Adara considered as they approached the lunch area. "So. Think Chiron'll care particularly if we all just camp out at one of the tables, like maybe the Boreas table, or my table?" The campers were typically expected to sit according to their cabins, but rules were more lax when summer camp was out. "Hang on, lemme ask Jack which table he wants to sit at." She trotted up to hover next to Jack. "Hey, sorry to interrupt this conversation, but do you wanna sit with me and Larkspur at my table? Also, hello," she added to Auden. "Er, I don't know your name, but I'm Adara."
"I'm Auden," he said. "Your wings are really, really cool." Fuck. That's not what he'd meant to say. "I mean, cause, you know, I don't see many people with wings. And stuff."
Jack claps their hands over their mouth to keep from making a similar noise. Auden is too adorable. This is going to end badly. "I haven't," they said belatedly. "What is it?"
Larkspur shrugged to Adara's question. After a bit, she followed her over to the other two. "hey," she said.
Adara looked at him, blinked, a bit caught off guard, then smiled. "Thanks! Most people think they're weird, because people weren't meant to have wings or whatever. But I like them." As Larkspur came up to them, she added, "In any case--you and Jack down for sitting at my table with me and Larkspur? It's the, um, Thanatos table." She waited to see what Auden's reaction to that would be, because not everyone reacted well to 'child of the death god'.
Oh my god I can ramble about RWBY at them. Okay, Auden, calm the fuck down, and don't start ranting too much. "Okay, so, it's set in this universe called Remnant and there are Grimm which are these giant monsters and they're evil and there are no gods which I guess makes sense, but there are super powers and giant, giant guns and guns that are also swords and it's really cool and sometimes sad and the episodes are short and you should watch it. With me. Would you like to watch it with me?" Shit.
Auden promptly ran out of words and began flapping his hands. Also meowing. I should probably stop acting like a cat. Oh well.
Oh no. Oh no. "That's adorable," Jack blurts. "You're adorable." No no no why can't I have impulse control like everyone else?
Larkspur giggled a bit. Whoever this was clearly REALLY enjoyed whatever they were talking about. It seemed nice.
Adara shrugged and just assumed that Auden was good with her being a kid of Thanatos, and grinned. This was probably the best reaction she'd ever gotten, since Jack's, at least. She turned back to Larkspur, walking a few steps behind Jack and Auden so she could walk with Larkspur. "So, I'm assuming we'll either sit at Jack's table--the only other person who'd be there is Aria, their sister--or my table, since I'm the only kid of Thanatos around." Oops. She'd just mentioned her dad's name. Oh dear. time like the present to find out how Larkspur would react to that.
"Noooooo I'm nooooot, you're adorable," Auden blurted. "Shit." He blushed scarlet, for the first time in this conversation. "Hi."
Apparently Adara's dad was Thanatos. Welp, apparently there was a theme for Demeter kids, and that theme was attractive death related people. Awesome. "Works for me," she said.
"All right, cool." Adara breathed a sigh of relief when Larkspur didn't freak out on her over her dad being Thanatos.
Jack presses their hands to their face. "Oh noooo...." Adara is going to tease the fuck out of me. "You're cute. You're really pretty. Stop being pretty."
"I mean...I usually get a calzone, so I'll probably just go with that. Spinach, specifically. Because...I like particular things, and have a lot of texture problems and taste problems around certain foods, so. Yeah. I eat pretty much the same thing every day, split off a little piece for my dad, and then eat the rest." Adara shrugged. "What about you? What do you want?"