update: maybe not. i managed to upload a different file and the one i am having trouble with is pretty big (but still within the size limits).
and it turns out that, no, i had misread the size limits and the file wasn't actually within them and that was what was causing the problem. so i fixed the file! :D
Weird, the latest post showed two attached files from my attempts to upload when I posted it, but it didn't show them uploaded at all until I hit post
i really the feature that auto-saves where was in a thread the last time i read it and makes it so i come back to it when i click the thread title (or if i haven't been on the thread in a while, when i click the thread title and then "last unread"). but sometimes, when reading a thread, i skip some pages (on purpose or accidentally) and it messes the auto-saving up, makes it go where i don't want it to. so, is there a way to add a manual-(un)save feature alongside it or otherwise manually change where it's saved when i don't want it to go to the actual furthest page i've technically read to?
Exhibit A on why we need this :p (Top Serket, ITA, XX/XY, argument forum and Witness Me) (Separate thought: would it be a good idea to make Brainbent private since it contains venting people might not want public?)
I thought that was the result of the chat about triggery stuff in the status posts? That way it wasn't immediately visible, and could be more easily avoided.
No, I'm pretty sure the result of that was just "don't put triggery stuff in the status bar" and an argument island thread (DO NOT REHASH SAID THREAD HERE THANKS). I'm not aware of any SITE changes being made in regards to that issue.