Erskin is great. It's like, if you have a Slinky, and you spent a week's allowance on this Slinky, and you're super ridiculously excited to watch it do its crazy Slinky thing, and you put the Slinky on the stairs and give it a little push, and instead of doing the Slinky thing, it rolls onto its side and bounces down the stairs like the most worthless bouncy ball ever, and then you try it again like 8 times. That feeling of mixed glee and disappointment when the Slinky does not do the intended Slinky thing is exactly my feelings anytime Erskin does a thing, and it fills me with joy. #oh look #what's that #it's another goddamn analogy #what the devil
Ok, yeah, erskin is pretty great but can we just talk about Spoiler: Recent stuff hot teen dad!bel? Cause holy wigglies batman, bel digging around in the mud looking after his little stupid drone and his little noofing bug-face. And galley just mentally keysmashing. I grinned so so hard. Which is good because i was going to lose my entire shit if otterdad turned out to be dead. Though i cant help but wonder what if someone notices people fixing up the place? Like, youd think someone might still be watching it, and want to know who was poking around. /totally unreasonable levels of worry about these fictional characters.
haha don't give us ideas. (too late you just gave me ideas) (just kidding we already had ideas) Spoiler: recent stuff we weren't expecting Hot Teen Dad Bel to be a thing, it just up and happened, as many good things do. but you know, even if non-jade trolls don't have much of a nurturing instinct, isn't that kind of the ideal flushmate? someone strong and capable of protecting you, but also gentle and kind enough to want to protect you. bel's got enough gentle/strong left over to spend it on a flying wormbaby. that's flush heartthrob territory right there, i bet! aaaaand then he goes and blows it by zooming off in murder mode to give cloris the gift of bullets. whoops.
Idk, honestly that just kind of makes it better imo. Cloris needs every bullet. And its a fun contrast to see bel being spades-hot and hearts-hot back to back like that. Oh noooooooooo!
@jacktrash , you said asking questions was perhaps okay, so may I ask whether any of the boat trolls are canonically autistic? I get serious vibes from Galley and slightly less from Bel. Then again, Galley has other brainweird and pain going on, so maybe my radar is confused and picking up on that. But I've been extremely curious about this.
yeah, galley and bel both are. it's a bit more obvious in the humanstuck verse, where they actually know they're autistic, and can talk about it. but in both verses bel has an easier time passing nt because he's less prone to nonverbal episodes and has carefully studied people so he can read them consciously.
So catching up in the archives... Nnnghrrngh. Dammit pancho how can you be so likable with bel or Lu and then make me almost go black for you with Galley? *grumblehissrant*
Yeah. Spoiler: Emoting about recent update. Is just emoting and not crit, may be ignored. I just well, identify with Galley and have wierd protective feels about him in result, and my brain gives zero shits that he´s fictional. Thus my brain wants to throw a huge pissy freakout weasel fit at both pancho and jethro on his behalf. So basically, stop writing so realistically dammit! (No, don´t.)
She is one of the best villains ive ever read, just fuckin /nasty/ and dishonest and narcassistic and cloyingly awful in every way. Like. Damn fine writing every time.
I don't have anything important to say, just that I'm going to go catch up with what's on the table of contents now. and i care a lot about the boat trolls. all of them. especially Bel. #that's probably obvious by now
we need to talk about elusca pontop and her kitty face mug pranks. the original lemon-stealing whore herself