Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    hm, probably not. and they're not very mobile, so idk if going for a walk is good.

    heyyyyy i bet bel really wants to see his lusus, and pancho hasn't seen him in ages, and erskin hasn't hung out at bel's hive yet!
  2. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ok, hug edited into bread thievery.
  3. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    that's a good idea! they can limp off there. and erskin can fake being interested in a book or something so he can curl up on a couch.
  4. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i am feeling a need to Get Off The Internet for a bit and really focus on quilty things. i've picked out how i'm going to set the blocks together!

    Screen Shot 2015-10-16 at 5.21.53 PM.png

    the gray blocks are the embroidered ones. the center square will be one i draw myself, probs my house but possibly garden tools or chibi me & seebs or idk. then the eight little animals from you around that, and then the four corners will be crows. the side areas between the crow blocks won't be continuing the garden path pattern, they'll be a line of blue-and-green checkerboard with brown borders, i'm just being lazy and using a downloadable pattern sheet as a coloring book rn.

    aaaanyway i am super into this and also feeling a bit trapped by the internets, so i think i should call it a day re rp, and focus on playing with fabric.
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  5. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    go for it! looks real cool so far. i'm starting to think about picking up a little sewing machine so i can make quilts toooooo
  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    garden quilt plan.jpg

    BEHOLD! and aw yeah, quilting buddies :D

    i'm practicing on smaller projects before i dive into this one, but i think i'm p satisfied with this layout.
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  7. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    man all of erskin's issues definitely make me eager for the bodyswap episode. how do you think we can pull that off? rogue psychic attack? aliens.....? fucked up old troll tech? it'd be simplest if it was just a couple people and not the whole crew. also there's some damn weird consent issues goin on there.
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  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    ALSO i think some kind of marooned episode would be fun. Bel like 'yes i am serious business marine i know what to do in emergency' and erskin just like YAAY I'M ON A PLANET AGAIN I'M GONNA CLIMB THAT TREE.
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  9. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Oh I just realized, let's do magic. Let's just have the body swap episode be magic. Like, maybe a hit-and-run by pirates with stolen alien magic and they've gotta chase the pirates down to reverse the spell. And Bel and Erskin get to be like 'MAN. MAGIC IS SOME SERIOUS BULLSHIT'. Because magic really is some serious bullshit.
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  10. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    *bee-like waggle dance of agreement*
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  11. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    SO HEY WHAT IF the thing where erskin gets turned on fast but also doesn't have much in the way of stamina, like, is due to the 'yeah i'm kind of continously injured' thing. it's weird because like compared to bel, as a seadweller, he's still a lot sturdier, he could survive harsher cold and higher drops and probably more stabs, but compared to a hypothetical seadweller who is him plus an extra leg he's kinda redlining all the time. and in alternian trolls this translates like HEYO, BETTER GET IT ON ALREADY, CLOCK'S TICKING.

    it'd be funny in the bodyswap episode if bel was like 'okay i suddenly viscerally understand how cheerfully promiscuous you are though i have to assume lainey's just a perv' and erskin was like 'wow this is so... mellow....?'
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  12. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    to be fair though a lot of it's probably due to personality. it's hard to imagine someone as bouncy and enthusiastic as erskin being like 'naaaaah let's do sex REAL SLOWLY'.
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  13. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    bel is detail-oriented :D
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  14. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    if pancho's hung around to get more coffee or snoop around bel's love life library then i hope she's enjoyed the show >:D
  15. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    heh, i think she is spending the last half hour of her break in the bath with headphones on and the music turned up loud. :D

    i must sleep now, gnight!
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  16. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    my brain does not want to write stuff today, i think i'm coming down sick. but they are snoozing happily and all is well.
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  17. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Okay posting this again for reference!

    sci fi episode plots:

    -evil twins (beforan twins?) crossover

    -casteswap crossover

    -they get robots in. the robots are killbots.

    -alien invasion: evil mimic edition

    -alien invasion: facehugger edition

    -alien invasion: improbably sexy edition

    -a ship comes in for repairs AND EVERYONE IS ZOMBIES

    -a ship comes in for repairs and EVERYONE IS SPORE ZOMBIES

    -a ship comes in for repairs and it is pretty obviously humans in makeup

    -they plow through a horrorterror, everything becomes a lovecraftian nightmare for a while

    -the naked time: pale orgy edition


    -the bodyswap episode
    -the beach episode
    -the episode where everyone shrinks down really tiny and pilots a spaceship thru someone's body for some reason
    -the tron episode
    -werewolves because why not
    -rude person fic: their shuttle crashlands on an alien planet so they do the do in a cave
    -the episode where someone gets knocked off the hull of the ship and is left to float in space till their air runs out they're rescued
    -the tortured for secrets episode
    -the drone season episode​
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2015
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  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    and the body swap episode, don't forget.

    and the beach episode.
  19. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    also with future plot ideas it'd be cool if they met up with some kind of big trade hub once they get out of the empty parsec. we can have the Shopping Episode. more renters can come aboard, maybe erskin and murfey can go have fun. obviously bel, lainey, and erskin can't all be off the ship at once, but we could have a kidnapping plot. or the pale orgy plot. quadrant-style roofies? someone trying to soften the captain and/or first mate up to make a better sale?

    also future plot idea, about erskin's leg. i've been thinking that, the problem with it is, he got seeded with helmsman-grade biowire in the treacherous 2nd surgery, which is doing its aggressive bullshit thing that we see, tumorously burrowing all over, jacking into his nervous system, giving him fucked-up synesthesia problems, and responding to psionic energy by flipping the fuck out. so that's what needs to get pruned back every 6 months (bad) and provides the helm repair guys with plenty of gross starter roots (good).

    but so like okay what if from that massive dose of psionic electrocution he got from carmin's attack, the rogue bioware's gone super nuts and grown all big way ahead of schedule so he's gotta have another trimming session only like 1-2 months after the last one and he's quietly freaking out that This Is It, the end, the point where he can't heal up faster than the rogue biowire can be excised and they have to start making hard decisions about further amputation. and bel's like 'uh yknow pancho doesn't JUST fight zombies' and erskin is like 'oh, hurrrr, yeah, ok, righto'

    and so she actually supervises the process this time and has some ideas of what to fix and how to fix it. so he actually starts getting some mobility back for once.
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  20. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    also man pale roofies could be kind of terrifying if they were a drug that like... made you really cuddly and trusting and apt to say whatever was on your mind. like i would think a lot of trolls would consider being forced into that state— especially by someone who doped them to take advantage— to be worse than concupiscent rape? one's a violation of your body but the other's a violation of like your entire life. opening up to a malicious stranger could give them the ammo to destroy your relationships, your career, level all sorts of blackmail, yeesh.

    so of course i think this'd be great to happen to erskin. what if an agent of wavebane gets him on the Shopping Expedition Episode, with intent to interrogate him and collect info on his weaknesses and fears and indiscretions and, hopefully, illegal doings. but he gets saved by... someone! bel having to deal with erskin with no filters about his fears and insecurities could be kinda heartbreaking. and a pretty good test of their relationship, like, bel still respecting him after he broke down like that.
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