Camp Half-Blood

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by chaoticArbiter, May 1, 2016.

  1. North Windbag

    North Windbag Jack, child of Boreas

    Jack shrugged. "I think it counts. Wordsmith and all that, right?"
  2. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    Adara giggled a bit. "I can kind of relate. My dad isn't like that, but my mom was...well, overbearing is one way to put it." She sighed again, then shook herself mentally. Now was no time to be thinking about her mom and the past. "I feel for you, is what I'm saying. But yeah, Demeter seems like the overbearing type, from what I know of...things." It didn't too well to talk too badly about the gods or discuss their myths too often--you never knew who'd take offense to that, particularly the myth of 'Hades kidnapped Persephone'. Even if she was the daughter of Hades's most loyal subject, she didn't want to risk pissing him off.
  3. Auden LeBlanc

    Auden LeBlanc Son of Hephaestus, great-grandson of Clio

    "Yeah, I guess," Auden smiled at them. "That's why I named myself Auden."
  4. "Parents, huh."
    She sighed.
    "She is, trust me. I swear, sometimes I think our plants are spying on us."
  5. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    "Jeez. No privacy type of parent, huh?" Adara grimaced. "At least my dad's not like that."
    • Like x 1
  6. North Windbag

    North Windbag Jack, child of Boreas

    "After the poet, right? I know a couple of his poems, they're good."
  7. Auden LeBlanc

    Auden LeBlanc Son of Hephaestus, great-grandson of Clio

    "Yeah," Auden said, "I guess I could have also called myself "Wystan" or something, but "Auden LeBlanc" sounds best."
  8. "yeah, it's bad."
    okay, moment of truth, here, Larkspur thought.
    "Least she won't freak out that I'm gay, cause I sure as hell couldn't hide that from her, and if she did..."
    Larkspur's internal monologue became a long string of please please please.
    • Like x 1
  9. North Windbag

    North Windbag Jack, child of Boreas

    "Wystan just sounds funny," Jack observed. "Auden is a better name."
  10. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    Adara nodded, then registered what Larkspur had actually said. "O-oh!" She's gay too? Did she actually have a shot at this? Oh gods, well, that just made the stakes even higher...she had to make a good impression on this girl if she was going to have a shot at actually dating her and--oh no, she was just walking in silence and Lark was probably thinking that she was about to be rejected. "I-I mean! That's totally fine! I get it! I mean--not in the, like, 'oh I'm straight but it's totally cool you're gay like as long as you don't hit on me' kind of way because that's really gross and awful--but I mean--what I'm trying to say is, I'm also gay, I mean, not that my dad knows, I don't think, pretty sure he doesn't pay that much attention to me--but my mom knew! I--anyway, so, yeah, it's....uh, it's cool, is what I'm trying to say. Uh. Yeah." She shuffled her wings again, trying to hide the blush creeping up her cheeks again. Gods, why did she have to be so awkward?
    • Like x 1
  11. Auden LeBlanc

    Auden LeBlanc Son of Hephaestus, great-grandson of Clio

    Auden grinned at them again. He was doing a lot of grinning. "So- what sort of stuff do you listen to?"
    Last edited: May 1, 2016
  12. North Windbag

    North Windbag Jack, child of Boreas

    "All sorts of things! Books, podcasts, some plays... Right now I'm listening to some short stories by Neil Gaiman. What do you like?"
  13. Auden LeBlanc

    Auden LeBlanc Son of Hephaestus, great-grandson of Clio

    "I mostly read books, and listen to music. And also I write fanfiction. And read fanfiction. And like. Try to write fanfiction and fail a lot, I dunno."
  14. For a second, Larkspur was upset as Adara babbled.
    But then, oh thank gods. She had a chance! And Adara was blushing and doing the wing thing again, which was too cute for words, and just YES.
    "Oh, that's cool. Uh, yeah, parents. I doubt the god ones really care at all, you know. Human ones can be, uh, terrible."
  15. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    Adara exhaled quietly as Lark talked about parents. Thank the gods, she hadn't completely ruined everything by babbling for way too long. "Yeah, you can say that again," she agreed, ruefully. Then she realized what she was saying. "I mean--my mom was fine, that is, I just had some friends back home who, uh, didn't have such great parents." No one at camp knew what her mom had really been like before she'd run away, and she intended to keep it that way. "But you're probably right, the godly ones are super unlikely to care. Not that my dad ever pays enough attention to really know, but he probably wouldn't care if he did."
  16. There was something about how Adara said it that made Larkspur wonder, but she cut that off. Prying into the cute girl's past was a bad idea right now, probably.
    "Be pretty hypocritical of them to care, right?"
  17. North Windbag

    North Windbag Jack, child of Boreas

    "I'd like to read it. Um. If that's okay with you? I don't know if, if you're comfortable with that. Sorry if I'm being too intrusive." Jack looked to see if Auden looked at all annoyed.
  18. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    Adara grinned. "This is very true." Thankfully, Larkspur hadn't seemed to notice anything odd about what Adara had said about her mom, for which Adara was grateful. She really didn't want to share her whole past right now, and she certainly didn't want Larkspur to be scared off by 'hey my mom was totally abusive and sometimes I have freak outs and flashbacks and stuff'. The only person who knew she had....issues of any kind was Jack, who could be trusted not to spread it about camp, and she wasn't about to tell a potential romantic partner about it all.
  19. Auden LeBlanc

    Auden LeBlanc Son of Hephaestus, great-grandson of Clio

    @North Windbag said:
    "I'd like to read it. Um. If that's okay with you? I don't know if, if you're comfortable with that. Sorry if I'm being too intrusive." Jack looked to see if Auden looked at all annoyed.
    They want to read my fanfic. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh mygod Auden let out a vaguely meow-like noise. "Um, I mean, yes, that'd be awesome. Have you watched RWBY?"
  20. Larkspur laughed a little bit.
    Frankly, as overbearing as Demeter was, at least ONE parent didn't feel like her existence was ruining all of their life plans.
    They began to approach the lunch area.
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