eight hours to sit in a box and freak out over every last little thing that could go wrong-- well, here's the Enemy's first strike, it incapacitated the captain. It's time to Do Something already!!

    Or erski just gets a bit dinged up, and is lucid enough to TRY and forestall Bel's freak out spiral, but just finally can't.
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  5. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i think erskin being out of it would allow bel to go on a proper rampage. can he stuff sal in a fridge? i don't want him to kill anyone, and he's not bitey yet, but he should be hard as hell to subdue.
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  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    oh, but before we get to the paranoid breakdown, could we maybe have him talk to galley a bit more? maybe once he's back in his room?
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  7. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i like all these ideas, yes. definitely he should stuff sal in a fridge. serves him right.
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  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yeah! i think galley's been too scared to talk to bel for fear of setting off another cryfest, because now he has no idea what's an okay thing to say or not. but if bel contacts him first he can draw galley out. that'd be cute.
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  9. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    So was 'Bel's commander got conveniently shot by an ALIEN gun' a polite fiction? He shot the dude like then and there after the dumb order, just no one could prove it? I had been assuming it really was just good luck that the commander didn't survive the battle Bel disobeyed him in, but Bel's hinting he did it, or at least arranged it.

    Did he pick an alien gun off a dead alien and shoot his commander with it? Because that'd be pretty smart.
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  10. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    Oh, it was much colder and more calculated than that. :D

    After getting the order, and making the guy mad by arguing over the order, and finding out that the general got even stupider and meaner and more stubborn when argued with, bel went back to his command bunker and thought about things for a few hours. He thought about how even if he sacrificed his career by disobeying the order, this asshole general would find a way to retaliate, and bel's troops would suffer for it. but if he went along with the order, they'd suffer anyway. something was going to have to give, and the general was the weakest link.

    then he thought about the general's personality, and how he loved to punish people for failing to kiss his ass. if bel disobeyed the order, the general would come down personally to relieve bel of command and gloat over his comeuppance. so bel hacked the cheap-ass security cameras in his little prefab corrugated steel bunker, and his comm net, and he went out to a certain vantage point with an alien rifle. from there, he called the general to state for the record that he was refusing the order. the general, predictably, was like "you stay right there mister you're gonna get what's coming to you." and the video footage from bel's command bunker shows him staying there the whole time after making the call, pacing agitatedly for a while and then doing some paperwork with a determined air. he couldn't possibly have had anything to do with the fact that the general, on the way to court-martial him, was hit by an alien sniper.

    it's just a little funny that the sniper knew where in the vehicle the general would be sitting, since the windows were dark and it was a generic base transport. maybe it was just a lucky shot!

    of course, an investigation was conducted just in case. the video of bel in the bunker was analyzed, and it was definitely not a copy of any earlier video.

    that's because bel cut it from an earlier night, and replaced that random earlier night with blank footage from a day when he wasn't there, and then replaced the earlier blank footage with the blank footage from while he was out assassinating the general. timestamps are so easy to alter on those cheap cameras.
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  11. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    I feel like Bel telling all this to Galley would qualify as phone sex. He definitely has to at some point.
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  12. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    he'll have to trust galley a lot more first, and he'd have to be in his physical presence and assured that recordngs won't be archived. but then, yeah, he probably would feel better for having told someone.
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  13. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    oh my god dude please consider: bel telling galley all his treasonous thoughts and doubts and everything he hates about the empire and how what was done to galley was monstrous and unfair. but like, while jerking him off.
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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    dfklgjhldsgfkjhsdg kinky
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  15. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ok i'm gonna turn in, try and get back on my regular sleep schedule. with help from DRUGS! seeya tomorrow. :)
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  16. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Okay, should we sum up a bit? Maybe you could elaborate on Bel's paranoias? Or like, elaborate on Bel's paranoias getting more elaborate, haha.
  17. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i just now had bel bring up his delusions, we could have galley ask about them. or i could just summarize bel brooding on them, if you'd rather.
  18. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Hey, if galley says there are no things, to try and soothe hin, that nothing shows on any sensors,bel can conclude they've hacked into the system and there's NO WAY TO TRACK THEM.
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  19. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    hm, i'm not really sure how to proceed. if bel's going to start acting on his delusions in a few hours, he should probably not be so easily talked out of them now. but i'd rather not have him decide galley is in league with the skinwalkers or whatever he's going to settle on as the explanation. thoughts?
  20. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Hhm. I dont think galley's on-the-ball enough to humor and work with delusions the way erskin is. He doesn't negotiate with a dozen different points of view a day. So it seems like hed keep insisting theyre not reall to reassure bel.

    Bel could conclude theyre angels? Since theyre not ghosts and the zero sums showing lotsa ecto freakout readings.

    Awful feathery demons with malicious interdimensional doomsday business to complete. Theological constructs wouldnt show up as ghosts, obviously. Nor might beings phasing in from other dimensions.
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