Zarya will probably have the same sexuality as the dev they based her off, possibly? I don't know much about her though except she's probably a cool person if the Blizzard creation staff decided "yes, our Heavy Weapons Tank Specialist will be based off her and it will be GLORIOUS" and it was. Also, submitted for approval: Gay Ana. Artificially inseminated Pharah, which makes the question of "WHO WAS PHARAH'S DAD" moot and suddenly opens the door to ANOTHER ELDER GAY WOMAN WHO'S PHARAH'S MOM NUMBER 2.
Entirely plausible in the future canon that is Overwatch. But also good ol' classic sperm donation from some random anonymous never-to-be-seen male. Who was Pharah raised by? Ana and unnamed other woman. I can kiiinda see that happening with Zarya, but I think they only based her looks off the dev and nothing else, like personality. Like I said, I hope it isn't so because stereotypes, but with what I've seen in the past regarding this kind of thing, it's a possibility.
Blizzard does tend to doing the obvious stereotype, for sure. I vote for "Everyone's bi, poly, greedy, and probably having a big orgy right now".
give me zarya or give me death it can be a stereotype all it wants to but at least if zaryas gay it'll be a stereotype ive ACTUALLY FUCKING SEEN IN MEDIA ( /still bitter over cassandra ) im all here for being a lesbian too though ((who am i kidding i don't think of ANY of the ow girls as straight sorry they ALL like girls now no takebacks))