Breaking Benjamin (NSFW, 18+)

Discussion in 'Swords Across the Styx' started by albedo, Jul 16, 2016.

  1. Benjamin Halverson

    Benjamin Halverson The gales of November come early

    It feels like an eternity, as his heart beats frantically, tearing itself to pieces on the tooth with every pulse. It's agony beyond even comprehending, as his vision goes dark, seconds stretching into hours, into years.

    And then he dies, there on the table.
  2. Yosef Douglas

    Yosef Douglas A plumage of twisted steel

    In that unending second, he feels a man's hands catch his shoulders, a man's dagger-sharp, bloody smile, in the darkened room.

    "Come with me if you want to live."

    He's bright and clear, even as Ben's vision is darkened and narrowed as his brain starves for oxygen. He can see how the man died, all too clearly; his back is gone from shoulderblades to pelvis, as if it was bitten away in one bite from enormous jaws. The shredded remains of his intestines have unspooled out, down his thighs, and he smells of blood so strongly that Ben can taste it.

    "It's your only way out of here," he says.
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  3. Benjamin Halverson

    Benjamin Halverson The gales of November come early

    Ben swallows hard. He's terrified. He's in agony. He'd do almost anything to make it stop, even if he doesn't know what he's getting into.

    Something clicks into place in his mind.

    "Yo...sef?" he asks uncertainly.
  4. Yosef Douglas

    Yosef Douglas A plumage of twisted steel

    Yosef laughs softly. "Mm. Don't worry. You won't end up like the last one," he says, cupping Ben's cheek. "Let me in. It's your only way to live."
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  5. Benjamin Halverson

    Benjamin Halverson The gales of November come early

    Ben hesitates, just a moment more, before he nods. "... do it," he whispers. "... I want to live. I don't want to die here."

    Even if it means letting Veronica win, letting her boyfriend inside him.
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  6. Yosef Douglas

    Yosef Douglas A plumage of twisted steel

    Yosef steps into his skin, into him, taking a long, slow breath with his body. There's no pain anymore. The tooth dissolves into their flesh, as if it was never there, wounds sealing themselves closed, healing, from his chest down to his ankles, leaving only scars and drying blood.

    Yosef opens their eyes, and he smiles. "Hello, darling."
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  7. Veronica Douglas

    Veronica Douglas What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

    "Welcome Back, Love," Veronica whispers, snapping the last of the bindings off of his wrists and cupping his face in both hands. "Missed you."
  8. Yosef Douglas

    Yosef Douglas A plumage of twisted steel

    He smiles at her, hands on her hips, pulling her closer. "I love you."

    He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath, just for the pleasure of breathing.

    "Thank you. I owe you... everything."

    He leans in to kiss her tenderly, with Ben's lips.
  9. Veronica Douglas

    Veronica Douglas What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

    She tangles her fingers in his hair, pressing close, body warm against his. "Love you, Yosef," she smiles, nuzzling at him.

    "It worked. It really, really worked. You're here. You're mine." She kisses him again, harder. "I'm never going to let you go again, Love."
  10. Yosef Douglas

    Yosef Douglas A plumage of twisted steel

    He holds her close, hugging her tight as he returns her kiss.

    Ben shivers at the feeling, unable to ignore the way his body responds to her, the way Yosef slides their tongue between her lips with hungry affection. Unable to stop it.

    "I wouldn't want you to. I'm all yours, forever." He strokes her hair, fingertips trailing over the back of her neck. "Shall we go to bed, love?"
  11. Veronica Douglas

    Veronica Douglas What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

    "God, yes, I've been waiting for this,"she whispers. "Waiting for you. Need you..."
  12. Yosef Douglas

    Yosef Douglas A plumage of twisted steel

    He smiles adoringly, and helps her with the rest of his bonds, before stepping off the rack and stretching experimentally, joints giving low pops as they finish settling into place.

    "I'm here now. Don't worry. Nothing will come between us again."

    Ben is panicking quietly, in the back of his mind, unable to speak.
  13. Veronica Douglas

    Veronica Douglas What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

    She kisses him happily, arms across his shoulders, humming. "Mmmmh. I'd have you carry me to bed, but I think you'll need to get this body more exercise before we can, huh? Ready to go upstairs?"
  14. Yosef Douglas

    Yosef Douglas A plumage of twisted steel

    "Mmm. I don't think it's strong enough." He moves experimentally, cocking his head.

    Ben cringes, trying to fight for control of his body. They talk about him like he's an object, like he's not even there.

    "... Let's go, darling. I've missed you terribly."
  15. Veronica Douglas

    Veronica Douglas What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

    She smiles, leaning her head against his shoulder. "Mmmh. I know, love, I know. It's so good to have you in real skin and bones again..." She cuddles close as they make their way upstairs. "Mhhh. I've been thinking... Yosef?"
  16. Yosef Douglas

    Yosef Douglas A plumage of twisted steel

    "Mmhmm?" He kisses her cheek, squeezing her hand.
  17. Veronica Douglas

    Veronica Douglas What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

    She reaches into her pocket as they exit the stairs and enter the living room, turns to kiss him, open-mouthed and slow, fingers gently tracing the back of his neck, down his spine...

    Then she pulls her hands out, smiling slightly, and holds out a bone token carved into the shape of a ring. "...marry me?"
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