@Deresto Take care of yourself. Should be a fun challenge first and foremost for when you feel like it. Look after yourself. Eat, drink, rest and if you don't want to sleep just do something chill that lets you relax, like watching something familiar, or whatever you like to do.
So, the reason i havent been doing the thing is ive recently started a new mood stabilizer and its kicking my ass, and probably will continue to kick my ass for another week or so til my body adjusts. Im not abandoning the thing and i still really love drawing pokemon, ive just gotta take a break :)
@Briar thanks, i have been! It turned out my new meds were causing my blood pressure to shoot up dangerously high and when i stopped them a few days ago i got a lot better very fast -_- my doc switched me to depakote though so i may have to take another break once they get in and those start.