Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    Is there a way to arrange it where whitey beholds erskin and has startlec 'whoah hold up i have caretaking feels' moment while erskin is like 'i have had a week to get hold of myself and am determinedly treating you like a no good skeezeball who needs to fuck off after payment'
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  2. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i bet there is and we should totes make it happen. did i say whitey runs slaves? i have forgotten making him that much of a sleaze, whoops.

    i have only had an hour's fitful doze tho so i can't with the replying. much sorry. will attempt a sleep now the painkillers are happen.
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  3. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    hmm i thought you'd said he ran slaves sometimes. even if it was just a rumor, i think murfey would have passed it on, because erskin was really desperate to hear some reasons some reasons to break his instinctive trust and adoration of the guy.

    anyway, going to housewarming thing today, don't know how often i'll be around, enjoy your sleeps.
  4. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    What if after snoozes, Bel goes off to where Whitey's ship is docked, and ends up sorting payment out with crew, and Erskin goes back home to Lainey and finds that Whitey's there with her, they passed out in her sunroom playing videogames or something. So Erskin goes and bundles Whitey back into his ship himself.
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  5. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Should Pancho come in next...? I think Erskin probably needs another night of taking it easy, at least. Also in that night he'd figure out that his fins are mostly healed so the disorientation and exhaustion are probably due to his stupid leg. And maybe be a big grouch because he's scared and angry.

    Also, Bel being dopey and peaceful remains super cute.
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  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    yes, sounds good! pancho has been sleeping on whitey's ship, i've decided, so loggan doesn't have to be parted from itsy and the babies. so when bel pays whitey, pancho's got her entourage back right away. or else she could just come into bel's quarters trailed by critters, having decided that whitey keeping hostages is dumb and she won't go along with it.

    anyhow, i hd some rice pudding and suddenly i'm super sleepy again. idk what i'm sick with but it makes me sleep so much omg. so. naps now.
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  7. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    hmmm, i think erskin is likely to recognize itsy as his custodian immediately, since lusii are so individual and also how many little violet griffins can there be. But i just can't figure out what the emotional impact is going to be. shock, disbelief? Caution that he's not just getting fucked in the head by wishful thinking? Rejecting the idea that this is his exact same custodian because what are the fucking odds.?

    Also i was thinking last night, what if, ok, he's seven, leg gets chomped, lusus lost-- eaten, he has to conclude after finding only blood and feathers. He gets a prosthetic, maybe finds out then his ID and stipend are gone. So he sits there for a bit processing all this loss, and thinks-- there is, actually, another a lusus out there close to his color. Who would protect him from further loss. And he goes and swims down to try and court Gl'bgolyb's guardianship. A prince might be good enough as an interim princess, right?

    He comes to a few of his senses several weeks later, a thousand miles inland on the largest continent and heading straight for the center, like a repelled magnet. He spends the next two sweeps in a volcanic salt flat, pinned as far as fucking possible from the ocean as it is possible to get on Alternia. He does not dream. When something the size of a horrorterror tells you 'no', it gets stamped into your soul.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2015
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  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Also now i'm trying to remember if i've written him dreaming in this AU, having any nightmares. it might be an interesting eccentricity if he literally does not dream since being rejected by Gl'bgolyb, like, he wasn't a true heiress, he wasn't up to hearing her voice, and the force of her communication burnt out his link to whatever subconcious collective trolls are hooked up to. no dreams, no sense for ghosts or psychic communication— but, maybe not psychic manipulation, either. it think it'd be interesting if he read as like, 'a vegetable' for psychics and mediums and summoners.

    if he has dreamed before, maybe he has little idle imaginative dreams, but not 'the terrible visions of blood and carnage' etc. it'd probably answer the question, for bel, of why erskin seems to go to sleep curled up anywhere he drops but never seems adversely affected. or maybe pancho notes this because patients not getting enough restful sleep is something she automatically chides people about. what do you think?
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  9. rainbowbarnacle

    rainbowbarnacle Cat Aggrandizer

    oh dang I LIKE that :D
  10. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    wow, i like that SO much! i think pancho might note it, or ask about his sleep habits. bel has less trouble sleeping without sopor than most trolls because he didn't go through the trials, he might assume erskin's the same.
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  11. rainbowbarnacle

    rainbowbarnacle Cat Aggrandizer

    *vibrates happily THIS IS GONNA BE SO MUCH FUN*
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  12. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    oh shit, i'd forgotten— pancho wouldn't really know about erskin's orphan issues, would she? 'my kismesis bawled like an idiot grub in front of everyone because that mutant seatroll hit him in the lusus feels' is not the kind of mean gossip bel would pass on. though maybe he'd have mentioned 'we told your ride he could have full-frontal pedo access to erskin to get him to haul you over here faster', but i don't think he had much time to communicate with her before she hopped on her ride and he got shoved in quarantine.

    would pancho have noticed/known that whitey is interested in going and taking advantage of the captain? i don't actually know how perceptive she is or what kind of info she's interested in gathering about people.
  13. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    she might've picked up some predatory vibes from whitey, but attributed it to "hey a place i can do black market stuff, and now they owe me" rather thank guessing the lusus thing. she's got lots of experience with orphaned trolls glomming onto cute lusus-white critters, but nothing like erskin's issues.

    i'm being vague about where/how she found itsy, in case you have story in mind, but i can improv if you don't.
  14. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    nah, i think the shark tore the lusus up first, in this au, then went after erskin, and when erskin woke up he and reggie had been washed in different directions. but were luckily just as sturdy. i think erskin would have searched up and down the coast as best he could, but by the time he was equipped with a leg for an inland search, reggie would have been like HAHA FUCK THAT about staying anywhere near a beach, dragged himself inland, been found by pancho and taken away. if reggie's wings had been damaged it would really have limited his ability to find erskin from the air. plus, 'i woke up mostly mangled and the last thing i remember is a giant shark biting hunks off my kid' does sort of lend itself to the working theory of 'my kid died and i'm probably going to die too'.

    i think itsy would have been pretty depressed and distracted the first few months, if pancho found her close to when she washed up. and in the course of her medical career itsy might have been really excited to have a look at any highbloods pancho encountered, then gone 'aww' and slouched off each time they weren't erskin.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2015
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  15. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    omg :3

    pancho would probably have noticed she seemed to be looking for her kid, then, and the only reason she didn't put two and two together as soon as erskin reacted was because she was expecting the troll's gender to match the lusus's biological sex. but of course, it doesn't work that way.
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  16. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    man, child-bearing capacity as it relates to sex and gender must be weird for trolls, because it sure seems weird on alternia. i always wondered if equius's aurthour is female sexed, because udders. i wonder if this makes equius, by alternian tropes, an Action Boy. a tomgirl? with a regal feminine lusus to properly model for him the ART of being STRONG.

    p.s please consider trolls beholding the disney princess line and being like 'ah, yes, finally something we can understand, you too venerate your most noble warriors'.
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  17. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i made a noise like a teakettle
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  18. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yknow, pretty much all the disney princess movies save the first few involve girls being told 'no you can't go kick ass' and then proceeding to kick a metric ton of ass, so probably the question trolls would have is 'why do you have to keep reiterating this obvious truth, are your children very stupid?'

    also i personally like the idea of trolls bouncing up and down and cheering for any amount of hyperviolence and then getting frothingly upset and freaked out at romantic coercion, as when the bad guy demands the girl marry him or whatever. ripping someone's head off and playing kickball with it is one thing, but forcing a matespritship? NOT ON.

    so like, the shit jafar pulled with princess jasmine would get troll aladdin an R-rating, it'd be horrifying that was in a kids' movie. it would be like teaching human kids sex ed via a Clockwork Orange.
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  19. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    seebs insisted on giving me codeine cough syrup, apologies in advance for sudden vanishments.
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  20. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    it's ok! i have no idea what to write next. and should be drawing actually.
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