Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    thought: what if bel's braindamage is he's lost a big chunk of his Rigid Military Self-Control, like, how to stand at attention, salute, parade march, not stim. and he's mellow enough that this doesn't show up right away? like he doesn't even realize it for awhile, till maybe pancho makes a comment or something. i think that could be an interesting development. and nice for bel to eventually realize he doesn't have to re-learn all that stuff because fuck it, the Sunslammer's a life sentence.
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  2. rainbowbarnacle

    rainbowbarnacle Cat Aggrandizer

    ehehehe now I'm thinking how galley might subtly tweak Lu's settings the opposite way--her block is always a touch too warm or too cold, her sopor's always kinda lukewarm and strong smelling, her ablution trap changes temperature on a whimsical schedule, the lights are always a bit too bright or too dim and there's always this inexplicable high pitched "eeeee" ringing sound that nobody can place...

    And then there's the question of whether or not she'd even notice these little things as hateflirting, because she's laid back/lazy enough that she'd rather just ignore these tiny hardships instead of going through the trouble to report them. X)
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  3. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Additional thought, tracking back to earlier stuff, there should definitely be a round of makeouts where Bel sits on Erskin and sadistically tells him every last little nice thing about himself while Erskin squirms around and goes nooooooo! in abject, bonersy humiliation.
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  4. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    if twitch gets to the spazmin first, would she pin her against the ceiling or what?
  5. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i figured bel could just flip her over— to twitch's disappointment— otherwise twitch would happily slam her against the ceiling and then drop her. she's sixteen, she feels frustrated and powerless, she wants an excuse to really hurt someone.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2015
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  6. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    poor murfey should get a visit soon, when bel and erskin aren't still mostly dead and lainey isn't busy drinking whitey under the table. hopefully he's been under sedation while he gets like a million stitches and won't notice that no one's been by to fuss over him.
  7. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    aw yeah, poor guy. i'm a little overwhelmed by my options here tho. maybe i'll just say pancho visited with him offscreen, they get along pretty well.
  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yeah it can wait, no sense in having things get too multiple-choice. i like the plan of snuggles with galley and then maybe trecking back to his own place to snooze with erskin, who is himself pretty under the weather.

    btw are galley and bel at the smooching point of their relationship? IDK how slow i should be having him take this.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2015
  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    hm, it would certainly not be too early for smooching, culturally, so i think it's up to what kind of baggage and hangups this version of galley has or doesn't have. original flavor galley did his whole "i want nothing to do with this sandwich" schtick and then threw himself face-first at bel's face, and while i love the awkwardness of that, i think it had a lot to do with not knowing highbloods as anything but batshit abusive fuckheads. this galley has taken back some control of his situation, and proved he can enforce his boundaries to some extent. he might not dig in his heels the same way. and bel's not being such a slobbery teenage puppy, which probably helps. :D
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  10. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    that makes sense to me. (cool ranch flavor) galley's infinitely more in control of this situation than original version. he can and has blasted a few abusive fuckheads into ash, and knows intellectually bel can't rape him, but at this point he would be so crushed, emotionally, were bel to try. but i think they're well past the point a sleazeball would have gotten tired of faking nice and started pushing for what they wanted, and so galley's feeling as safe as he's able to, probably. i think being a ship with really, really comprehensive monitoring systems gives you a pretty good framework for how trolls go about fucking each other over.

    also, original flavor lu really does her best, but being the ward of a fucked up kid hiding out on a tugboat and getting stoned all the time to deal with her own abuse trauma probably doesn't give you the kind of security of knowing your captain's a perceptive, empathetic sea lord who likes nothing more than to kick abusive captains' teeth in and will personally come scrub the ashes of anyone who fucks with you off the wall.

    i wonder if, hm. early RP lu feels very, like 'do the weird thing! it builds character!' when it comes to throwing galley into stressful situations. 'go be a troll, buddy! get laid!'. i think erskin's a little more 'haha yep, i feel you' when it comes to galley's self-conception issues, and his desire for a safe, defensible, solitary little bolthole.

    he and lu enjoy galley's grossness and dangerous temper the same amount, though.

    erskin is probably never going to stop heckling galley about being a misanthropic, unattractive little goblin, though. that is just how bropals do.
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  11. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i like the idea of them having a cute, circumspect little romance tho. more dates and presents. both of them easing into things. it's adorable.
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  12. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i like it too! i think as an adult bel's far less prone to that whole YOU ARE MY WORLD kind of fixation, and also it's not like either of them is going anywhere. so they can take it slow if they want.

    i'mma go sleep. i figure i must be sick if my pillow is calling to me even though we just got into a smoochy scene. :P
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  13. rainbowbarnacle

    rainbowbarnacle Cat Aggrandizer

    [11/11/2015 12:20:45 AM] rachel roach: hey please consider, galley closing doors on lu
    [11/11/2015 12:20:57 AM] rachel roach: and like, boffing her around, pinching her fingers
    [11/11/2015 12:20:58 AM] rainbowbarnacle: hahahahahaha
    [11/11/2015 12:20:59 AM] rainbowbarnacle: yesssss
    [11/11/2015 12:21:25 AM] rainbowbarnacle: also I got this funny mental image of him doing the "YOU'RE XNSXDE ME" quip again and then she just licks the wall
    [11/11/2015 12:21:38 AM] rachel roach: ahaha!
    [11/11/2015 12:21:43 AM] rachel roach: oh dang, i like that
    [11/11/2015 12:21:45 AM] rainbowbarnacle: >:D
    [11/11/2015 12:21:59 AM] rachel roach: i think galley would get an indignant hate boner from that
    [11/11/2015 12:22:04 AM] rainbowbarnacle: >:D >:D >:D
    [11/11/2015 12:22:17 AM] rainbowbarnacle: maybe she tickles hallways as she goes down them
    [11/11/2015 12:22:26 AM] rainbowbarnacle: she doesn't really know if he can feel this or not but she doesn't care X)
    [11/11/2015 12:22:28 AM] rachel roach: haha
    [11/11/2015 12:22:50 AM] rachel roach: also her rank would be pretty indistinct, wouldn't it
    [11/11/2015 12:22:58 AM] rachel roach: like she's a highblood, so superior to a helmsman
    [11/11/2015 12:23:05 AM] rachel roach: but she's also a subadult junkie stowaway
    [11/11/2015 12:23:10 AM] rainbowbarnacle: mhmmm X)
    [11/11/2015 12:23:11 AM] rachel roach: and can be classified as 'jettison'
    [11/11/2015 12:23:15 AM] rainbowbarnacle: HAHAHA
    [11/11/2015 12:23:17 AM] rainbowbarnacle: oh man
    [11/11/2015 12:23:32 AM] rainbowbarnacle: also no official job or anything--I kind of imagine her floating around the ship being a sort of jill-of-all-trades
    [11/11/2015 12:23:39 AM] rachel roach: yissss
    [11/11/2015 12:23:43 AM] rainbowbarnacle: if stuff needs did she'll do it, no one night is really the same
    [11/11/2015 12:23:51 AM] rachel roach: yeah that's how erskin likes to do
    [11/11/2015 12:23:54 AM] rainbowbarnacle: n_n
    [11/11/2015 12:24:09 AM] rachel roach: oh man it would be cute if she was his assistant
    [11/11/2015 12:24:12 AM] rainbowbarnacle: YESSSS
    [11/11/2015 12:24:24 AM] rachel roach: i mean like! actually! come to think of it, it'd fit— she's indigo
    [11/11/2015 12:24:33 AM] rachel roach: but she's a really young indigo
    [11/11/2015 12:24:39 AM] rachel roach: sticking her in a Cabin Girl position
    [11/11/2015 12:24:43 AM] rachel roach: basically a captaincy internship
    [11/11/2015 12:24:47 AM] rachel roach: would be really fitting
    [11/11/2015 12:25:22 AM] rachel roach: it's just on the sunslammer that involves 80% scutwork and 10% cajoling people around and 10% sitting in a chair folding your paperwork into airplanes
    [11/11/2015 12:25:30 AM] rachel roach: i like this idea
    [11/11/2015 12:25:49 AM] rachel roach: is there an official navy term for cabin boy
    [11/11/2015 12:25:58 AM] rachel roach: captain's.... mate...? sounds gross
    [11/11/2015 12:26:56 AM] rachel roach: lu and erskin would probably be bad influences on eachother in terms of drinking tho, lol
    [11/11/2015 12:27:02 AM] rainbowbarnacle: ooooh god yes XD
    [11/11/2015 12:27:11 AM] rainbowbarnacle: nobody needs faygo hooch
    [11/11/2015 12:31:22 AM] rachel roach: haha
    [11/11/2015 12:33:43 AM] rachel roach: i think arguus would find her alarming
    [11/11/2015 12:33:47 AM] rachel roach: and she would never see him
    [11/11/2015 12:33:48 AM] rainbowbarnacle: awh
    [11/11/2015 12:33:53 AM] rachel roach: or be allowed in lainey's hive
    [11/11/2015 12:34:09 AM] rachel roach: just too erratic
    [11/11/2015 12:34:15 AM] rachel roach: erskin wouldn't feel threatened by that in this universe
    [11/11/2015 12:34:31 AM] rachel roach: cuz she an anklebiter and he's Captain
    [11/11/2015 12:34:40 AM] rachel roach: but probably most people don't see arguus
    [11/11/2015 12:34:51 AM] rachel roach: he is a delicate muffin
    [11/11/2015 12:35:11 AM] rainbowbarnacle: nodnodnod
    [11/11/2015 12:35:37 AM] rachel roach: i like the idea of her being able to transmit emotions too by this point
    [11/11/2015 12:35:40 AM] rachel roach: not just send em
    [11/11/2015 12:35:43 AM] rachel roach: w animals
    [11/11/2015 12:35:54 AM] rachel roach: it'd make her useful to have around the lusus quarters
    [11/11/2015 12:35:58 AM] rainbowbarnacle: yeeeah :D
    [11/11/2015 12:36:01 AM] rachel roach: hell, maybe she just gets assigned to be a stable hand
    [11/11/2015 12:36:10 AM] rainbowbarnacle: that'd be pretty awesome!
    [11/11/2015 12:36:12 AM] rachel roach: lusus area maintenance drone
    [11/11/2015 12:37:16 AM] rainbowbarnacle: eheheh
    [11/11/2015 12:39:30 AM] rachel roach: it'd get her out of the way of scenes when you don't want to play, too
    [11/11/2015 12:40:13 AM] rainbowbarnacle: nodnod! yeah I kind of imagine lu sort of pops in and out of things
    [11/11/2015 12:40:32 AM] rainbowbarnacle: and she greatly enjoys privacy now that she finally gets some, helmsman kismesis notwithstanding X)
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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    now i really want to bring lu in asap, were there things we needed to do first to make things make sense?
  15. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Eh, I think getting rid of Whitey first would be good.

    Btw, I'm thinking of having them kick Sal out at the next station. Like he's just thrown a monumental hissy fit over Bel's attack and how Erskin won't apologize for it, or soothe his pride over how Pancho's better and more popular to him and also of a superior rank, and has just flat-out refused to treat anyone. So maybe Erskin is like 'yeah ok, if Pancho doesn't mind the extra work, we can ditch this guy' and maybe Pancho is like 'wait he was a genuine sadist? yeah let's throw him into the fucking sun'.

    I was thinking that the Sunslammer has their pick of three types of medic: junkies, corpsefuckers, and pain fetishists. The guys that would get kicked off regular ship because, goddamn, yuck, but haven't done anything bad enough to be hung for it. Sal's pretty competent, doesn't fuck/eat/play with dead bodies, and doesn't show up to work high, so he's been their best option for a few sweeps. A rough touch and a reluctance to prescribe painkillers is probably pretty tolerable and benign by troll standards of 'how bad can your doctor be'.
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  16. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    if it would be fun for Pancho to be Sal's boss though we could have him stick around. i think trolls need some grit in their gears for emotional health, probably, and a taciturn, sulky bastard to keep an eye on and lock horns with could be satisfying for her? and also a pleasantly minor problem to be dealing with compared to like, 'aliens could bomb you to ash tomorrow'.

    anyway, erskin's going to be pretty reluctant to seek treatment for his leg for a few days, because of how stretched everyone is taking care of the patients— a big chunk of them would be dangerously malnourished and injured, murfey's probably not the only dude who was mutilating and on a lowblood, repeatedly chewing your arms up could easily be fatal— and if Lu showed up erskin would put off getting treatment for another few days. because starving hornfucked junkie stowaway definitely skips to the head of the line from 'my leg is ouchie'.
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  17. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    we have reggie/itsy to deliver! how did i forget? poor erskin, he needs his dadmom.
  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    as for pancho dealing with sal, i could see her cornering him and delivering an ultimatim: "you keep that pain-kink shit in the respiteblock or i will make your life a hell of boredom and bad smells." she's not the type to make a moral judgement out of it like erskin or bel would; she's a bit amoral herself. but she would see his sadism as unprofessional and counterproductive. he's not doing the job RIGHT.

    oh, and the moment she catches wind of erskin's leg being fucked, she'll be on him to let her work on it, because the captain being avoidably nonfunctional is not acceptable. nothing works if the boss is fucked up.

    she's been sort of spoiled by serving under good officers, now she expects it. :D
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
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  19. rainbowbarnacle

    rainbowbarnacle Cat Aggrandizer

    *SHINY. EYES.*

    (I would like to request that if Sal does get booted, could it be after Lu has had a chance to kick him in the head while in the sickbay >:D I can't decide if she'd do it out of panic or fury or both...)

    (also also I had another little idea that maybe Lu shows up with singed hair and somebody (maybe Sal) makes an executive decision to crop it all tidy and short before she wakes up, which would result in all kinds of fuss I imagine)
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
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  20. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i think erskin's moral judgement here is 'picking on people', not 'eww gross, sex things'. and i'm pretty sure sal's taste for fucking with people isn't even primarily sexual, he's just a fucking grinch. there's trolls on the sweet cutey-pie end of the spectrum and there's trolls on the nightmare jackass end. probably in equal numbers, too.

    as for lu's hair, if it's patchily burnt and all clotted up with blood and sick and horn fragments, and she needs scalp stitches, it'd make a lot more sense to just buzz the mess. seems to me like taking the time to groom hair clean from that level of mess would be really creepily, invasively intimate both for the patient and the doctor.

    a nice brisk 'suck it up, you whiner' seems to me like standard bedside manner for trollish physicians.
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