Boat Trolls

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by jacktrash, May 25, 2015.

  1. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    It was certainly in use in turn-of-the-century sorts of books, I'm pretty sure Alice in Wonderland uses it, ditto the Wizard of Oz. I always thought it was a great word.
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  2. TheSeer

    TheSeer 37 Bright Visionary Crushes The Doubtful

    Boiled frogs.
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  3. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    amusingly, i expect Galley thinks the entire cult of the mirthful messiahs to be the biggest fucking joke in existence. (i could be wrong!)
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  4. theprettiestboy

    theprettiestboy wombatman

    Funnily enough I just made a post about this in sperglord central, and a thing I thought while watching was that I could have found out you were involved in the writing and not been surprised. So like, do recommend once it's out of theaters
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  5. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    So basically, the tunnel dweller needs a combination of a Psych Med Cocktail and an exorcist. (Sigmah does exorcisms, kinda...)
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  6. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet


    - I saw an actual Smew on saturday at a bird garden me and mum had never visited before. It was in fact about the size of a profiterole and it was in the process of bullying a Eider - a much larger duck - off the pond and into the grass. I was so honoured to witness such valour XDD (Male Eiders have slightly similar colouring to male smew, if you totally ignore the weird flat profile and well, everything else. Maybe the smew registered it as GIANT OTHER MALE COME TO STEAL MY GIRL? Mr Eider was not in the least bit interested in his tiny redhead girlfriend. He had his own much more beautiful wife, who was sitting on the grass and watching the proceedings with ducklike amusement :P)

    (Also on the same trip I got to see a red deer stag do the completely ridiculous chasing around of his hinds with his upper lip curled. SEXY :p )

    - And I can back up the 'horrid isn't a word' thing! I read a lot of horse and pony books back in the day, as well as boarding school for girls things because tiny-me read most things and didn't have the aversion to femininity I do now, and I can recall on several occasions either a character getting scolded for using it or else the character themselves cringing because 'horrid' slipped out and 'urgh I sound like a child please no'.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2016
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  7. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    Re-reading/copypasting the most recent space navy pages to a word doc. I am really feeling sorry for poor crazy murderchurch escapee troll. I am also feeling sorry for poor teen!Bel.
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  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yeah bad things happening to bel is like my favorite thing. sorry, jesse!
  9. TheSeer

    TheSeer 37 Bright Visionary Crushes The Doubtful

    Weird question - I know Maalos' player isn't in the game any more, but are they still around? I'm writing fic and I needed a non-canon troll in the background and suddenly cameo, but I'm not sure I should post something like that without permission. (No hurry, I'm still stuck on a scene between what's published and this, so I couldn't post it soon anyway.)
  10. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i don't think that would be a good idea. it's been years, and i don't think that player was very happy about how things were going when they bowed out of the RP. maybe you could use a fantroll generator?
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  11. TheSeer

    TheSeer 37 Bright Visionary Crushes The Doubtful

    All right, thanks, I'll make up my own troll.
  12. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    (shows up several months late with starbucks) I JUST REALIZED SIGMAH'S CAT SMILEYS HAVE SIGMAS IN THEM...
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  13. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

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  14. TheSeer

    TheSeer 37 Bright Visionary Crushes The Doubtful

    Does living alone have a distinctive odor? This claim makes me very self-conscious...
  15. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    I think it was the lack of other people smells to wolf noses.
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  16. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    headcanon: sharon is secretly extraordinary at backflips. :P
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  17. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    The smell of a place changes depending on who lives there! If it's several people, it will smell like them. If it's one person, it will just be them. I can smell the difference in apartments when the composition of roommates change, especially when a man is added or removed. You can also smell if people are related— when I met as adults a woman I'd known when we were girls, her new apartment smelled similar to her childhood home. She smells like her mom, but not her wife, and her apartment smells like both of them. My parent's house smells different if one of them has been away for awhile. A wolf could definitely smell even more accurately who lived in a place and who just had visitors.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2016
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  18. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    As near as I can tell I have an unusually good sense of smell for a person, or at least I pay more attention to the sensory data I get. A lot of people don't seem to have conceptualized home/family smells at all.
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  19. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    I love how the boat troll meta plays with gender in regards to lusii (and in turn, trolls.)

    Also, only trolls: "My mom ate my dad, and she adopted me."
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  20. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    I'm way behind so I'm catching up on Where Woofs, and ahhh i love Coneflower
    • Like x 3
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