Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ok lemme see so his name was vaziok dasyat

    he was your standard seadweller living in a submarine, shaking down FLARPers for their winnings, getting into fights with sharks


    and he had this matesprit who was an orangeblooded back-alley doctor with a psi talent for fusing flesh


    (they met when Ray Dad got harpooned by a business rival)

    and they were very happy together


    and they decided to dodge conscription to build a crime empire together. like ya do. so heleph did mad science and came up with a way to induce the lusus mutation, thus making them essentially invisible to the drones. he did this procedure on vaziok as well as his two main minions, but while they were still under sedation, a conscription drone (or so it seemed?) came for heleph and took him away. so vaziok woke up no-longer-really-a-troll, but with nothing to stay on-planet for, and he was very. very. angry.


    after rampaging around in a royal temper for a while, he got a message from heleph: he was alive and sort-of-well, in space somewhere, but couldn't say where, his attempts to do so were auto-censored. he had been made into a surgeon-cyborg and was being trained to work on helmsmen.

    vaziok resolved to find heleph and take him back if he has to punch the empress herself in the tit to do it, and at first building his criminal empire in space was a means to that end, but as time passed and he got no closer to finding heleph's location, he settled down to making a shitload of money. the richer and more powerful he is, the more he can poke into secrets, and the better his chances of finding heleph, right? and also, of course, taking him back when he finds him, and protecting him from the revenge of whoever has him.

    don't let his tragic romance fool you. he is an amoral jerk. but he is the kind of amoral jerk who loves one particular coppery smartass more than even money or missiles, and lets his minions sass him mercilessly when he's in a good mood. you know, the fun kind of bad guy. :D
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  2. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox


    what the rp crew are dealing with: 'whitey' the crime boss. he knows his lusus look freaks people out, and uses that. he's a little weird, a little twisted, but tends to keep it out of his business dealings unless things go sour.

    horns: much like erskin's, a bit longer maybe, with a double barb at the point

    height: middling

    voice: smooth and pleasant, gender-ambiguous, occasionally shading into petulantly whiny

    mannerisms: the spoiled prince act is partially a put-on, but it's hard to tell which parts are an act; he'll go from little-lord-candypants to hard-nosed-businesstroll in an instant, but then, sometimes he'll throw a mini-tantrum over the lousy coffee during an important negotiation, so who knows.

    proclivities: has no quadrants but heleph, and doesn't want any. he briefly had a moirail when he was very young, who was killed by a rival seadweller to make some point or other, and has never attempted the pale quadrant since. he won't let anyone tell him what to do, so ashen is right out, and his reaction to opposition is either to negotiate it away or annihilate it, so he's never had a romantic rival. this, by troll standards, probably makes him basically ace/aro even though he has the one bf with whom he was plenty sexual.

    he responds well to flattery and luxury without ever really losing his cynicism; he knows it's not a reflection on his essential quality as a person, but he loves to lounge around on expensive furniture looking pretty in embroidered designer swim pants and acres of gold and pearls, sipping champagne and being told how great he is. he's kind of a cat.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
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  3. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    that is a great story! also, holy shit, those are some gorgeous pictures. also, d'aww, he and erskin have similar horns. which i have no idea how common that is or what it implies culturally, but still, cute.

    maybe it makes more sense for trolls so close in blood to also look very similar in horns and hair? though neither set is close to the condesce's, so who knows. maybe they'd have a much stronger resemblance to the empress if they grew their hair out.... maybe whitey's already done that, to look more impressive?

    it could be kind of striking if, putting the two together highlights their close relation to the top of the heap, like, the three of them overlap in features in ways you wouldn't notice with just one or two. i don't know, i'm just snow spitballing here.
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  4. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ooh, i like. vaziok was always a bit gender-ambiguous, i wouldn't be surprised if he embraced femninity more and incorporated, for instance, heels and lipstick into his look. and clouds of white hair -- freaky, yes, i love it.
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  5. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    the first and last pic are by me, btw, and the rest are by rah.
  6. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    btw because i love the work/show dichotomy look at this


    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    just like, maybe as reference for whitey and erskin's visual effect? idk.
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  7. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    [​IMG] pfffghghf
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  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    heightening the gender ambiguity would also maximize the freaky-lusus-thing, too, wouldn't it? since lusii are gendered by their charges.
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  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ooh, so it would! he does not like to wear shirts, so the lack of boobage would be readily apparent, but combining that with female-coded accessories and mannerisms -- yes, that's just right. he'd be doing it deliberately to induce cognitive dissonance, that's just his sort of thing.
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  10. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    those ground-effect hoverdogs are ridiculous. <3
  11. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i knowwwww. show dogs are such absurd monstrosities, poor little guys.

    if you're not into rp-ing them off to see whitey just yet we could kick around plot ideas and discussion here today. or, if either of them want to drag their feet (wheels?) they could duck into a hallways somewhere for canoodling? i'm pretty sure once after a really fucked up week apart is not sufficient.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
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  12. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i want to do the whitey thing, but i'm having a blockage p much for the same reason i had the blockage last time. someday i will learn to say so and ask for help :P

    i can't seem to keep where-is-everybody-and-what-are-they-doing in my head well enough to make a scene happen. i am not sure what to do about this. switch to whitey and lainey? have whitey be off by himself? have whitey be pestering murfey? help!
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  13. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Oooh, hm. Well, I think it'd be convenient for you to write Whitey from the outside, the way Murfey is. Tuck him into Bel's posts? I'm more interested in Bel's perspective on what's happening, anyway, than Whitey's. I'm shallow and I just like reading about Bel observing Erskin, so sue me.

    I think Murfey was in really bad shape, by the time they got him out, because he was trying to claw eyeballs out of himself and getting his arms variously removed and strapped down could only have stopped that to a certain point. so he probably got a hell of a lot of stitches and sedation and antibiotics, especially if he managed to give himself any gut wounds. I think at this point, only 2-3 nights on from rescue, he'd still be high as globes. I'd like to do a scene with him some time, but not a scene where Whitey's there too, doing... whatever it is he'd do.

    Whitey and Lainey were partying it up, and probably doing their best to extract the maximum amounts of concessions from one another while also flirting and getting wasted. Lainey would definitely have put out if it seemed advantageous, and just been like 'welp!' if it turned out later not to have helped, rather than feeling gross or betrayed. Though from what you said, Whitey wouldn't have gone for it.

    On a tangent, I think Erskin's due to discover he's sexually possessive of Kadros (that'll be fun), but he's certainly not with Lainey and Arguus, outside of being angry and protective if someone's angling to take advantage of them.

    Seadwellers have stronger constitutions than teals, so it would make sense Whitey could drink/smoke Lainey under the table and bounce up the next night significantly sooner than she could, even if she's more of a party type. Maybe Erskin and Bel could find him puttering around in Lainey's hive, raiding the fridge?

    Maybe Erskin gets a text from Arguus like MAKE HIM GO AWAY PLEASE and Erskin gets flame eyes and storms right over. No one hassles Arguus on his watch, even if Arguus is hiding in a completely different end of the hive and the hassling is just 'existing at'.
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  14. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    btw i am dangling erskin's mention of meeting gl'bgolyb very enticingly at you

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  15. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    sounds about right!

    i am super enticed! but idk what to do with it. i will just pet it a little.
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  16. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i just wanted him to explicitly infodump some backstory! he's cagey as hell, it's frustrating sometimes.
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  17. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    bel is super impressed and a little turned on. idiotic bravery does that to him.
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  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i think if i don't take a nap on purpose i'm going to take a nap by accident. much sorry.
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  19. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    spacing people is erskin's favorite threat but he never actually does.
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  20. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    if pancho /does/ manage to mimic erskin, that's potentially a really weird scene for bel's quadranty feelings, isn't it? would pancho conspire with erskin to tease him about it or would it be weird for her too? i think erskin would be 1000% down to tease bel about it and muddy up quadrant distinctions just for fun, especially captain erskin, who's already kind of a debauched bohemian.

    i think he'd answer 'nope!' to the whole, 'would you fuck your clone/twin' and just joke about making out with pancho when she looked like him to fluster bel, but obvs incest and selfcest are very different propositions for trolls, so, i dunno.

    maybe when confronted with a double the gut reaction isn't the standard human, 'we're as related as it's possible to get so that's super gross' but instead like, 'whoah hey, we're literally a perfect match, our slurry's going to be the absolute top quality'. even if each species intellectually knows it doesn't quite work like that.

    if pancho manages to fluster bel and erskin— in that erskin was like 'whoah hey' and she wasn't— i think she could extremely pleased with herself. she would deserve to!
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
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