Because I have always been annoyed that green dragons/green firelizards essentially get "slut shamed" for going into heat and (in the case of the firelizards) not taking care of their eggs I've developed the following headcanon: Gold firelizards are territorial as fuck and actively predate on other female's clutches. (we know the little guys are cannibals if you don't distract them with food that isn't their brothers/sisters when they hatch.) This is especially the case when it comes to green female clutches. Since the smaller greens don't form fairs of their own, but do go into heat/fly, their eggs get gobbled up by the gold/possibly the rest of the fair. They *do* attempt to hide their clutches, there might be solitary greens or greens with one or two "followers" willing to help protect the clutch, but they often end up abandoning them for one reason or another (such as being driven off by/joining a gold fair.) Also, I have never understood the excuse for not letting green dragons breed. "They'd produce small beasts." Um. At the point of the story? The small beasts would have been the size of a bus at the least. (Because I don't think they would would have been Ruth-sized.) Three or four greens held back from being fighting dragons to produce clutches might have been a good idea to get as many riders in the air as possible? I'm just saying.
out of curiosity, did they ever say why the colonists left the southern continent for the northern one? i know it was after they learned about thread but i don't remember the reasoning behind it
If i remember correctly, it was to allow the grubs they'd genetically engineered* time to spread out and populate the continent. *Citation Needed.
iirc, it was because of two things- there weren't enough dragons and aircraft to protect all the land they'd need to since everyone was so spread out, so they all gathered at Landing. Then the volcano started erupting, so since whats-is-face and Telgar found the cavern that became Fort Hold and had already started preparing it as a Thread bunker, they decided to move there.
Also, the northern continent had more cave systems and ground rock that is not affected by volcanoes and earthquakes, making it better for the sake of surviving thread.
My Anne McCaffrey books. You can see how the Masterharper of Pern has lost its spine and is falling apart O_O;;;
You know something I've never seen addressed that was in the books? That apparently sexual thoughts and behaviour while a dragon is young affects them negatively or something. I think this was in Red Star Rising actually, and was always weird.
well if that aint just creepy as hell "oh we only let very young pubescent children impress dragons. btw No Sexy Thoughts now, kiddies. you'll fuck up your dragon and it'll be YOUR fault. what do you mean hormones are a thing right now?" how the fuck does that even make sense. you'd have to have pre-pubescent kids impress, well before they're likely to start puberty, and that adds even MORE squick because the dragons would reach sexual maturity before their riders even got to the meat of their own sexual development bad Anne, bad! if you want to write creepy underage noncon statutory rape you have to TAG that shit
well that or only asexuals who never feel any sex drive could be dragon riders :/ *edit* to clarify: that is still a REALLY BAD IDEA and i have no idea what the fuck Anne was thinking
exactly! still a REALLY BAD IDEA but hey "at least our precious dragons didn't get hurt while they were growing up. what rape?"
just...another goddamn That Is Not How Gay Works, Anne moment except with...whatever she was thinking behind this bullshit That Is Not How Asexuality Works, Anne That Is Not How Puberty Works, Anne That Is Not How Human Development Works, Anne That Is Not How Sexuality In General Works, Anne
To be fair, my sexual development was "That's gross" until about 18-19, it is POSSIBLE to have someone who is roughly ace in that time period and sexual later on, it's just extremely uncommon.
It still makes no sense as a general thing. For starters, why does it fuck up dragons? I can't get over that. Is it just that being intimately linked means that they are too young, children, who wouldn't be able to avoid sexual content while being too immature and unprepared and thus be traumatized in some form? Ok I just squicked myself.
Yeah. Dragon sexuality doesn't work anything like human sexuality, so they could just be like "human is feeling weird human feeling that I don't really understand, must be Tuesday."