So apparently you can only send a PM to five people at once? This is kinda annoying and I'm not sure why it's there.
Better kerning on spoiler tags? "Fancy cheer ups tailored for Mr. Luka" becomes "Fancy ch∞r upstailored for Mr. Luka"
I have an alert that says Jesse liked one of my posts in the CAA thread. When I click on it, it takes me to page 521. I can't find any of my posts on that page. Am I missing a post of mine or is this a bug?
You do have a post at the top of page 522, which I'm guessing is what the alert is referring to thanks to pagination shenanigans.
For whatever reason, the lovely "click the title to go to the first unread post in the thread" thing doesn't seem to be working for me anymore. I assumed at first I was just being forgetful and had already read things, but no, there's the "Go to First Unread" button there once I'm on the first page. It's odd, and inconvenient, but alerts still work, so... I dunno.
Seems to be working now. Might be a problem on my end, then. Would also like to ask, while it's in the early stages, about having Likes turned off for the Island of Discussion subforum. I know it can be done individually like that, and it seems... valuable? It means that people outside the discussion can't weigh in without posting (which they're already discouraged from), which removes an avenue of making people feel dogpiled, maybe? Not that I'm seeing it happen, I'm just aware that it was important to do elsewhere for similar reasons and want to suggest it before it has a chance to make anyone feel poorly, if it's not too hard to implement? Support can still be offered with PMs, but that way if someone ends up in the less-approved position they don't have the added "no one agrees with me, I'm terrible, oh no" concerns? I dunno.
Seconded. Edit: clarification of opinion: I am concerned about dogpiling via likes. Dogpiling is one of the key problems that is trying to be solved by that subforum. I do think there is value in likes being used by the participants as a method of acknowledgement/understanding. So I do not strongly feel one way or the other, so I think I am going to trust the judgement of the mods on whether disallowing likes for the subforum is more or less helpful. I do think it is a thought worth thinking and should possibly be mentioned in the guidelines of the subforum.
That's fair, it's an easy way for people involved to indicate sympathy or agreement without having to write a post to do so. Disabling them entirely may not be ideal, or necessary, but I know it was a thing on Sufficient Velocity's appeals forum to stop swaying or encouraging votes, and while that system is very different it's also... not always so emotionally charged? It's just a vote, as much as strong feelings can come out, the people involved aren't invested. Being invested, I dunno, feels like it could make everything a lot harder to distinguish.
I agree in that turning the likes off should be considered. God knows I would be tempted to like someone's posts to show my support. And if I was in a conflict, I would take people liking the posts of the person opposed to me as a "we agree with them and therefore we like them more". Whether that in itself is true in reality, is immaterial to me.
Okay, I have turned off "likes" in that forum, at least for registered users (I think admins may still be able to, but I think we can remember not to maybe?). I don't think that will remove the existing likes, but it should be done now anyway.
Realizes I should put it here: turning off a public view count for that forum might also be a good idea. Reduces the sense of being in a cage match.
The island forum is currently visible to guests. Can we get that hidden like some of the other sensitive topic forums?
Should now be hidden. I don't think we can control the visibility of thread views, at least, not in an obvious way.