Catching all 151, er, 368, er ... a lot: The Pokemon Infodump Party!

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by An Actual Bird, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    that's really why i like heartgold and soulsilver best out of all the games so far, b/c your pokes walked around with you and you could interact with them outside of battles.
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  2. Leegle

    Leegle Electric Beagle-loo

    So apparently the trailer for Sun and Moon is going to be dropping at 8 AM EST/5 AM PST tomorrow. And I would have stayed up to see it (I've got a nocturnal schedule), but I learned I have to go to the dentist at 11 in the morning, fffffuuuuuu.

    I guess I'll go to bed early and watch it while I wait to get my teeth examined instead.
  3. Alska

    Alska Well-Known Member

    The starters are all so fucking cute im dying. This is actually the first time since gen 1 that im honestly going to have a tough time deciding between the three and i am completely in love with the Moon legendary(the Sun one isn't bad either though)
    (SPOILERS- starters and legendaries)
  4. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    the starters are fugly ::/
    (i'll take the plant owl)

    and im so going to play moon.
  5. missoyashirou

    missoyashirou Someone please give me a tiny dog to play with

    Am I just jumping the gun with assuming the setti g is Pokemon-Hawaii? Aloha region seems really Hawaiian but normally the regions aren't so on the nose?
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  6. Hobo


    YES on HG/SS being the best because of the pokemon following you. I'm actually kind of stunned they haven't used that again, it was great.

    Normally I would be all over the moon legendary, but IDK... I prefer my bat pokemon to actually have bodies, so it's hard to choose. The sun one is pretty good, but bats are cooler than lions. M'tears. Choices are hard!

    That said, I'm team Rowlet all the way. Unless the evos are shit, I'm all about cute and round owls who spin their necks 180 degrees to look at you. Litten is pretty cute, though.

    @missoyashirou I don't think you are, that's the distinct impression I got as well. It's really not subtle at all.

    Edit: Look at this cute motherfucker.

    [​IMG] HOOO!
    Last edited: May 10, 2016
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  7. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    the owl is cute, but I think I'd go with the fire starter, it's kinda got an ugly-cute thing going on. not sure about which legendary I like better
  8. Socket

    Socket fuzzy tabletop goblin

    the owl starter has captured my heart (it's so round! its little face! it can turn its head all the ways!) but, generous soul that i am, i've promised it to my girlfriend (because we always get different starters from one another) and am getting the lil fire cat instead. is it too soon to guess at a fire/dark evolution?

    also, unrelated to the sun/moon announcement but like

    i've had this thought for years: unlockable trainer class outfits would be the best thing. except you have to fulfil requirements to earn them? (like catch however many number of bugs for a Bug Catcher outfit, then even MORE bugs/all the bugs for Bug Maniac, etc??) i just want to be able to wear ace trainer outfits. ace trainer outfits are always so good and i'm mad that i can't wear the Kalos ace outfit...
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  9. Leegle

    Leegle Electric Beagle-loo

    YOOOOO that trailer was so awesome! Or should I say *those* trailers were so awesome, the Japanese one was so friggen cute. ;3;

    None of the starters particularly wowed me but BOY AM I STOKED ABOUT THE LOCATION. I never would have thought it was going to be Hawaii-based, but just from the gameplay footage it looks so amazing.

    I just don't know how I'm going to be able to wait six months to play it FFFFFFUUUUU
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  10. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    i hope i can deal with the camera movement tho, or if its not autorotate based on location (EFF YOU LUMIOSE CITY; EFF YOU) but instead you can control it via shoulder buttons, or shut it off altogether
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  11. Leegle

    Leegle Electric Beagle-loo

    Okay I retract my earlier statement, I'm starting to warm up to the starters. That little clown seal and bowtie owl... My heart.

    This also reminded me of how BEAUTIFUL these 3DS Pokemon games are. I've been playing the older DS games and working on my living dex, so I've gotten used to the sprites and 2D environments again... At this rate I'm going to be totally stoked just to go back to Kalos and updated Hoenn. 8D
  12. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    *quietly sits in a corner playing pokemon yellow on virtual machine and nattering about youngsters* (jk)
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  13. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    The owl is so friggin cute. I hope they don't botch the evolutions this gen like the did with Unova (and Kalos to a lesser extent). I actually quite like the kitty too--looks kinda alley cat and fire/dark isn't a bad typing. Flying/Grass has a nasty 4x ice weakness, but some nice resists and immunities to ground, water, and fighting. The seal is so doofy looking. i want to see where they take the evolutions.

    Basically I'm stoked. The pcs look a little older, so I hope they're doing a more involved story like in BW. Team Flare was a let down after Plasma and Galactic.
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  14. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    i hope we dont get too much information, kalos and oras apparently suffered from critical oversharing (i kept myself from most spoiler, bc i want to experience the games by my own)...

    also, i think i figured out how to implement a dynamic badge order. my hugest problem were the routes - after all, they get progressively more higher leveled as you advance in the game, because you need stronger opponents to level!
    but if we have vast sprawling routes with the base routes being lowlevel, then i can add map portions only accessible via HMs and HM combos, which have progressively stronger pokemon and trainers ::D
    so standard travel is secured, you can get around without being too good of a trainer, but the deeper you go into the wilderness, the more difficult it gets ::3
    (and to reach victory road at all, you need all HMs)
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  15. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    I've seen that pulled off really nicely in a couple of fangames (Pokemon Reborn and Rejuvenation). Though they still had a set order of badges, it felt like the hms were letting you get a lot deeper in the world whenever you got one. And seeing all the tantalizing pools of water, rocks, or rock climb slopes did give the sense that we were in a really big world with lots to discover.
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  16. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    okay so i loved litten, and loved the owl, but really got attached to litten.

    however i am really not a fan of the 3d games
    i dont really like the 3d, and was really hoping they wouldnt do all the next games in 3d
    i want my sprites baaaack :C

    that being said, the only game i played all the way through was white, though i started x, and AS, and white2, i didnt get attached to them, and shit kept happening that made me avoid them for a while. (reset and lost a team member, something else happened in each of them) also i always picked the wrong starter because of reasons.
    (my brother and i get opposite versions to each other, and dont pick the same starter. he almost always picks fire, which leaves (heh) me with a type disadvantage every single fucking game.)
  17. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    I love all of the starters, but if I don't get the kitty cat starter my inner child will have to kill me. I am really tempted to have some kind of set-up or trade thing going with my friends so I can have all 3 starters on my team. or at least have the kitty and the owl.

    also fuck yes trainer customization is back
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  18. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    man i really need to get a 3ds. i still haven't gotten to play x and y and now there's another new game. also i'd totally play sun with litten (unless the evolution line gets kinda ugly/there's an overabundance of other cute fire types to pick from) even though i usually go with grass so i can have double the cats on my team.

    double also: @Imoyram you should consider giving HG/SS a shot! having your pokemon follow you around the whole game and respond to you and get closer with you as you talk and play with them makes the game so much more rewarding and fun than any others i've played so far. also chikorita is the cutest little dino grass type starter you could ever wish for.
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  19. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Whered you think I got the idea from ::3 havent touched the game in a few months due to time reasons (need to catch up again urgh), but i pride myself on a nearly 100% item catalogue and a 1.7mil house rating with my main character ::3 (and a beautifully outlaid town that i need to hack to get the damn rocks that fuck up everything somewhere else, but alas, no 2ds/3ds with that low of a system version)
    nighttime is quite quiet, though (unless you go for night owl, but i have so many flowers that i need beautiful town), and i really wanna go for to almost two different storylines between day and night.
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  20. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    @Dist you're definitely not alone there. Most people I know who are still fans and grew up with Pokemon want them to shake it up. Personally, I'd be happy with a sequel/continuation of Colosseum/XD that was story focused. Or something that's more RPG, with maybe at least a E10 (though T would be preferable) rating. Idk how much you've read of this thread, but if you really want to play a difficult, story driven Pokemon game, check out Pokemon Reborn and Rejuvenation (same site).

    plz someone play those games so i can talk to someone about them
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