Catching all 151, er, 368, er ... a lot: The Pokemon Infodump Party!

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by An Actual Bird, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    I got a wild geodude without leaving my room!... there is a growlithe somewhere in my area but i dont feel like out anymore :(
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  2. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    Wild Pokemon just keep wandering into my apartment. I just caught an Eevee in my living room.

    And it appears someone has put Lure Modules on two of the Pokespots at the park across the street but I would have to put pants on to go check that out.
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  3. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    Eeeeeee I finally got an Eevee (my fav)!!! I can't wait to see what it'll evolve into, since you can't choose. I'd probably be okay with anything.
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  4. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    Theres an eevee too!! Aaaaaahhhh!!!! :shynautica: i want to go out and catch them but i dont at the same time. I just got back from grocery store

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  5. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    oh my fuck a teen in wyoming found a dead body floating in a river while playing go. he might've never have been found if go wasnt a thing
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  6. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    are the same height

    if that doesnt fucking making you scared of swalot. then consider this
    D8 D8 D8
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  7. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    the biggest Gourgeists can be the same size as deoxys
    this thing
    can be fucking 5'7" tall
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  8. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    I was so close to catching an eevee and then I think the ball rolled away?? I do not know

    this is so exciting

    I've never played Pokemon before

    I just ran around in the rain catching pokemon, I'm soaked, this is awesome
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  9. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    sadly, i am currently not in possession of a device that runs pokemon go .._.."
    once i have acquired one, i shall join you.
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  10. paladinkit

    paladinkit brave little paladin

    pokemon go is the first time I've ever been excited and wanted to get into a pokemon game for any reason other that the one time I played like two levels of a game on someone's handheld thing to make them happy!

    it's just deeply amusing to me that I was the target demographic at the height of the first wave of pokemon craze and I managed to nearly completely avoid it until now
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  11. missoyashirou

    missoyashirou Someone please give me a tiny dog to play with

    Yahahahaaaa, I figured out what combination of things I had to delete on my phone and found a compatible SD card so I can actually finally get the game without crashing my phone and render the keyboard inaccessible. Now I just need to wait until I head home before I can try again with this thing.
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  12. missoyashirou

    missoyashirou Someone please give me a tiny dog to play with

    So far up to level three, including a Paras. I wonder when the plans are to get other regions besides Kanto because holy shit I would like a Sylveon or a Flaafy. I love obnoxiously cute pink things with high special attack. Sadly large lack of mons at my apartment, but there's two Centers less than a mile away, so that's fair.

    Also, found a local gym but it's locked down by Team Valor. I was hoping to join Team Mystic, but I'm down to clown with Valor if it's just them or Instinct in this town.
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  13. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    I joined Mystic because blue and also because Mystic had the gym at the park... just in time for said gym to get taken over by Valor. :psyduck:

    [UPD8: Mystic just took back the gym in the park AND the one down the block Instinct had! :D]
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2016
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  14. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I joined mystic because I liked it best, and I'm convincing the neighborfriends to join it when they hit 5 :333

    I missed at least two because the gym up the road has been both red and yellow, but I don't know who >:[ so clearly the solution is to go up every time they reclaim it and hope to find the Other Nerds
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2016
  15. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    :D :D :D
    sooooooooo I got it working!!!!
    and now my team so far is: Harry the Charmander, Birb the Spearow, Aggie the Rattata, Spike the Weedle, and Carrie the Kakuna.
    I do not have a set naming scheme...
    I hope they include other gens eventually, so I can get a Pumpkaboo. they are so good and fat. fat ghosts are important.
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  16. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    I encountered at least half a dozen other people playing Pokemon Go out in the woods this morning! Haul: the usual Pidgeys and Rattatas, a Weedle, a Caterpie, a Paras, a Clefairy, a Zubat, and a Magmar that was just hanging out under a bridge.
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  17. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I did not know Pokemon could run away from battle

    Farewell sweet Pikachu, I hope we meet again!
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  18. Ryncoon

    Ryncoon Well-Known Member

    I'm in Canada and I'm so. Goddamn. Jealous.
    Soon, my pretties! Soon!!
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  19. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    Went to the park to hit the Pokestops and the gym...

    Me: Glad there aren't any Zubats running around this morning--oh hey, that egg I got yesterday is hatching--

    Freshly hatched Zubat: SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER

    I named it "TXMosquito."
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  20. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    Last night my brother took me downtown to the park and someone had put some lures on the pokestops there. We almost walked all the way around the lake but we ran out of time. I caught a ton of pokemon and also met* like 15 people who were playing. xD

    (*read: saw them on their phones and had a small conversation that went like this "pokemon?" "pokemon!" "cool!" "yeah!")
    • Like x 6
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