Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    well hey, while you're doing your own thing, i'm getting plenty of time in playing with myself :^Y
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2015
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  2. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

  3. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    that is walks-into-a-wall levels of interesting to bel's libido :D

    this is drooling-meltdown levels of interesting:


    he likes to be immobilized more than he likes the leather daddy look
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  4. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Noted! I get the giggles around the excessively rings-and-studs thing, esp the chest pieces w rings that are like, nipple glasses. But i am sitting guiltily on the sidelines with horuss when it comes to working-harness sorts of straps and bridles. It's pretty! And pony play does some interesting shit with redirecting function. And the gear looks elegant and meaningful rather than 'your pecs have been naughty and are now in leather jail'. Idk! Fetish stuff has so many different aspects to suit so many different tastes.

    Navy au Erskin /might/ get into a taming-fantasy scenario, in terms of getting off on being the one tied up, but it'd have to be really gently done. 'You're worthy and pretty and i am tying you up to keep you to care for and employ, not to trap and torture.' Might actually help him deal with some traumas? Might actually already be doing that w lainey.

    Being patted between the horns and told he's a good boy who's done a good job isnt exactly a blackrom thing but bel's starting to pick up on how deeply sincere, untrollish displays of regard affect him. Serious, direct Attention he can't wave off or joke around with or redirect to a task. Dont know if that counts as a praise kink? It'd sure keep him off balance, though, which is fun for blackrom.

    Regular story erskin got a service kink installed straight into his conception of flush romance, as well as getting flushed love and sex scrambled up with a chemical high, and is still probably super vulnerable to abuse in that quadrant. He wants desperately to be useful, because being used has such a great payoff, and being alone (bereft, rejected) is such a painful, nightmare-ridden ice hell. Yay, headfuck problems!
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2015
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  5. rainbowbarnacle

    rainbowbarnacle Cat Aggrandizer

    I wonder if genuine relentless, ruthless praise counts as blackrom snark. X)

    All this bondagey stuff reminds me of a neat restraint I saw once when I was writing a thing, where it's basically a big soft leather straitjacket for your arms. For some reason I couldn't find the picture I found a million years ago (it was of a very muscley dude posed a lot like the model below) but essentially it looks like this:

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  6. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    haha nice handbag
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  7. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    *squeaky bel voice* DAD IT'S ART, I'M TAKING AN ART CLASS
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  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    on a completely unrelated note, about bel and galley's thing in the navy au. in this book series, the imperial radch, the ships and stations are very advanced AIs, people, who have 'favorites', particular officers they like. the protag says about it, like, a favored officer's clothes always fit, and their tea never gets cold, and no room is ever the wrong temperature, and the doors to the lifts always open just as they walk up, and the incense they like is always freshly on hand. and all they notice of it is that they're comfortable— more comfortable on that ship than anywhere else.

    galley isn't quite smooth enough, i think, or fawning, and obviously they're trolls so giving each other a hard time is expected behavior even from flush crushes. but i really like the idea that this process happens to bel, as they settle in. foods he likes get ordered and served more frequently, his computers never lag, there's never a lack of blue dye for him to use and it's in his exact cobalt, not the standard caste approximation. the coolers he's near most frequently are stocked with his preferred ice cream and sandwiches. the lighting in the blocks he uses come on as he walks in and to the exact degree he likes. his sopor's always the right temperature and concentration.

    and then—word gets around on the helmsnet that galley (of all ships!) favors him, and he gets marked as a good dude, sympathetic and trustworthy, willing to bend rules unto treason to treat helmsmen as people, and firmly associated with mad aspera— this starts happening on stations he visits, too. he visits somewhere he'd been before, or meets up with a troop carrier he used to go around in, and is like 'wow this place is a lot more pleasant and efficient than i remember'.
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  9. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    in regards to erskin, i like the idea of a silent tug-of-war between captains and abused helmsmen over whether or not they've got to dock at the sunslammer. if that's the carrier that's in the area, tough shit, you'd be subject to suspicion for delaying transport to wherever you were ordered off to. even if the transport's got a reputation for fucking with captains, ignoring chains of command, killing off officers and even ensigns that were later found to be monstrous sleazebags, and confiscating any helmsman who didn't have impeccable paperwork. especially then. so a handful of honorable old battleaxes out there think the sunslammer's a fucking hoot, and the rest of the fleet officers are increasingly sweaty about never getting stuck in the same parsec. and of course the helmsmen are cautiously delighted.

    it's only been a couple sweeps, though, so i think their reputation's just starting to coalesce? probably lets them keep getting the drop on assholes like hardcase with helmsmen like twitch. it'll be harder in ten years, when bad captains dock already prepared for a brawl.
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  10. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ahhh those thoughts make me very happy

    i'm still a little less than fully verbal, but now it's more of a word drought with municipally posted faucet hours rather than the verbal atacama desert. which is to say, i am constructing sentences like that, which are interesting but verge on nonsensical. good enough for rp, methinks, as long as i don't try to do nothing else all day. :D

    and i'm game to focus on the navy au, i've been missing it too! woofs are restful because of the lack of plot, but as a break, you know? ok so i think my problem with being stuck on the navy au is because carmin's situation is of your devise, but i seem to have arranged things so that i need to be the one to describe it, and rather than treating it as a fun writing prompt you have kindly handed me, my brain thinks i'm supposed to read your mind.

    if you could present me with detailed descriptions and data, or even better, just write a scene or tableau for bel to react to, then i think i can get rolling again. i'd planned for bel to come in all big and grumpy and highblooded, so they kinda halfway think he's going to start smashing heads even though they know him by now, but then just sperg out on the rulebook instead. if someone flips out and twitch bounces them off the ceiling that'd be cool too. :D
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  11. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    oh btw, you mentioned dye in bel's exact shade, and that reminds me: i've been using 'cobalt' as a descriptor, but bel's exact shade is ultramarine.


    it's actually slightly more violet than the midpoint equius-blue. but i bet all his uniforms and things have cobalt rather than ultramarine on them, because that's what you can order standard, and he's not vain enough about his blood to order custom-made.

    it's interesting, i hadn't thought about this distinction before -- there's a type of vanity that would care a lot about how his blood is a little bluer than blue, and bel doesn't have that. he does care about accuracy, though, in a particularly autistic way. so if galley was able to get him things that were just that little bit more correct, he would find it a quiet relief, one more puzzle piece in his life that fits perfectly.

    he's vain about his hair, but not about his general beauty; people think he's vain about looking like a movie star, about being big and fit and having a lovely symmetrical face and all that, because he acknowleges it's true. but that's just accuracy. he would find it weird to pretend the truth is not true. it's not a reflection on him as a person, though, and he'll joke about it and shrug it off and it's just not important. in the main rp, he's at the age where he's making some awkward attempts to use it to get what he wants -- usually erskin's attention -- but by navy age he's given that up as embarrassing and not really necessary. but he's vain about his hair, because he takes good care of it and keeps it nice, and also proud of it in a way that's a reflection on being proud of his moirail, because she taught him how.

    that's kind of a theme with bel, how he's not vain/proud of the things he has no control over, like his blood color or his face, but he is sort of innocently proud and showoffy about the things he works at, like his uniforms being tidy and in good repair, and being skilled at martial arts and athletics. he doesn't see anything shameful or unpleasant in preening about one's hard-won virtues. he doesn't look down on others for doing it either.

    it's one of the many things about erskin that confuses him -- how erskin doesn't seem to recognize his own abilities, and doesn't seem to take pride in the ones bel would take pride in if they were his.
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  12. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    hm, i bet by navy-time bel's given up using sapphires as jewelry and decoration, even though they're more high-status, and gone over p much entirely to lapis lazuli, just because it's a more accurate color.
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  13. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yep it's just for fun! i can set the scene and we can get it done fast, or we can just say 'bel handled it, there was a little shouting, twitch threw a guy at the wall and was pleased with herself.' and start from them walking triumphantly back out of medbay. i'd be happy to get back to more erskin/bel/pancho stuff, frankly, because, adorbs.
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  14. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    to be a BIG NERD, sapphire and rubies are the same gemstone, corundum / aluminum oxide, just with slightly different impurities. high concentrations of chromium make for red sapphires, which get called rubies once they hit a certain hue. that's actually one of the cutest jokes about the character Garnet, i think, that sapphires and rubies are the same thing.

    anyway bel would easily be able to find blue-violet sapphires. they can even be cultured, and of course asteroids can turn up with gemstones in them— olivine / peridot's pretty frequent, apparently.


    when stripping asteroids for minerals and metals, they'd commonly turn up nickel and iron and tin, less commonly copper and silver, rarely platinum and gold, i believe. i don't know about zinc or mercury. the minerals would be metamorphic and igneous, varying by the history and formation of the asteroid: whether it was a chunk of magma from a planetary core, or whether it was a bunch of space dust and junk that had just gotten packed together over a billion years... water ice would be a great find, since making water is a nuisance that involves fucking around with your air supply and can also get you blown up. gas ices like hydrogen and oxygen would just go into ship circulation after some scrubbing. toxic and noble gasses would i think be too rare to worry about inhaling but don't quote me. still, the fancier the atom, the less there's going to be of it.

    as for radioactivity, i don't know, it would probably vary by asteroid, but presumably trolls have some way to deal with that, because handwavium.

    i forgot why i was jotting all this down. SCIENCE. science and my huge kink for asteroid mining.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2015
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  15. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i think galley would also be pleased to slot things into place for bel, and to have someone who appreciated precision and correctness, especially the precision and correctness galley was able to supply. not strict adherence to cruel and illogical rules, but being happy that the lights were just so and that all his appliances were maintained perfectly so as to never rattle or buzz and that his clothing orders were quietly adjusted in the make spaces so as to come out perfect and itch-free the first time, and to be perfectly color matched.

    erskin definitely doesn't recognize most of his strengths and talents. he's shitty at introspection, not at all able to make objective assessments of anything, haphazardly educated, and is convinced that he's just barely hanging on to competence by his clawtips. i think he's proud of how hard he works, because he knows that he can compensate for a lot that way, and proud of being there to fix things and smooth the way for people with more technical jobs to do their work more efficiently. and he's proud of his biomes, though he doesn't really understand that the bulk of the credit is on him and not on his crew. he's inclined to see most praise as dutiful ass-kissing, while accepting most criticism as smarter people calling it like they see it.
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  16. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i think that's part of what a kismesis is for -- someone you know would take you down a peg if you were above yourself, so when they praise you or acknowlege your win, you know it's for real.
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  17. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i have long forgotten what clever twist of regulations bel was going to do, but i kind of want to meet carmin if you're up for it.
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  18. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    ok! i think it would be fun if all the ex-infected are as sweet and mellow as bel was— maybe he went down the hardest because reasons but is popping back to normal fastest due to sturdy blueblood constitution. so all the patients are just mildly puzzled about why anyone would be unhappy about anything, in contrast to the regular trolls who are jittery, aggressive, and near-meltdown from the sudden release of more than a week's nightmare tension.
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  19. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    there is excitement and dindins and a punkin puppy, so i may be done for the eve, desolé.
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  20. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i conked out for an hour or two and just woke up. should probably do some work. enjoy your puppy!
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