I Just Want There to be a possible discussion thread for Lisa. My favourite part of Lisa was... well I had theories about Buzzo before Joyful was released and they were basically all true and made my heart hurt. My Most Problematic Fav. I was surprised by the game when I first played, and how well the character interactions and story arcs were done, etc.
also in the most obscure combination of fandoms ever I will say "let the monster rise" is surprisingly fitting for brad+ buddy. question to promote discussion to any possible people out there who might've played it: who was your first party? + fav character
@Bel Capricorn there is so much that could prompt that response in this game that im just like... yeah haha, how far are you?
i think i was like half an hour in when i made that post, and im not too much further in now...i died fighting the first battle with more than one enemy at once and then i stopped cause i didnt feel like replaying from my last save then.
@Bel Capricorn Yeah there's a very specific order to go in to make you more likely to succeed tbqh. I'd explore the areas and avoid jumping into battles right away. Gain any party members?
im.....trying to wean myself off using walkthroughs, honestly, so the most i looked up about this game was basically "am i doing combat right? yes? okay good". so i have accepted that im gonna fuck up more often than not until i finally crack and google the shit out of everything. i have...the hints guy and the guy who tells long boring stories. i saw some other people who looked like potential party members but they wanted money and i didnt have any cause i saved the hints guy's life. i should prolly see if i have enough money now...
@Bel Capricorn It's not so complicated you'd need a walkthrough, I think. I didn't need one my first play, but I did have to guess at who to go up against and it took me awhile to notice a path I needed that I was overlooking early on. There are some things I might suggest you check out as bonuses in the followup DLC (since they're story-related missables). I will say the game does or does not give you an additional end piece based on whether you Spoiler: condition that is met use joy. But you could always see a video of it after, anyway. Terry Hintz is one of my favourite party members... I carried that dude to the end in my first playthrough. There's actually a ton of potential party members you can pick up depending, but yeah pretty much everyone's first members they pick up is Terry and Nern, like you have.
Spoiler i did use joy once cause i didnt realize i had a choice haha. ill look up the difference after i finish the game i guess.
There's an after the credits scene for not doing that, and also one for playing hard mode. I played the game multiple times because it was an SI of mine, esp back then :p But they don't effect the story mode of the game in any way aside from a post-credits piece upon completion. Well, hard mode has some additions too I think? But I can't remember them all. Minor stuff. Spoiler: just involves what I told you My first run was a joyless playthrough and I used joy during hardmode haha. I didn't know what could lead to alternate ends at the time and I've always just been someone who is weirdly picky about trying to avoid putting characters in peril lol. Most of the missables in the DLC involve a favourite of mine so that's part of the reason I'm like 'the missables....' lol. You'll see. There's so much fun stuff in Lisa. There's probably some questions you have now at this point... I remember I had some. Have fun finding the answers in-story. Jeez.